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Bullhorn Release Rewind | Q1 2023


Check out our Bullhorn Release Rewind video for a recap of the most important product release updates from Q1 2023!

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NovoBullhorn One

Text in Shift Fields Fully Visible in Scheduler & ATS


Users can now hover over a field in the Scheduler Configuration area to view that field’s full name if that particular field’s name is not fully visible.

NovoBullhorn One

Cloning a Shift Position


A user can now clone a shift position from one company and use it for multiple companies instead of having to create new shift positions.

NovoBullhorn One

Add Standard Columns for Shift List View in a Column View


Users now have the ability to view specific data points in mass for Shifts and Assignments using the new List View feature.

NovoBullhorn One

“You have unsaved changes” Warning Incorrectly Displayed on Placement Edit Tab


We resolved an issue where users have occasionally received a warning that they have had unsaved changes when navigating away from the Placement edit tab, even if there were no updates made.

NovoBullhorn One

Parse as Existing Does not Fire REST Triggers


Resolved an issue that caused the REST trigger to not function properly when on the “Parse as existing” screen.

NovoBullhorn One

Novo Upgraded to Angular 13


We are updating our Novo UI and its supporting novo-elements library to Angular 13.  This update allows us to continue offering a streamlined and consistent experience across Bullhorn’s complete product portfolio.  This update includes both an Angular upgrade, as well as supporting typescript updates. You can find more details at novo-elements version 7 announcement.

These changes will only impact customers with 3rd party customizations, and partners that utilize the novo-elements library. There is no action needed for customers who do not have customizations.

NovoBullhorn One

Jobs Description Card not Displaying Non-English Description Field Name


We have resolved an issue that caused the description card on jobs to intermittently not pull the label/name of the description field for non-English locale settings.

NovoBullhorn One

Email Delegation Dropdown Updated to Show More Entries


When a recruiter sends an email to a candidate they can choose to send the email on behalf of any of their email delegations. Previously, we only displayed the first 15 entries from the email delegation field in User Settings, limiting what the user could select.


NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

SOAP Parse Resume Functionality Is Now Working


We resolved an issue where clients were not able to use SOAP Web Services APIs to parse candidate resumes into Bullhorn.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Filtering onboardingStatus column


Users can now filter against multi word statuses from the Candidate or Placement lists on the ‘Onboarding Status’ column.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Bullhorn ATS to eStaff365 Synch


We have resolved an issue that caused new users to not automatically sync from Bullhorn ATS to eStaff365. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

French Accented Characters Show as Symbols


An update was made so that French accented characters will render properly within the fields list in Canvas. Users will be asked to republish the model upon accessing Canvas to see the changes.

NovoBullhorn One

Worker’s Comp Codes Available in Drop-down


Expired workers compensation codes will no longer show in the drop-down.

NovoBullhorn One

Tearsheet Owner Filter


The Tearsheet Owner filter is now sticky and will not longer reset with the list is closed or refreshed.

NovoBullhorn One

Week Start Day on Date Picker


The issue of calendar date selectors not respecting the “Week Start Day” system setting has been resolved. 

NovoBullhorn One

Shift Time Display on Candidate Layout Card for Shift Assignment


An issue that caused the Shift Assignment card to display the wrong shift time for records that were added prior to the March release was resolved.

NovoBullhorn One

Field Visibility Under Scheduler Configuration


Shift Scheduler users can now hover over a field in the Scheduler configuration to view its full name if it is not fully visible.

NovoBullhorn One

Favorite Searches


Shift Scheduler now provides the ability for users to save and manage filtered searches as a favorite search. This feature simplifies the Shifts users’ daily usage of the system and speeds up tasks they do regularly by allowing them to save their needed searches/views as favorites.


NovoBullhorn One

Canvas Reporting


Canvas now provides users with the ability to report on the Shift Scheduler for the following data points:

  • JobShift, JobShiftAssignment, JobShiftSubmission
  • Shift, ShiftPosition, Shift Type
  • Candidate (Shift availability and Shift preferences)
NovoBullhorn One

File Names


We have resolved an issue with attaching files to records that would sometimes cause the file name to not be properly populated when the user selected a file. 

NovoBullhorn One

State Picker Fields


The issue of fields with the edit type of “Novo: Picker:Text:State” only displaying states in the USA has been resolved.  Now states from all countries will be available when this edit type is used.

NovoBullhorn One

Read Only Distribution Lists


An issue that allowed users who were not owners of a read-only distribution list to remove records has been resolved.  Additionally a new User Type Entitlement, “Edit Read-Only Distribution List”,  has been added so users who need to be able to manage the lists are granted access to do so. Please contact support if you need this entitlement enabled.

NovoBullhorn One

Custom Objects on Edit Tab


An issue that caused Company Custom Objects to intermittently not display on the Edit tab of Company records has been resolved.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Onboarding Candidates in Newfoundland and Labrador provinces


Onboarding can now be initiated without error when their home address is in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Duplicate Onboarding


An issue that allowed users to initiate multiple onboardings resulting in duplicates has been resolved.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Lead Notes Update


The issue of notes being delayed in appearing on a lead record when newly added has been resolved. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Anonymize the Task and Appointment Subject Lines


The GDPR Anonymization function has been updated so that tasks and appointments that contain a candidate or contact name in the subject line will be updated and the name removed with a record is anonymized.

NovoBullhorn One

View Worker Compensation Rate on the Placement Overview


Bullhorn Administrators now have the ability to configure in View Layout the Placement Overview to include and display the Workers Compensation field on the Details card.

NovoBullhorn One

Entitlements for Federal/State/Local Tax Forms


A new set of entitlements are now available and will allow Bullhorn administrators to control what user types can view, add, edit, or delete the federal, state, and local tax forms. 

NovoBullhorn One

Improved Phone Number Parsing


We have taken advantage of Sovren v10’s updated phone parsing capabilities and will now be able to process and store multiple phone numbers from the candidate resume. The first phone number on a resume will be parsed as the Mobile phone. The second phone number, if one is provided, will be parsed into the Home Phone Number field.

NovoBullhorn One

Quick View of Assigned Candidates


A user viewing the scheduling calendar can now quickly see candidates assigned to a shift by hovering over the shift fill ratio area of that particular chip.

NovoBullhorn One

Shift Position Credentials in “Find Matches”


When a shift position is added to a company and includes credentials, the “Find Matches” match criteria will now pull in the Credentials from the Job and the Shift Position.

NovoBullhorn One

Scheduler Email Opt-Out


A candidate can now unsubscribe from all email communications initiated via the scheduler by clicking the unsubscribe link found in those emails. This sets the candidate to be opted out from future Shift Scheduling emails.

NovoBullhorn One

Add a Contact with Company Info Field Interaction Trigger


Adding a contact and applying the company address to the contact will now initiate a change event so that any field interactions setup to trigger address updates will execute.

NovoBullhorn One

Organize Note Template Localization


All columns on the Organize Note Template page are now localized.

NovoBullhorn One

Field Translations on the Add Candidate Page


The “Add Submission” selection under Schedule Next Action on the Candidate add page has been localized.

NovoBullhorn One

Field Translations on the Edit Contact Page


The Specialties dropdown available on the Contact edit page has been localized.

NovoBullhorn One

Add Company Option


For clients using the Company Ownership feature, the “Add Company” option will no longer appear for users who do not have the entitlement to add companies.

NovoBullhorn One

Add Companies in Bullhorn Permissions


Users with the Company Ownership feature who do not have the “Edit Company Ownership” entitlement enabled will now be able to add companies in Bullhorn without receiving an error message.

NovoBullhorn One

View Layout Changes for Custom Tabs on Private Labels


In client environments with multiple private labels, when admins make view layout updates to custom tabs, the configuration updates will now correctly save to the selected private label instead of defaulting to the primary private label of the admin user.

NovoBullhorn One

Limit Access Based on User Entitlements


Novo admins can now restrict custom menu action access to users via View Layout configuration.

NovoATS & CRMBullhorn One

API Documentation Update: Shifts


Documentation for all of the Shift Scheduling entities is now available on the public REST API documentation site.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

API Documentation Update: Custom Actions


The public REST API documentation now includes information on the Custom Action APIs.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Flowback Support for All Custom Objects


We have extended flowback support to all Custom Objects in Bullhorn.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Error Handler Message Updates


When a user is initiating Onboarding from a Candidate or Placement Record and no data is mapped to eStaffCandidate or eStaffPlacement, an error message will now be presented that states “A mapped entity for Candidate/Placement with the name eStaffCandidate/eStaffPlacement could not be found.”

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Auto Refresh Onboarding Status


The “Onboarding Status” will now auto-refresh when onboarding a candidate.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Private Distribution List Visibility


Private distribution lists can now only be accessed by the owners of the list. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Department Filter on Lists


When a user selects a department filter on an entity list, the correct departments will be selected

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Information Visible After Anonymization


When a user anonymizes a candidate, contact, or lead record in Bullhorn, the following associated data will now also be anonymized in Data Mirror 8:

  • Candidate Education
  • Candidate Work History
  • Candidate References
  • Candidate, Lead, and Contact Custom Objects
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Saving a Query as a Favorite


Entity list favorites (saved searches) will now correctly return results for queries using the advanced note searching criteria “Does NOT Have.” This applies to both new and existing saved searches.


Flowback for the Most Recent Copy of a Document


When there are multiple copies of a document configured with Flowback, we will now sync the value for flowback from the document with the most recent ‘accepted date’.


Logo Customization


The Bullhorn logo shown on the top left corner can now be replaced with a custom logo.


Placements Without End Date/Time


A ‘Shift Assignment’ will now be displayed on a ‘Placement’ regardless of an ‘end time’ being specified.


Fields Added to The View Layout Table


Scheduler admins are able to drag and drop any available entity fields when configuring shift and resource chips on the shift admin settings page. 

NovoBullhorn One

Novo Elements Modernization


The styling and font are being updated for improved accessibility. 

NovoBullhorn One

Job Workflow Icons Hint Update


Hints above the Job workflow icons will now reflect the language designated in the locale Setting.

NovoBullhorn One

Column Names on the Client Corporation List View Update


The columns ‘Contacts’, ‘Child Client Corporations,’ and ‘Owners’ on the company corporation list page will now reflect the language designated in the locale Setting.

NovoBullhorn One

Candidate File Type List


All of the options on the Actions dropdown from Candidate files will now reflect the language designated in the locale Setting.

NovoBullhorn One

Field Interactions API Properties Update


The API properties have been updated for PlacementCertification, JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement, and CandidateCertificationRequirement to include the following:

  • API.currentEntity 
  • API.currentEntityID
  • API.isAdd 
  • API.isEdit 
  • API.associations
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Filtering Tasks by the ‘Assigned To’ Column


The Tasks list was updated to ensure that the search results are accurate when using the “With Assigned To” filter in the search criteria. Clients who need this working correctly will need re-indexing to be completed.

NovoBullhorn OneOnboarding

Flowback Support For Custom Objects


Onboarding365 Flowback is now supported for all Custom Objects available on all entities in Bullhorn.

NovoBullhorn One

Share Schedule With Bullhorn Users


Client schedules can now be shared with other internal Bullhorn users without creating those users as a contact on the client company.

NovoBullhorn One

Page Interactions for Scheduler/Calendar View


Page Interactions can now be used on the calendar scheduler view for shifts.

NovoBullhorn One

Field and Page Interactions for Shift Position and Definition


Page and field interactions on shift position and shift definition entity modals (add and edit) can now be used.

NovoBullhorn One

Custom Fields on Email Notification


Any enabled and populated custom request fields are now included in the change request email notification.

NovoBullhorn One

Opportunity Reason Closed


The values in an Opportunity field Reason Closed are now supported for all languages in Novo.  There are two new system settings for opportunityLostValue and opportunityWonValue that can be configured by an Admin for the proper terms. 

NovoBullhorn One

Notes List Tab on Entity


“Subject” and “Primary Department” can now be configured for translation on the notes tab. Previously, both items were only displayed in English.

NovoBullhorn One

French Candidate Translation


French Users will now see the correct translation when a candidate has been moved to the “Rejected” state.

NovoBullhorn One

Date Format


International Users will now see that the hint within date fields has been localized. Previously, the hint was always in the US format of MM/DD/YYYY regardless of their locale.


Sovren 10 Upgrade


We have completed our work on upgrading the resume parsing tool to Sovren 10. The newest version of Sovren offers enhanced parsing capabilities across all languages including Work History, Education, and Contact Information, amongst others. The planned upgrades will not require any changes to existing processes and will initially be rolled out the latter half of Q1 to all customer NPE environments. A phased rollout to production environments will be done thereafter.

NovoBullhorn One

Placement Tracks


Users switching from one placement track to another will now be required to enter mandatory fields based on the configuration for the current placement track.

Previously, the system would ask users to also complete fields that were set as required on the prior placement track.

NovoBullhorn One

Credentialing Entity REST Error Messages


Users will now see an error toast message if a REST Form Trigger is configured for the following and there was an issue adding/editing a record:

  • PlacementCertification
  • CandidateCertificationRequirement
  • JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Request New Credential Entitlement


A new user type action entitlement can be added called ‘Request New Credential’. This allows a user to request a new Credential from the Credentialing tab on a Candidate or Placement record by selecting ‘Request new Credential’ from the action drop down. 

NovoATS & CRMBullhorn One

Flowback Support For Custom Objects


Onboarding365 Flowback is now supported for all Custom Objects available on all entities in Bullhorn.

NovoS-ReleaseBullhorn One

Additional Candidate Custom Objects in Canvas


PersonCustomObjects 11-35 are now available in Canvas reporting.


Tax Form State Field Allows Canadian Provinces


The state picker has been enhanced on the Novo State and Local Tax Forms so users are able to configure the picker to include Canadian provinces in addition to US states.


Translation of Task Overview Page


We resolved an issue where certain labels of the Task feature weren’t properly localized based on the user language. The following labels now display correctly for all languages:

  • Tasks visible in the bowling alley
  • Entity header label for “Task”
  • Entity overview label for “Task Repeats”

Submission List Includes All Custom Fields


The Job Submission list now allows users to display all available custom fields in the list. Users can sort and filter by them.


Public/Private Options Added to Saved Searches


When saving a search, users may now select whether the search is public or private.


Google Icon Search Query Update


A formatting issue was fixed that caused the ‘G’ Google icon on candidate records to not execute a proper Google Search in a new tab.


Read Only Fields


Users are no longer able to navigate into read only fields by tabbing on the edit screen to make updates to the field.


Date Fields Reverting to Current Date


Users will now be warned if they enter an incorrect date in a date field.


Read Only Custom Objects Visibility


Read only custom objects are no longer visible on the record edit tab.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Azure SSO Users Not Prompted to Change Password


Users that have Azure as a SAML provider no longer receive a reset password prompt from Bullhorn.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Updated Filter Slideout to Replace Scrollbar


When selecting filter criteria, a new filter slideout replaces the horizontal scrollbar filters. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Anonymize Merged Records


When anonymizing a record that is part of a record merge, the personal information on the secondary record will also be anonymized.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Enhanced Logging for DM8


Logging for DataMirror 8 now removes duplicate entries of error logs. Duplicate create events will be logged as warnings.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Added U.S. Territories to State Fields


United States Territories are now available in the State – Mini Picker and State – Drop Down fields when the selected country is the United States.


Migrate Chomsky Into ngx-translate


For developers that are taking advantage of the Bullhorn novo-elements repository, we have deprecated the use of the chompsky library in Novo for translations and migrated its use to the ngx-translate library.


Selecting/Deselecting When Filtering/Sorting File Lists


We enhanced the record selection process on the Novo files tab so that when users select file records, the records will remain selected when paginating, filtering, and sorting. This will allow users to interact with these records and action on them across multiple pages and data sets. Please note that selecting records un mass and actioning on them is limited to up to 500 records.


Entity Record Counts Affecting Page Load


We have implemented a new “loading” animation to the related record count headers and allow the page to load before all record counts are returned.  This should allow for faster page loads for entities with a large number of related records.


Russia Date/Time Preferences


Russian users now have the ability to set their preferred date and time format in User Preferences. The Date Format field has the following new option:

  • dd.MM.YYYY HH:mm (ru-RU) if the private label uses 24 hour format without AM and PM
  • dd.MM.YYYY HH:mm AM/PM (ru-RU) if the private label uses 12 hour format with AM and PM
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Loading Placement Record in Firefox


Placements records will now load properly in Firefox.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Logging Into Bullhorn Via The Android App


Users are now able to login to the Bullhorn Mobile App on the Android OS.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Creating Merge PDF With .doc and .docx files


Customers using the Merge PDF feature can now successfully incorporate .docx and .doc files within the merged PDF. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Multiple Search Criteria Containing a Slash


Searching on a Contact list will now succeed when multiple search criteria is selected, and one of the search values contains a slash “/”.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Advanced Note Search


When performing a search using the “Does NOT Have” parameter, the search will correctly filter records that do not have the specified criteria.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Custom Object Labels Appear Incorrectly in REST Meta Calls


REST API/meta call response will correctly return the Custom Object labels.


Slideout Loads Correctly After Relogin


When your session times out in Novo and you have a slideout open, when you log back in the slideout loads correctly.
