Resolved Issues

Admin Tools: Optional Fields Not Saving on Credential Creation

Optional field values are now saving when creating a new Credential improving Admin Tools reliability and reducing end user manual entry.


Generally Available: Enabled by default.

Credentials: Beeline Credential Authentication failures

An issue has been resolved where authentication for Beeline credentials would fail. This fix keeps Beeline Credentials with valid login details enabled, ensuring continued position delivery.


Generally Available: Enabled by default.

Parsing: Missing Fields and Values for French Language Fieldglass Positions

Previously, Fieldglass positions with the French language preference wouldn’t successfully parse all fields. Additional fields are now parsed for French Fieldglass Credentials. This fix reduces the need to use VMS and ATS products simultaneously and perform manual job order edits.

Users with Rule writing permission can now add Rules to import French field values to the ATS Job Order

All other users can contact VMS Sync Support to add Rules

Positions: Missing IQNavigator Position Attachments

Previously, IQNavigator position attachments under the Customer Defined Fields section weren’t captured and delivered correctly. IQN position attachments now parse from the VMS to the ATS as expected. This ensures that information present in position attachments that aren’t in the VMS posting is kept and increases product reliability, reducing the need to use the VMS and ATS side by side.


The following Admin Tools settings must be enabled to benefit from this update:

  • Account Global Attachments
  • Credential Position Attachments

Positions: RTGExchange Positions Missing Start and End Date

RTGExchange positions now contain a start and end date. This helps to accurately calculate the duration of positions.

Requisitions: AyaConnect “Unknown response on authorization” Error

Updated backend handling to restore AyaConnect req processing to eliminate requisition delivery delay.


Generally Available: Enabled by default.

Submittals: Fieldglass “Max Rate Exceeded” Warning Repeatedly Displays

Resolved issue with Max Rate Exceeded warning message repeatedly displaying on the Submit to VMS form. This warning now only displays when you click out of the field. Displaying a warning message only when appropriate improves product usability.


Generally Available: Enabled by default.

Submittals: Fieldglass Submittal and Attachment Upload Issues

Multiple issues with Fieldglass credentials have been resolved, including fixes to submittal functionality and requisition attachment uploads. Being able to submit from within the ATS and successfully attach VMS documents to ATS jobs reduces the need for users to use VMS and ATS products side by side to manually correct ATS data.


Generally Available: Enabled by default.

Submittals: Honda Fieldglass Submittals Missing Qualification Fields

An issue has been resolved where Honda Fieldglass submittals didn’t display Qualification fields. This change lowers the time end-users spend manually entering data and toggling between the ATS and VMS Sync.

Submittals: PDF Resumes Cause VMS Submission Rejections in Fieldglass UAT

An issue was resolved and we now ignore Resume Assessment warnings from Fieldglass VMS when submitting Candidates to Positions. Bypassing this VMS warning prevents valid submissions from being rejected, reducing duplicate data entry and improving product reliability.


Generally Available: Enabled by default.

VMS Selectors: Positions: Missing Rates Values from B4Health “Contract” Type Records

Retrieving additional rate values for B4Health Contract Positions which allows parsing as much VMS data as possible to reduce end user product swivel and manual Job Order edits.


Users with Rule writing permission can add Rule(s) to include additional rate values in B4Health Contract Job Orders


All other users can reach out to Bullhorn VMS Support to add Rule(s)
