Healthtrust Submittals

SSN and DOB Required Fields

What’s new?

Date of Birth and Tax Identification Number (Social Security Number) are now required fields on Healthtrust submissions and must contain a value to enable the Submit button.

A feature has been added to allow users to opt out of providing a Tax Identification (Social Security Number) on Healthtrust submissions. The Healthtrust Submit to VMS form now displays a checkbox labeled “Candidate does not have an SSN or TIN”. When checked, the Tax Identification Number (Social Security Number) field is disabled and no longer marked as required for submission. 

Why does it matter?

This change removes the need to require an additional attachment on the submission by requiring the data (DOB and SSN) to be supplied on the submission itself. 

How do I enable this?

Generally Available: All Healthtrust submission forms will receive this update; no action is required.
