Mass Action: Advanced Search Filters and Mass Action Select on Billable Charge and Payable Charge Lists
Advanced Search filters are now respected when using Mass Action on Payable and Billable Charge list views. Previously, using Mass Action selection on Payable and Billable Charge list views caused records not matching the Advanced Search filter to be selected.
Time & Labor: Bill Transactions Tab Display on Timesheet Slideout
The formatting of the Bill Transactions tab on the Timesheet slideout now displays correctly when the Invoice column is displayed. This enhances its usability, as the formatting was previously displayed incorrectly.
Time & Labor: Holiday Occurrence Start Date Field Format
Holiday Occurrence Start Date field now correctly accepts dates in mm/DD/yyyy format. Previously, this format was incorrectly being considered invalid.
Time & Labor: Multipage Timesheet Attachments
Attaching multi page timesheet attachments now works as designed. Previously, there was an issue causing some pages on multipage attachments to not attach correctly.
Time & Labor: Work Week Start Field on Placement Change Requests
Work Week Start is now automatically set as expected when modifying Timesheet Cycle through Placement Change Requests. Previously, the value of the Work Week Start was not being set.
Timesheet Adjustments: Edit Banner Display
The edit banner displayed while editing a timesheet now dismisses as expected, making it clear when a timesheet is being edited. Previously, the banner would not dismiss in certain scenarios, such as when navigating to another tab within the Timesheet record.