Candidate Quick Search

Novo Quick Search Dropdown: Saved Search

What’s new?

We’ve made improvements to the data that’s displayed for favorite searches in the following entity lists:

  • Payable Charges
  • Billable Charges
  • Invoices
  • Timesheets
  • Compliance Manager

For these lists, you’ll now see “Saved” instead of “Favorites”. Saved searches will now include the search owner’s first and last name, and we’ve also added an icon to distinguish between public and private searches.


Novo Quick Search Dropdown: Saved Search


Novo Quick Search Dropdown: Saved Search

Why does it matter?

This update makes it easier to see key criteria for saved searches, so you can quickly access desired searches.

How do I enable this?

This is automatically enabled for users that save searches for Payable Charges, Billable Charges, Invoices, Timesheets, and Compliance Manager Lists.

Target Release Date: April 4, 2024
