
Locumsmart Positions VMS Attachments

What’s new?

Locumsmart positions now contain VMS attachments.

Why does it matter?

Position attachments usually contain info unavailable on the web posting. This change ensures no information is lost when jobs are created by VMS Sync.

How do I enable this?

Bullhorn users need to set one of the following to On:

  • Account Features: Global Attachments Enabled
  • Credential Features: Position Attachments

Salesforce users need to:

  1. Reach out to Bullhorn VMS Support to configure S3 Bucket settings. You’ll need to provide the following info:
    • S3 Bucket
    • S3 Access Key ID
    • S3 Secret Access Key
  2. Create a rule to add the attachment URLs to ATS Job field. (More information is available here.)