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S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Email Conversation Activity Card Not Refreshing


We’ve fixed the issue regarding the Email Conversation Activity card not refreshing when a user navigated between preview slideouts when on a list view. Now, the card refreshes and displays according to the record you’re viewing.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Populate Name of Auto-Added Contacts (Beta)


We’ve enhanced our Auto-Add Contacts feature. Now, when you receive an email from a newly auto-added contact, if that contact has an email address in their last name field, the first name and last name will be updated on the contact.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Email Tracking Card Shows No Results


We’ve fixed the issue regarding the Email Tracking card not showing activity until inbound and outbound email activity was found on the record. Now, the card will display any activity the user is entitled to view regardless of any inbound/outbound dependency.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMPulse

Auto-Add Private Contacts


We’ve enhanced our Auto-Add Contacts feature. Now, when you receive emails from unknown senders, you can set a preference to add the contact with a default status of either “New Lead” (Public) or “Private.”

Please contact Bullhorn Product Management if you would like to participate in the beta program. Note that this feature is available to clients with Enterprise Edition only.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMPulse

Contact Account Engagement (Beta)


A new pulse card is available for Companies and Opportunities! The Contact Account Engagement card provides statistics that allow you to quickly visualize the percentage of engaged contacts versus all contacts for a specific account.

Please contact Bullhorn Product Management if you would like to participate in the beta program. Note that this feature is available to clients with Enterprise Edition only.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

NPS Survey Tool


Our new NPS survey tool is now in open beta! Extensive research has shown that your Net Promoter Score®, or NPS®, acts as a leading indicator of growth. If your organization’s NPS is higher than those of your competitors, you will likely outperform the market, and managing your organization to improve NPS will also improve your business performance, whether you are aiming for faster growth or increased profits.

Available to Corporate and Enterprise edition customers, in Bullhorn, this tool will allow you to automatically send surveys to your contacts at the times when it is best to contact them, based on the information gathered via the Engagement Summary Pulse card. You then can view and manage all of your contacts’ responses from the new NPS Responses List.

To request the NPS survey tool for your company, contact Bullhorn Support. To learn more about the tool, view the NPS Survey tool documentation.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Pulse Card – Flagged Emails


A new Pulse card for Companies, Flagged Emails, is now available! Any emails from contacts that contain “trigger words” (those your company have deemed important, which your your administrator defines) will appear here so that you may take appropriate action. For example, if your administrator has chosen “proceed” as a trigger word, the card will display all inbound emails containing the word “proceed” from contacts at the selected company, and you’ll be able to quickly identify what action is required.

To request this card, contact Bullhorn Support. Available for Pulse and Enterprise Edition customers only. To learn more about this card, view the documentation for Bullhorn Pulse.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Pulse Configuration Page


In addition to the note action types that drive the Phone Conversation Activity card, administrators can now define the trigger words used for the Flagged Emails card. You access the Pulse Configuration page via the Tools menu. If you don’t see it, contact Bullhorn Support. Available for Pulse and Enterprise Edition customers only. To learn more about how you can configure Bullhorn Pulse, view the Pulse Configuration documentation.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Pulse Tab on Candidate, Contact, and Company Records


We have added a new “Pulse” tab to Candidate, Contact, and Company records, giving users more visibility to Pulse information. This new tab will display the Pulse information that was previously only accessible via the preview slideouts on the company list views. Consistent with card behavior throughout the application, users will be able to add, remove, and reorder cards on this tab.

Note: Pulse features are available for Pulse and/or Enterprise customers only.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Pulse Talk – Phone Conversation Activity Card


You can now use Pulse to track your phone conversation activity! Driven by the Pulse Configuration page, the Phone Conversation Activity card  can be used to track call history with a person or company.  Users can also select a data point to view a log of calls made during that time period. This log will appear differently for companies and contacts.

Note: Pulse features are available for Pulse and/or Enterprise customers only.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Pulse Talk – Phone Conversation Activity


Similar to Email Conversation Activity, it’s now possible to track and visualize Phone Conversation Activity. Driven by the Pulse Configuration page, the Phone Conversation Activity card can be used to track call history with a person or company.  Users can also select a data point to view a log of calls made during that time period. This log will appear differently for companies versus contacts.

Note: This feature must be enabled simultaneously with the new Pulse Configuration Tool – please contact support to turn it on.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Pulse Configuration Page


We have added a new Tools menu item called Pulse Configuration. This will allow Pulse customer administrators to configure which note types drive the Phone Conversation Activity card. As we continue to expand the functionality of Pulse, this tool will grow to include configuration options for new features.

Note: This feature must be enabled simultaneously with the new Phone Conversation Activity Card – please contact support to turn it on.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMPulse

Conversation Activity


Track the history of your inbound and outbound email volume by Day, Month, Year, and All Time. Click to drill down and discover what conversations required the most communications.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Engagement Summary


Gain valuable insights into your relationships that will allow you to maximize engagement and retain customer health. Details include length of relationship, date last contacted, best time of day to email and best day of the week to email.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Top Engaged Coworkers


The Top Engaged Coworkers card will quickly show you who in your organization has the strongest relationship with a given contact. By determining who at your company has the longest relationship with the contact, as well as when they last reached out, you’ll know who is your best internal resource for that account or candidate.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMCRMPulse

Email Tracking Card on Candidates


The Email Tracking card has been added to the Candidate slideout. The “Email Tracking” card allows users to easily view email correspondence at a glance by launching the slideout from the Candidate list.
