
Standard Jobs with Multiple Interview (JMI) metrics are now available in Analytics

What’s new?

Nine new metrics and five new ratios providing insights into Jobs with Multiple Interviews (JMI) are now available in Bullhorn Analytics:


  • Jobs With 1 Interview: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had one 1st Interview
  • Jobs With 2 Interviews: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had two 1st Interviews
  • Jobs With 3+ Interviews: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had three or more 1st Interviews
  • Jobs With 1 Interview – Placed: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had one 1st Interview and resulted in a Placement
  • Jobs With 2 Interviews – Placed: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had two 1st Interviews and resulted in a Placement
  • Jobs With 3+ Interviews – Placed: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had three or more 1st Interviews and resulted in a Placement
  • Jobs With Interviews: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had at least one 1st Interview
  • Jobs With Multiple Interviews: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had multiple 1st Interviews
  • Jobs With Multiple Interviews – Placed: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had multiple 1st Interviews and resulted in a Placement

Ratios ( Value of one metric divided by another)

  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : 1 Interview Fill Rate = True fill/conversion rate for jobs which got 1 interview
  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : 2 Interview Fill Rate = True fill/conversion rate for jobs which got 2 interviews
  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : 3 Interview Fill Rate = True fill/conversion rate for jobs which got 3 interviews
  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : Multiple Interview Fill Rate = True fill/conversion rate for jobs which got 2 or more interviews, used in case the 1-2-3 isn’t clear-cut
  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : % Jobs With Multiple Interviews = Proportion of interviewing jobs that got multiple interviews, to trend how many jobs reach the ideal status of having multiple interviews.

Why does it matter?

Bullhorn ATS data analysis shows that jobs with multiple interviews fill at a higher rate than those with just one, and almost 50% of jobs only get one interview. By providing these metrics as standard, recruiters gain valuable insight into varying fill rates and the proportion of job interviews, helping them improve job fill rates.

How do I enable this?

New Enterprise Edition users will automatically have these metrics included in their standard metric rollout. Existing Enterprise Edition customers can request these new metrics by contacting Bullhorn Support.
