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Onboarding Talent Platform



Signature Request Status Update After Successful Retry to HelloSign

An issue was resolved where signed eDocs that should have had the status of ‘SIGNED’ would occasionally show a status of ‘ERROR’. This issue was due to the first attempt to validate with HelloSign returning an error. The system performs a retry, and in the case where the retry was successful the status of the eDoc was not updating.

Released to Staging: May 2, 2024
Targeted for Production Release: May 9, 2024

Onboarding Talent Platform

Resolved Issues


Released to Staging: May 2, 2024

Targeted for Production Release: May 9, 2024

Bullhorn Integration: Edocs Complete Notes Show the Wrong Completed Documents when Multiple Onboarding Requests are Sent to an Applicant

We resolved an issue with the Bullhorn integration that resulted in notes made from opening or finishing eDocs not always including the correct document in the note’s body when the applicant received multiple packages. The appropriate documents will now be included in the note’s body in Bullhorn for the action that was performed.

Files: Onboarding Files Not Aligned with File Name

An issue was resolved with File Upload Forms that also have a File Upload field. Previously when these were viewed in the applicant’s profile, the preview sometimes did not display the correct document. Now the preview will show the correct document.

Forms: Multi-Select Input Form Field Validation Not Respecting “Required”

We corrected an issue with forms where required requestor fields of the “checkbox group” type were not being honored. Forms with this type of field marked as required will now not be allowed to be sent unless a value has been selected.

I-9: Perm. Resident (Form I-551) with I-797 Displaying Incorrect Document Capture Example

The example image displayed during the I-9 Section 2 document capture has been updated to accurately reflect a Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551). This change improves clarity for the users and will reduce errors when uploading.

Internationalization: Country Code Appears for Quick Add Despite Being Disabled in Settings

An issue with the Mobile Phone field in Quick Add was resolved. For a better user experience, this field will now honor the Disable International Phone Numbers setting.

Placements: Bullhorn Integration

The syncing feature in Talent Platform has been enhanced by separating placement syncing from credential automation. This allows for uninterrupted access to updated data.

Preliminary Information: Birth Date Format in Candidate Portal Error

An issue with the preferred date format of Canada (DD/MM/YYYY) not being respected in the Candidate portal has been resolved and will now show up as expected.

Preliminary Information: Birth Date Format in Candidate Portal Error

Onboarding Talent Platform

Order Workflow


Remove/Delete Specific Forms from Already Created Packages in the Order Workflow

What’s new?

Users can now delete specific forms from packages directly within the Workflow Details table. User guidance in the form of warnings has also been improved to prevent accidental deletion.

Why does it matter?

More customization is possible with this new feature for onboarding requests.

Remove/Delete Specific Forms from Already Created Packages in the Order Workflow

How do I enable this?

Admin users can follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Configurations > Settings > System Settings.
  2. In the Onboarding section search for the setting Enable Re-Use of Signed Forms in Packages.
  3. Toggle the setting to enable.

Released to Staging: May 2, 2024

Targeted for Production Release: May 9, 2024

Onboarding Talent Platform



Form Name in Duplicate Modal Does Not Show the Updated Form Name

What’s new?

Both the current and previous names of forms will now be displayed in the Duplicate Form Detected modal and on the Order Workflow Details table when a form is reassigned after being modified by an administrator.

Why does it matter?

This change allows recruiters to see the latest updated forms when determining if they need to be sent again.

Form Name in Duplicate Modal Does Not Show the Updated Form Name

Released to Staging: May 2, 2024

Targeted for Production Release: May 9, 2024

Onboarding Talent Platform

Direct Deposit


Better Validation on Account #/Routing # for Canadian Direct Deposit Flow

What’s new?

Canadian bank account validation on the direct deposit form has been improved. 

Why does it matter?

This improvement ensures accurate input of sensitive information.

How do I enable this?

Enabled by default.

Released to Staging: May 2, 2024

Targeted for Production Release: May 9, 2024

Onboarding Talent Platform



Update Navigational Menu Under the Onboarding Tab

What’s new?

The Onboarding Dashboard has been simplified to provide the majority of relevant information in one location. The following tabs were removed from the Onboarding section of the menu:

  • Active eDocs
  • Signed eDocs
  • Expired Requests
  • Deleted Requests

The Onboarding Dashboard’s tiles at the top can now be clicked to access the information that was previously found on these tabs and filter the table according to your selection.

Updated Navigational Menu Under the Onboarding Tab

Why does it matter?

With this modification, clients can now interact with high-level views and navigate onboarding workflows simply and intuitively.

How do I enable this?

Enabled by default.

Released to Staging: May 2, 2024

Targeted for Production Release: May 9, 2024

Onboarding Talent Platform

Advanced Search


Allow Enter Key to Initiate Advanced Search

What’s new?

Performing searches in the Advanced Search menu has been improved by launching the search by pressing Enter or Return on your keyboard.

Why does it matter?

This will improve keyboard-centric navigation and expedite the search process.

How do I enable this?

Enabled by default.

Released to Staging: May 2, 2024

Targeted for Production Release: May 9, 2024
