Respect Default Values Set in Field Maps

The following fields will now support Default Values:

  • Candidate: Category, Business Sectors, Secondary Owners, Referred by, Primary Skills, Specialties, Recruiter/Owner
  • Contact: Category, Business Sectors, Reports to, Company, Secondary Owners, Referred by, Primary Skills, Specialties, Contact Owner
  • Company: Certification Groups
  • Job: Category, Bill Rate Category, Business Sectors, Certification Groups, Contact, Reporting to (Contact), Client Company, Assigned to, Published Contact Info, Owner, Required Skills, Specialties, Workers Comp Code
  • Lead: Category, Industry, Associated Contact, Reports to, Existing Company, Referred by, Primary Skills, Specialties, Owner
  • Opportunity: Bill Rate Category, Additional Business Sectors, Contact, Reporting to (Contact), Company, Assigned to, Published Contact Info, Owner, Skills, Specialties, Workers Comp Code, Category