Month: August 2016
Product update notes, links, and descriptions.
Placement Change Request List GA
We are excited to announce that the Change Request List is now generally available for all product editions! With this list, you can now easily filter and sort your placement change requests, and navigate directly to the placement change request forms. To request the Change Request list, contact Bullhorn Support.
Trend View Added to My Activity Dashboard Card
We’ve made an enhancement to the My Activity dashboard card (part of the Goals & Quotas functionality) to include a trend view for each of the weekly/monthly tracked recurring goals. You can access this new trend view for a specific goal by clicking on the name of the goal on the main view of the dashboard card, where you can see how you performed against the goal over the past 12 weeks or months.
Placement Field Mappings on Change Request List
By honoring Placement field mappings on the Placement Change Request list, we now correctly display field labels on the Placement Change Request list.
Export Enhancements
When exporting from either the job or candidate list, the CSV file now contains columns for Submission Counts, Submission Details, Skills Counts, Skills Details, Category Counts, and Category Details (along with any other columns selected in the list view). You can export up to 20,000 records at once (attempting to export more than that will cap the export at the most recently added 20,000 records) with a maximum of ten submissions, ten skills, and ten categories exported for each record.
Copying an Opportunity
You now have the ability to add a new opportunity to Bullhorn by making a copy of an existing opportunity. A new menu option, labeled Make a Copy, is now located in the Select an Action drop-down on the opportunity record. When you make a copy of an opportunity, every field on the existing opportunity is copied over to the new opportunity, where you can make changes as necessary.
- The Make a Copy option only appears for users whose user types have the Add Opportunity action entitlement.
- The status of the copied opportunity defaults to the status for new opportunities, as opposed to the status of the original opportunity.
- The fields that are copied over to the new opportunity include custom fields and custom objects with a type of overview.
- File attachments and data-related items (notes, activity, history, etc.) are not copied over to the new opportunity.
Deleting Sales Quotas
We’ve made an enhancement to the Sales Quotas feature that gives users the ability to delete one or more quotas from the list view. In order to be able to delete quotas, a user must be associated with a user type that has the Add/Edit/Delete Quotas action entitlement. Note that users can delete a maximum of 50 quotas at once.
Note-Related Searches on Leads
You can now search by all of the following note-related fields when performing a Lead search using Additional Criteria:
- Note Action
- Note Author
- Note Comments
- Note Date Added
Application Reload Message
A message now appears if the application is left open during a scheduled release. The message requests the user to reload their browser to ensure full functionality of the application.
All Dates Search Help Text
When performing a search for timesheets or invoices and using the “All Dates” option, a message is now visible indicating that any invoices or timesheets from previous weeks that have not already been viewed will not be visible with the “All Dates” option.
Employee Type Profiles Update
“Receives Notices” is now an option when creating or editing an employee type profile. Options for this are to respect the default setting in the control, or override this setting with yes and no options.
QuickBooks Desktop Error Email Handling
We’ve made an update to error handling with QuickBooks desktop. An email is still sent to administrators if an error occurs when using QuickBooks desktop and Bullhorn Back Office.
Date Mapping Format
We’ve updated the formatting for date mapping in Onboarding. Note that the tooltip has been updated with the new date formats; existing mappings are not impacted by this change.
Documents Automatically Close Once Submitted
Documents now automatically close when submitted by an employee in the employee portal.
Client Submission Email Font
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the default font not being respected when pulling a submission comment into a client submission email. Now, the default font is respected by the submission comment.
Email Editor
We’ve fixed the issue regarding extra line breaks being added when using Bullhorn’s email editor. Now, when using “Enter,” a single line break is added to an email. When using “Shift-Enter,” a paragraph break is added to the email.
Admins Unable to Edit Managers in Shared Branches
We fixed the issue with administrators being unable to edit managers in shared branches. Now, administrators can edit managers with the proper permissions.
Cell Phone Field Formatting Numbers Beginning with 0
We’ve fixed the issue regarding cell phone numbers beginning with a 0 having the 0 dropped from the number. This issue has been resolved and cell phone numbers can now begin with a 0.
Hours Missing from Bi-Monthly Invoicing
We’ve fixed the issue regarding hours being left off of invoices if invoices were not being approved in chronological order. Hours are now added to appropriate invoices, regardless of invoice approval order.
Invoice Editing in Chrome v51
We fixed the issue regarding administrators being unable to edit invoices when using v51 of the Chrome browser.
Supplemental Timesheets Improperly Appearing on Invoices
We’ve fixed the issue regarding supplemental timesheets appearing on invoices when the invoice was not selected. Now, supplemental timesheets now respect this setting.
Placement Gross Margin Report Timing Out
We fixed the issue regarding the placement gross margin report timing out without notification, and the percentage complete not updating. Now, as this report is run, the percentage complete will actively update. Please note that very large data sets, typically greater than year’s worth of data, will continue to cause this report to time out. It is recommended to split this report by year if needed.
Placement Updates Overriding Branch Assignment
We’ve fixed the issue regarding when updating a placement on a shared branch override the branch and set the branch to the administrators primary branch. Now, updating placements on shared branches no longer overrides the branch.
Extra Hour Exported to QuickBooks Desktop
We’ve fixed the issue regarding certain hour combinations being improperly rounded and sent to QuickBooks Desktop with an extra hour. Now, accurate hours are being exported to QuickBooks Desktop.
Actual vs. Rounded Hours Display Issue
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the actual hours on a timesheet displaying the rounded hours, when the rounded hours setting was enabled. Now, the rounded and actual hours are displaying correctly.
Group Timesheet Import Error
We’ve fixed the issue with all employees importing with 0 hours when there was an error with one employee on a group timesheet import. Now, the group timesheet will import all correct employees successfully, and display an error for incorrect employees.
PTO Being Included in OT Calculation on Payables
We’ve fixed the issue regarding PTO hours being included in overtime calculations on the payables tab when overtime was added to the first day of a billing period. Now, overtime does not include PTO hours.
Commas Separating Values in Dropdowns and Radio Buttons
We’ve fixed the issue regarding commas creating new values for dropdowns and radio buttons when creating or editing documents. Now, these values can contain commas without issue.
Document Attachments Not Deleting
We fixed the issue regarding attachments on documents not deleting from the admin app nor the employee app. This issue has been resolved and document attachments can now be deleted.
Document Creation in Internet Explorer
We’ve fixed the issue regarding administrators not being able to create new documents in the Internet Explorer browser. Now, administrators can use all onboarding functionality in the Internet Explorer browser.
Document Preview Displays a Blank Page
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the “Preview” option, displayed when creating a new document, showing a blank page. Now, the “Preview” button displays a preview of the document being created.
Radio Buttons Not Required
We’ve fixed the issue regarding radio buttons marked as “Not Required” forcing users to select an answer. Now, optional radio buttons no longer require a selection.
Documents Sent in Packet Order
We’ve fixed the issue regarding documents sent in a packet not appearing in the order set in the packet. Now, documents are now displaying in the proper packet order.
Documents Not Opening at the Top of the Document
We fixed the issue regarding documents opening at the first available field for completion. This issue has been resolved and documents open at the top of the document.