August 2024 - Customer Portal August 2024 - Customer Portal


Resolved Issues


Appointments: External Appointments Tracking

External outbound appointment invites will now be tracked and created in Bullhorn. Previously, when creating external outbound appointment invites, the appointments were not tracked or created in Bullhorn.


Canvas: Update Canvas Banner Display when Canvas is Up-to-date

The Update Canvas banner will now only display if Canvas is not up-to-date. Previously, this banner would continue to display even after the update was completed. 


Emails: Company Data Display When Forwarding Jobs

When forwarding multiple jobs within Bullhorn, the email body displays the correct company data. Previously, when forwarding multiple jobs, the company details in the email body did not match the associated job records.


REST API: isWorkFromHome on JobOrder and Placement Entity References

The Bullhorn API documentation has been updated to add the isWorkFromHome field to the JobOrder and Placement entity references. Previously, isWorkFromHome was missing from the list of available fields for the JobOrder and Placement entities.


Shifts: Shifts on Shift Assignment Placement Card Due to Timezones

The Shift Assignment Placement Cards on Shift Scheduler will now adjust to the correct time zone based on the job location. 

Shifts: Shifts on Shift Assignment Placement Card Due to Timezones

Previously, shifts did not appear correctly for jobs in the Pacific time zone. 



Resolved Issues


Email: Accurate Total Sent Counts on Automation Metrics Page

An issue was resolved where the total sent counts on the Automation Metrics page did not accurately reflect the total number of emails sent from an automation if a mailable record went through the automation multiple times. This has been fixed to ensure the total sent counts now accurately represent all emails sent, regardless of how many times a record is processed.

Email: Email Steps Progression with Custom “Manage Your Preferences” URL

An issue was resolved where records were not progressing through email steps when clients manually added the custom “Manage your preferences” URL to their emails. This fix ensures that records now advance correctly through email steps, even with the custom URL included.

Email: Improved Time Zone Calculation for Email and SMS Delivery

We fixed an issue with our time zone calculation based on Zip & City/State values when the address1 field is empty. The fields will now be checked in this order:

  1. Check address1.
  2. If address1 is blank, check the zip field.
  3. If the zip field is blank, check the fields city and state.
  4. If all the fields are blank, it will default to the customer time zone setting.

Previously, contacts received emails and SMS messages outside their desired contact window. For example, contacts in the GST time zone were receiving emails at midnight because they defaulted to the customer time zone of ETS. Even though they had a valid zip code on their record, there was no value in the address field. This fix ensures that communications are sent at appropriate times based on the recipient’s correct time zone.




Faster List Updates with Dynamic Logic

What’s new?

Bullhorn has optimized list matching and introduced dynamic logic to intelligently process data changes from the ATS based on the volume of changes received per entity. This enhancement significantly improves the speed of list updates.

Why does it matter?

The system will now sync entities in parallel when mass updates are received simultaneously, leading to faster and more efficient data processing. This enhancement ensures that list updates are processed more quickly and efficiently, providing a smoother and more responsive experience.


Automation Steps


Enhanced Wait Steps in Standard Automations

What’s new?

We have introduced new wait step options in standard automation. In addition to the previously available hours, days, and weeks, you can now select 15, 30, and 45-minute wait intervals.

Why does it matter?

These new shorter delay options provide greater flexibility in managing the timing of your automated actions. This enhancement is particularly useful for staggering the start of automations, ensuring a smoother and more controlled workflow.

Enhanced Wait Steps in Standard Automations


Automaton Calendar


Phone Number Requirement for Meeting Scheduling

What’s new?

Bullhorn Automation users who utilize the automation calendar now have the option to require a phone number from contacts when scheduling meetings.

Why does it matter?

This new feature ensures that recruiters will have a verified phone number included in the meeting details. By requiring a phone number at the time of scheduling, it eliminates the need to search for contact information in the ATS, streamlining the process and improving efficiency.


Resolved Issues


Recruiter Experience: Kentucky Withholding Tax Exempt Status

An issue that prevented the visibility of Kentucky Tax Exempt status on a Bullhorn ATS Candidate state tax record has been resolved.


Recruiter Experience: South Carolina Withholding Tax Exempt Status

An issue that prevented the visibility of South Carolina Tax Exempt status on a Bullhorn ATS Candidate state tax record has been resolved.


Recruiter Experience: Flowback sets dateI9Expiration to the Form I-9 CertifyDate

During the onboarding process, the dateI9Expiration field was incorrectly populated with the Form I-9 certification date.

This issue has been resolved. The dateI9Expiration field will now remain unpopulated as expected, ensuring accurate data handling during onboarding.


Recruiter Experience


Client Business Key in Document Rules

What’s new?

Business Keys are now displayed next to Client and Client Office names in dropdown menus when creating or updating document rules. This enhancement allows administrators and recruiters to see the Business Key alongside the Client or Client Office name (e.g., Boston (502484_990784)) during candidate onboarding.

Client Business Key in Document Rules

Why does it matter?

This new feature addresses a critical need for easily differentiating between clients or locations with the same name. By displaying the Business Key, administrators and recruiters can quickly and accurately identify the correct Client or Client Office, reducing the risk of errors and improving efficiency during the candidate onboarding process. This enhancement ensures a smoother, more reliable experience when managing document rules.

Pay & Bill

Resolved Issues


Time & Labor: Pay & Bill Transaction Columns Availability

Source, Added By User, and Date Last Modified columns are now available as columns on the Pay and Bill Transaction tabs regardless of View Shift entitlement status. Previously, these columns were unavailable unless a user had the View Shift entitlement.

Pay & Bill



Shift Identification on Invoice Terms for Split, Group, and Summarize By

What’s new?

You can now Split, Group, and Summarize by Shift Identification within Invoice Terms.

Why does it matter?

This update allows for more Invoice customization.

How do I enable this?

Generally Available: Enabled by default.

Pay & Bill

Data Replication


General Ledger Segments

What’s new?

New BH_GeneralLedgerSegment table has been added to Data Replication.

Why does it matter?

BH1 Clients using Data Replication can now accurately report on their General Ledger segments.

How do I enable this?

Generally Available: Enabled by default.

Pay & Bill

Bullhorn Reporting


Custom Rate Fields Available in Bullhorn Reporting

What’s new?

The following fields related to Custom Rates are now available in Bullhorn Reporting: payRate, billRate, and isCustomRate.

Why does it matter?

These fields can now be used in report writing to expand the data you can report on.

How do I enable this?

Generally Available: Enabled by default.

Talent Platform

Resolved Issue


Forms: Phone Number Field Validation

An issue has been resolved where users were allowed to submit forms without filling in the required Phone Number fields. This fix ensures that all required fields, including Phone Number fields, are properly validated before form submission.

Talent Platform



Custom Applicant Validator

What’s new?

We have introduced a new feature to enhance the integration capabilities of Talent Platform, allowing administrators to connect an external service URL for validating applicant information directly from the Preliminary Information page.

Why does it matter?

This integration ensures efficient duplicate checks and a seamless onboarding experience for candidates. Here are the key benefits:

  • Improved Accuracy: The custom applicant validator performs duplicate checks on specified fields when the save button is clicked, ensuring data accuracy.
  • Seamless Workflow: Candidates with unique values experience a streamlined onboarding process, while those with duplicate values receive clear UI feedback and guidance on the next steps.

How do I enable this?


Administrators can now configure a Custom Applicant Validator under Configuration > Settings > Integration Settings.

API Support

The Applicant Validation Endpoint has been added to the Applicants API, supporting both BASIC and APIKEY authentication.

VMS Sync

Resolved Issues


Credentials: iCims Req List

Previously, req lists were failing to run for iCims customer credentials. Error handling has been added to VMS Sync to restore req list functionality. This ensures customers with affected iCims credentials receive position updates without delay.

Credentials: Simpliant Req List

Previously, Req Lists only processed requisitions with a status of “Closed.” VMS Sync now utilizes pagination and requisition status filters, ensuring all available Simpliant VMS Positions are processed for delivery.

Credentials: Simplify VMS Req List

Previously, req lists processed a maximum of 3000 requisitions in ascending order (lowest ID first). This prevented newer requisitions from processing when created or updated in Simplify VMS. VMS Sync now utilizes pagination, and requisitions are processed in descending order. This ensures all available Simplify VMS Positions are processed for delivery.


VMS Sync



Fieldglass “Target Bill Rate Range” Field Parsing Request

What’s new?

VMS Sync now parses Target Bill Rate Range from Fieldglass VMS Positions. This value shows on the Position Details screen as Bill Rate Min and Bill Rate Max under the Rates section. 

Why does it matter?

Rate parsing is essential for both job accuracy and rules, as many customers use logic that references rates to influence job delivery, field mapping, and internal user email notifications.

How do I enable this?

Generally Available

VMS Sync



Ayaconnect “Job Type” Field Parsing Request

What’s new?

VMS Sync now parses Job Type from Ayaconnect VMS Positions. This value shows on the Position Details screen as Position Type, under the Req Details section.

Why does it matter?

Ayaconnect uses Job Type to indicate the medical profession required for a Position—nursing or allied. Customers use Job Type to further categorize jobs in their ATS before selecting candidates for submission. Being able to pull the Job Type field makes it easier to distinguish between non-clinical jobs.

How do I enable this?

Generally Available

VMS Sync



Added Support for New SimpleVMS URL

What’s new?

VMS Sync now supports SimpleVMS’s new URL for position delivery.

Why does it matter?

Supporting the new URL ensures that users can process positions.

How do I enable this?

Generally Available: Customers with Add Credentials permissions can add a new credential with Type = Simple VMS v2. Alternatively, contact VMS Sync Support.
