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Bullhorn Analytics

Knowledge Base


Relaunch of Knowledge Base

What’s new?

We have published a complete library of user-guide articles for all features, including Metrics Dictionaries, for each edition of Bullhorn Analytics in our Knowledge Base, replacing the existing PDF guides.

Why does it matter?

Users can more easily self-serve and find information faster with an intuitive layout and optimized search functionality, allowing them to delve into specific details with concise, easy-to-digest content.

How do I enable this?

This knowledge base is already available. 

Note: All existing PDF guides will be retired on November 30, 2024. Please update any URL links accordingly.

Bullhorn Analytics

Metrics Admin


Advanced Metric Editing for Enterprise Customers

What’s new?

Customers now have the ability to create and modify metrics themselves. This new feature allows users to:

  • Create a new metric by duplicating or combining it with an existing one
  • Edit various elements such as Metric Name, Timeframe, Date, and Ownership
  • Apply and edit filters
  • Hide and show metrics, test metrics, and view issues

For combined metrics, clients can see which fields are inherited from the parent metric and have the option to unlock and edit them if necessary.

Note: The UI has been updated to separate metric ordering from the configuration and group metrics by entity to make it easier for you to navigate.

See Advanced Metric Editing and Advanced Metric Editing Best Practices for more details.

Why does it matter?

Previously, Enterprise customers had to contact Bullhorn Support or Professional Services to create or edit their metrics. This will reduce the time and effort needed to support and implement customers.

How do I enable this?

The feature is enabled by default for all Enterprise customers.

Bullhorn Analytics



Standard Jobs with Multiple Interview (JMI) metrics are now available in Analytics

What’s new?

Nine new metrics and five new ratios providing insights into Jobs with Multiple Interviews (JMI) are now available in Bullhorn Analytics:


  • Jobs With 1 Interview: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had one 1st Interview
  • Jobs With 2 Interviews: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had two 1st Interviews
  • Jobs With 3+ Interviews: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had three or more 1st Interviews
  • Jobs With 1 Interview – Placed: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had one 1st Interview and resulted in a Placement
  • Jobs With 2 Interviews – Placed: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had two 1st Interviews and resulted in a Placement
  • Jobs With 3+ Interviews – Placed: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had three or more 1st Interviews and resulted in a Placement
  • Jobs With Interviews: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had at least one 1st Interview
  • Jobs With Multiple Interviews: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had multiple 1st Interviews
  • Jobs With Multiple Interviews – Placed: The total number of Jobs added in the timeframe that had multiple 1st Interviews and resulted in a Placement

Ratios ( Value of one metric divided by another)

  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : 1 Interview Fill Rate = True fill/conversion rate for jobs which got 1 interview
  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : 2 Interview Fill Rate = True fill/conversion rate for jobs which got 2 interviews
  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : 3 Interview Fill Rate = True fill/conversion rate for jobs which got 3 interviews
  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : Multiple Interview Fill Rate = True fill/conversion rate for jobs which got 2 or more interviews, used in case the 1-2-3 isn’t clear-cut
  • Jobs with Multiple Interviews : % Jobs With Multiple Interviews = Proportion of interviewing jobs that got multiple interviews, to trend how many jobs reach the ideal status of having multiple interviews.

Why does it matter?

Bullhorn ATS data analysis shows that jobs with multiple interviews fill at a higher rate than those with just one, and almost 50% of jobs only get one interview. By providing these metrics as standard, recruiters gain valuable insight into varying fill rates and the proportion of job interviews, helping them improve job fill rates.

How do I enable this?

New Enterprise Edition users will automatically have these metrics included in their standard metric rollout. Existing Enterprise Edition customers can request these new metrics by contacting Bullhorn Support.

Bullhorn Analytics



Dashboard Owners can grant Edit or View Access when Sharing Dashboards

What’s new?

Bullhorn Analytics users with the Share Dashboards permission can now grant either View or Edit access when sharing their Dashboards with other users. Any edits made to a shared Dashboard will be saved and applied to all users. Note: Only users with Full Dashboard Editing Abilities can be assigned Edit access to shared Dashboards. Users with Basic or None Dashboard Editing Abilities can only be assigned View access and cannot make changes.

In addition, the Dashboard Owner’s name has been removed from the Dashboards list but can be viewed on hover.

Why does it matter?

Dashboard management can now be shared among multiple users with full dashboard editing abilities while controlling access for other users within an organization. Previously, only the owner could make updates once a dashboard was created. 

How do I enable this?

This enhancement is available by default. Dashboards can be shared with groups or individual users by clicking the “Share” icon, selecting the user(s) or group, and then choosing their level of access.

Bullhorn Analytics

Resolved Issues


Dashboards: Dashboard Data Grid Visibility

All users with the Dashboards App Permission can now view data in Big and Small Data grid panels within Dashboards. Previously, users without the addition of the Slice & Dice App permission could not view these.

Bullhorn Analytics

Admin Permissions


Users can update Dashboard editing permission in bulk

What’s new?

As a Bullhorn Analytics User Admin, I can now update Dashboard editing permissions for users en masse.

Why does it matter?

User Admins no longer have to update Dashboard editing permissions for users individually.

How do I enable this?

The feature has already been released and is natively available to Bullhorn Analytics User Admins. See the Bulk Updating User Permissions article for details on how to use it.

Bullhorn Analytics



Metrics Admin enhancement to enable expansion or collapse of all entity sections

Admin users can now use the new EXPAND ALL or COLLAPSE ALL options on the Analytics Metrics Admin page under the Edit Metrics tab to expand or collapse all metric entity sections. When the entities are collapsed, the COLLAPSE ALL option will be greyed out, and when the entities are expanded, the EXPAND ALL option will be greyed out.

Metrics Admin enhancement to enable expansion or collapse of all entity sections

Note: When using the Metrics search bar, these options will no longer display.

Bullhorn Analytics



Full Editing Permissions on Dashboards

An update has been made to allow User Admins to grant full editing permissions for dashboards. Users with full editing permission can create new dashboards from scratch, including adding new panels.

Enabled by Default.

Bullhorn Analytics



Admin Page Metrics Now Grouped by Entity

The new ”Metric Ordering” tab is available under Admin > Metrics. In this tab you can set the order that metrics display in Analytics by dragging and dropping metrics as you want them to appear in Priority Metrics and Slice & Dice. This function was previously managed on the Edit Metrics page.

Additionally, metrics on the Edit Metrics page are now grouped by the entity they belong to. Click on each entity to expand and view all metrics or search for metrics by name.

Enabled by Default.

Bullhorn Analytics

User Interface


Group Admin “Edit User History” Tab 

Previously, the “Edit User History” tab could load slowly with a large number of users and the user’s group would be truncated for deep group hierarchies. Text that was previously truncated now shows the root and end group in the drop-down and fully displays on hover, creating a cleaner look for users in a deep group hierarchy and an improved loading experience. 

Original Group Hierarchy Display:

Group Admin “Edit User History” Tab

New Group Hierarchy Display:

Group Admin “Edit User History” Tab

Bullhorn Analytics




An issue has been resolved with Gamification running slowly or freezing when the Leaderboard slide loads. The Leaderboards in Gamification load faster now and should not freeze as the number of users increase.

Bullhorn Analytics




An issue has been resolved for Dashboard users where filtering by “Logged in User” or “Logged in User’s Group” would produce no results in the metric, ratio, or ratio comparison panels.

Bullhorn Analytics

UX and Performance of Active User List Improvements


The active user list in OneView has been enhanced to a searchable list view. Previously, the active user list was not searchable or displayed in a list view.


Bullhorn Analytics screenshot


Bullhorn Analytics screenshot

Bullhorn Analytics screenshot

Bullhorn Analytics

Wrong Font Color in Group Overview Leaderboard Slide


An issue has been resolved with Gamification leaderboard slides displaying text as black, which is unreadable, when in Light Theme mode. In Dark Theme mode, the text displayed as white, which was readable, and had no impact.

Bullhorn Analytics screenshot

Bullhorn Analytics screenshot

Bullhorn Analytics

User Bulk Update UI Performance Enhancements


An enhancement has been made to the Bulk Update tab for Admin users to improve user experience and performance when downloading a file, and using the user filter prior to downloading a user file for importing.

When downloading a file, the Backup All Users and Download button will disable and display a “Downloading” message while the file is generated. Once the file is created and downloaded, the button will be enabled again.

When filtering by users, a scroll bar will appear for long lists to allow better navigation when selecting users to filter on, and groups will expand by one level by default and no longer appear clickable.

Bullhorn Analytics screenshot

Bullhorn Analytics

Target Bulk Update UI Performance Enhancements


An enhancement has been made to the Bulk Update tab for a Target Admin user, to improve user experience and performance when downloading a file, and using the user filter prior to downloading a target file for importing.

When downloading a file, the Backup All Targets and Download button will disable and display a “Downloading” message while the file is generated. Once the file is created and downloaded, the button will be enabled again.

When filtering by users, a scroll bar will appear for long lists to allow better navigation when selecting users to filter on, and groups will expand by one level by default and no longer appear clickable.

Bullhorn Analytics screenshot

Bullhorn Analytics

Generating Files on “Bulk Update – History” and “Bulk Update – Hierarchy” Tabs in Group Admin


An enhancement has been made to the Bulk Update History and Hierarchy tabs for Group Admin users. When downloading a file, the download button will disable and display a “Downloading” message while the file is generated. Once completed, the file will download and the button will be enabled again.

Enabled Button – Original state where no file is being downloaded:

Bullhorn analytics screenshot

Disabled Button – File is Generating “Downloading” displayed:

Bullhorn Analytics screenshot

Bullhorn Analytics

“Allowed Users to Login As” Picker Enhancements


A new enhancement was made to the “Allowed Users To Log In As” for Admin users that are configuring user switching accounts. When user accounts are selected for user switching, the selected users are now displayed at the top of the list for easier viewing and reduced scrolling to find selected users. The selected users will disable so they cannot be selected again.

When less than 10 users are selected, the selected number of users is displayed with a list of the user names selected.

onboarding talent edition screenshot

         When more than 10 users are selected, only the number of users selected will display.

onboarding talent edition screenshot

Bullhorn Analytics

Metric Picker in Bulk Update Target Updates


An issue has been resolved where the metric picker in the Bulk Update Targets screen for a Target Admin would not update properly to allow a user to select multiple metrics in the list.  Users can now select multiple metrics and get the correct targets based on the filters applied by clicking the download button.

Bullhorn Analytics

More Info Errors in Deal Flashes


An issue has been resolved with deal flashes for a Gamification Admin. Previously, an error message would be displayed when the More Info button was selected. The error message would state an unexpected error has occurred and prompt the user to submit a ticket. This error no longer appears when clicking the More Info button.

Bullhorn Analytics

Download Button Available Again


An issue was resolved where the download button disappeared on the Usage Stats report for all customers. The download button was added back to the usage stats reports so users can download a copy of the report in Excel format for further review.

Bullhorn Analytics

Dashboard Framework Updates


We have enhanced dashboards for Pay & Bill Dashboard users to offer more charting with grids and enhanced editing capabilities.

Editing capabilities include the following:

  • Renaming a dashboard
  • Add text and borders
  • Add or view ratios
  • Improved user experience
    • Delete confirmation
    • Panel tool tips
    • Show unsaved changes
    • Show full screen

With the latest set of changes, usability has been improved and more visualizations have been added.

Bullhorn Analytics

Basic Support for Rate Cards


We are now able to provide basic support for Rate Card data in Bullhorn on the placement metric in Bullhorn Analytics. We can more reliably integrate rate card data from Bullhorn to be displayed on placement metrics such as Total Placements when the Charge Rate or Pay Rate fields are made visible on the metric.

Bullhorn Analytics

Support for Direct Labor Cost in Gross Margin Reporting


We are now able to support Direct Labor Costs (DLC) from Prism HR in the Gross Margin report calculation. The DLC can now be configured to be deducted from the gross margin report calculation to reduce the overall value and align closer to the profitability measure that looks at a company’s gross profit compared to its revenue or sales. Users can see the direct labor costs as separate rows in the gross margin details.

Please work with the CS or Implementation team to set up DLC in the Gross Margin metric calculation. For more information see Pay & Bill Metrics and Data.



Bullhorn Analytics

Improved Font Usage


We have improved font usage throughout the User Interface in the app so the fonts look consistent, load quickly, and are more maintainable.  We have ensured all fonts have a fallback font type, such as Arial or Sans-Serif. We have enhanced the code to allow for easier maintenance of font changes in the future.


  • Montserrat: Verdana is a close match and is found on most systems, sans-serif is the fallback alias.
  • Oxygen: Arial is a close match and is found on most systems, sans-serif is the fallback alias.
Bullhorn Analytics

Edit User’s Group History without Errors


An issue was resolved where setting the group history will no longer provide an authentication error when editing a user’s group history for a specific user by a Group Admin user. Previously, the Group Admin user may have received an authentication error message stating “The user is restricted to login only via Bullhorn ATS and cannot have its username changed” when trying to edit a user’s group history.

Bullhorn Analytics

Shows Metric Picker When Metric is Filterable By Client (Resolved Issue)


Previously, when picking metrics, any metrics that override whether they can be filtered by client continue to display based on the template. The metric picker now shows correctly when a metric is filterable by client.  

Bullhorn Analytics

“Show Rows for Users with No Data” Button (Resolved Issue)


Analytics Admin users are now no longer displayed when the “Show Rows for Users with No Data” checkbox is selected.


Bullhorn Analytics

Deal Music has been defaulted to “No deal music”


The “I Need A Dollar” will be removed as the default “new deal music” for the Gamification module in Bullhorn Analytics. Bullhorn will no longer provide any default deal music. However, we are enabling customers with the option to upload their own deal music. Each customer/user will be asked to confirm that they have the appropriate license(s) for the music file(s) they choose to upload.


Bullhorn Analytics

Unable to Close ‘Non Client filterable Metrics selected’ Pop-Up Window


An issue was resolved with the ‘Non Client filterable Metrics selected’ pop-up window not being able to close due to the missing close button. Initially, the problem arose when a metric is selected that is not client filterable and the “more info” hyperlink is selected, then the pop-up window close button is missing.  This is now resolved where the close button is now available to close the pop-up window.


Bullhorn Analytics

Usage Stats Report Extended to All Customers


We have enhanced the usage stats reports to offer more flexibility to customers to view audit activity data by extending this report to all customers regardless of their license tier. The usage stats report can be found under Menu > Usage Stats.


Bullhorn Analytics

Cannot Save Newly Created Target


An issue was resolved by creating a new target, the user is unable to save the target or clear the validation error when a metric is not selected.  When the “Set Target” button is pressed for a new target with no metric set, a validation error displays prompting to select a metric in the drop-down box.  After the metric is selected, the validation error is not cleared and the “Set Target” button remains disabled not allowing a user to save and create the new target.  The validation error clearing and disabled save target button issues have both been resolved.


Bullhorn Analytics

Changes to Individual User Targets updates All Users/Groups


An issue was resolved with the target management screen in Admin settings where after a bulk update of targets is processed when a change to an individual user target occurs then the target changes for all users and groups.  Updating a target individually is now independent of the Bulk Update target process.

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Bullhorn Release Rewind | Q1 2023


Check out our Bullhorn Release Rewind video for a recap of the most important product release updates from Q1 2023!

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Bullhorn Analytics

Add CRM ID to User Admin Page


An improvement was made to display the CRM ID associated with each Analytics user in the Activate new users, Orphan Users, Inactive Users, and Manage activated users screens.  This will allow a smoother SSO user activation process in the future.


Bullhorn Analytics

Usage Stats Count


An issue was resolved with the Usage Stats report in Analytics to properly count audit events in a given day.  Previously, it was providing inaccurate results by calculating only 1 audit event per day.

Bullhorn Analytics

Manage Client Sets Dialog


An issue was resolved with the OneView filtering for managing client sets where the client set will now expand properly to view and edit the client picker and client set configurations.


ATS & CRMAutomationBullhorn AnalyticsBullhorn OneOnboarding365Pay & BillTalent Platform

Bullhorn Release Rewind | Q4 2022


Check out our Bullhorn Release Rewind video for a recap of the most important product release updates from Q4 2022!

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Bullhorn Analytics

Cube19 is now officially Bullhorn Analytics


Cube19 has been rebranded as Bullhorn Analytics to provide a more consistent user experience to align with all other Bullhorn products.  New Bullhorn Analytics logos have been updated in the analytics application.
