May 2021 - Customer Portal May 2021 - Customer Portal


Field Interactions for Move to Placement


Field Interactions will now be supported when moving a Submission to a Placement from the Submission tab.


isRequired Field on Credential Requirements


As isRequired field has been added on Credential Requirements to specify if the requirement is a hard or soft requirement. 


Company Ownership for Records


Company Ownership will allow users to assign owners to Company Records. A new owner type, Department Owner, will be available on both Company and Contact records. Please reach out to Support for more information and to enable this feature.

VMS Sync

Total Openings Field for Vizient


Parsing for the Total Openings field on the Vizient VMS Integration has been updated. 

VMS Sync

Preliminary Pay Rate for Bluesky


Parsing for the Preliminary Pay Rate field on the Bluesky VMS Integration has been updated. 

VMS Sync

Open Positions for AHSA Locums


Reqlists will now return open positions for the AHSA Locums VMS Integration as expected. 

VMS Sync

Login URL Change for Munson and Primehealth VMS


The integration for Einstein II VMS variants Munstion and Primehealth has been updated  to match VMS changes.

VMS Sync

Login for My Work Day Instances


A login issue for some instances of My Work Day VMS Integrations has been resolved. 

VMS Sync

Get Attachment for Dotstaff


Get Attachment functionality is now available for the Dotstaff VMS Integration. 

VMS Sync

Facilities Field for iCims


Parsing for the Facilities field on the iCims VMS Integration has been added. 

VMS Sync

Email Parsing for Flexforce


Email parsing for some Flexforce VMS Integrations has been updated. 

VMS Sync

Duplicate Positions for 3Story VMS


Parsing will no longer create a duplicate position for 3Story VMS Integration users. 

VMS Sync

Credential Contact Assignment


When a Contact is missing in Bullhorn ATS a new Contact will now be created instead of using the Credential Contact. 

VMS Sync

Brassring Integration


A new Brassring VMS Integration has been added. 

VMS Sync

Bill Rate Parsing for AHSA Trio


Bill rate parsing for the AHSA Trio VMS integration has been updated. 

VMS Sync

APRU Deluxe Support


A variant of APRU Deluxe is now supported. 

VMS Sync

Address Parsing for Vizient


Address parsing for the Vizient VMS Integration has been enhanced. 

VMS Sync

Submittal Details Work Fails Error


Creating a dummy candidate in the Beeline VMS Integration will now work as expected. 

VMS Sync

Date of Birth Parser


The parser for Date of Birth fields on some Beeline VMS Integration submission fields now works as expected. 

VMS Sync

Beeline Puppeteer Candidate Creation


More handling for variants with the Beeline Candidate creation step have been added. 

VMS Sync

Login Variants for Worknexus


Handling for new login variants for the Worknexus VMS Integration has been updated. 

VMS Sync

Unable to Locate Element Error


Certain Beeline VMS Integration instances will now be able to get req as expected. 

Pay & Bill

Rate Card Field Interactions Supported


Field Interactions will now be supported on Placement Rate Cards.  This includes interactions executing within a row or a column of a Rate Card Group, and across multiple Rate Card Groups.

Pay & Bill

LocationID displays on Placement Overview


The locationID will now display correctly on the Placement header or details card. 

Pay & Bill

Set Invoice Statement Number on Rebill Invoice


The invoice statement number will now be able to be set on a rebill invoice statement that contains rebill billable charges. The user will select the invoice statement to rebill. The invoice statement number will be set according to the original invoice statement number + an optional entered suffix.

Pay & Bill

Billable Charge Transactions Sorted by Date


Billable charge transactions will now be sorted by transaction date when viewing the list slideout. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

SSO Expired Session Login Prompt


Now when an SSO user has an expired session they will now see a prompt to login via their SSO provider. After completing login the user will be redirected back to the original Bullhorn session window.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

REST Trigger Proceed on Error Check


Admins will now be able to control whether REST triggers are disabled upon error and the number of errors before being disabled.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Mass Mail with DKIM and DMARC Available


Mass Mail with DKIM and DMARC support is now available. Please reach out to support for more information on how to enable this feature.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Add an Email from a Chain to a Note


The Email Gadget (Gmail & Outlook OWA & Desktop) will now recognize which email from a chain is being added as a note.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Edit History Field Changes


Edit History will now contain all of the field changes from the edit when replicated to Data Mirror.

Time & Expense

“Timecard Attachment” Not Editing in TMC


Attachment types that are listed as “timecard attachments” that are added via Web Time Entry can now be seen and edited in the timecard view of TMC by the administrator.

Time & Expense

Images Duplicating in Payfiles


Images added to timecards will no longer be duplicated on the payfile when using timecard attachments with multiple pages.

Time & Expense

(BRKN) Report Missing Assignment Numbers


We have resolved an issue where the BRKN report was not showing all information for web assignments.

Time & Expense

Ability to Delete Per Diem Ruleset


Users can now delete a per diem ruleset via the new trash icon when there are no linked placements.
