
Improved Handling of Submission Records in Interview-Based Automations

What’s New?

We’ve enhanced how Interview-Based Automations handle updates to Submission records. Previously, Submission records were not automatically adjusted when changes were made to interview details, such as interview dates or times. This update ensures that Submission records are now updated correctly to better support Date-Based Automations.

Why Does It Matter?

  • Enhanced Automation Accuracy: Submission records now reflect the most up-to-date interview information, ensuring Date-Based Automations trigger as expected.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Reduces the need for manual intervention to align submission details with updated interview schedules.
  • Improved Consistency: Ensures automations remain reliable and aligned with the latest data.

This enhancement helps maintain seamless workflows for Date-Based Automations while improving the accuracy of Submission record updates.

Click here for release calendar details.
