ATS: Phone Number Sync from ATS
We have resolved an issue where phone numbers starting with a 0 were not recognized when syncing from the Bullhorn ATS. This primarily affected our non-US-based customers, where leading 0s are often included due to country codes and specific formatting requirements. Now, phone numbers with leading 0s are correctly synced into Bullhorn Automation, with the leading 0 maintained to ensure accuracy and consistency.
Dashboard: Contractors Tab on Dashboard
An issue where the Contractors tab on the Home Dashboard page would throw a generic error and fail to load has been resolved. The tab now loads quickly and returns accurate metrics based on customer contract activity.
Steps: Update Steps with ‘Copy From’
An issue where Update Record steps would fail when configured to copy a value from a field with a NULL entry has been resolved. These steps now function correctly, even when the source field is empty.
Validation: Automation Date Validation
An issue where automations could not be enabled after editing, due to invalid date validation for end dates following a wait step, has been resolved. Automations can now be successfully enabled after edits, ensuring proper date validation.
Validation: Update Credential Step Validation
With this release, the ‘Update Credential’ step now validates manually entered credentials to ensure they exist in the customer instance. Previously, manually entered invalid credential values were accepted, causing records to fail through the step. Now, if an invalid credential is manually entered, the value is cleared during the ‘Save Step’ process, preventing errors and ensuring data integrity.