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Bullhorn Release Rewind | Q1 2023


Check out our Bullhorn Release Rewind video for a recap of the most important product release updates from Q1 2023!

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S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Saving Placement Change Requests


An issue was resolved that prevented placement change requests from saving.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

SOAP Parse Resume Functionality Is Now Working


We resolved an issue where clients were not able to use SOAP Web Services APIs to parse candidate resumes into Bullhorn.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Filtering onboardingStatus column


Users can now filter against multi word statuses from the Candidate or Placement lists on the ‘Onboarding Status’ column.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Bullhorn ATS to eStaff365 Synch


We have resolved an issue that caused new users to not automatically sync from Bullhorn ATS to eStaff365. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

French Accented Characters Show as Symbols


An update was made so that French accented characters will render properly within the fields list in Canvas. Users will be asked to republish the model upon accessing Canvas to see the changes.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Onboarding Candidates in Newfoundland and Labrador provinces


Onboarding can now be initiated without error when their home address is in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Duplicate Onboarding


An issue that allowed users to initiate multiple onboardings resulting in duplicates has been resolved.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Lead Notes Update


The issue of notes being delayed in appearing on a lead record when newly added has been resolved. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Anonymize the Task and Appointment Subject Lines


The GDPR Anonymization function has been updated so that tasks and appointments that contain a candidate or contact name in the subject line will be updated and the name removed with a record is anonymized.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

API Documentation Update: Custom Actions


The public REST API documentation now includes information on the Custom Action APIs.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Flowback Support for All Custom Objects


We have extended flowback support to all Custom Objects in Bullhorn.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Error Handler Message Updates


When a user is initiating Onboarding from a Candidate or Placement Record and no data is mapped to eStaffCandidate or eStaffPlacement, an error message will now be presented that states “A mapped entity for Candidate/Placement with the name eStaffCandidate/eStaffPlacement could not be found.”

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Auto Refresh Onboarding Status


The “Onboarding Status” will now auto-refresh when onboarding a candidate.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Private Distribution List Visibility


Private distribution lists can now only be accessed by the owners of the list. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Department Filter on Lists


When a user selects a department filter on an entity list, the correct departments will be selected

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Information Visible After Anonymization


When a user anonymizes a candidate, contact, or lead record in Bullhorn, the following associated data will now also be anonymized in Data Mirror 8:

  • Candidate Education
  • Candidate Work History
  • Candidate References
  • Candidate, Lead, and Contact Custom Objects
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Saving a Query as a Favorite


Entity list favorites (saved searches) will now correctly return results for queries using the advanced note searching criteria “Does NOT Have.” This applies to both new and existing saved searches.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Filtering Tasks by the ‘Assigned To’ Column


The Tasks list was updated to ensure that the search results are accurate when using the “With Assigned To” filter in the search criteria. Clients who need this working correctly will need re-indexing to be completed.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Request New Credential Entitlement


A new user type action entitlement can be added called ‘Request New Credential’. This allows a user to request a new Credential from the Credentialing tab on a Candidate or Placement record by selecting ‘Request new Credential’ from the action drop down. 

NovoS-ReleaseBullhorn One

Additional Candidate Custom Objects in Canvas


PersonCustomObjects 11-35 are now available in Canvas reporting.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Azure SSO Users Not Prompted to Change Password


Users that have Azure as a SAML provider no longer receive a reset password prompt from Bullhorn.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Updated Filter Slideout to Replace Scrollbar


When selecting filter criteria, a new filter slideout replaces the horizontal scrollbar filters. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Anonymize Merged Records


When anonymizing a record that is part of a record merge, the personal information on the secondary record will also be anonymized.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Enhanced Logging for DM8


Logging for DataMirror 8 now removes duplicate entries of error logs. Duplicate create events will be logged as warnings.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Added U.S. Territories to State Fields


United States Territories are now available in the State – Mini Picker and State – Drop Down fields when the selected country is the United States.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Loading Placement Record in Firefox


Placements records will now load properly in Firefox.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Logging Into Bullhorn Via The Android App


Users are now able to login to the Bullhorn Mobile App on the Android OS.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Creating Merge PDF With .doc and .docx files


Customers using the Merge PDF feature can now successfully incorporate .docx and .doc files within the merged PDF. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Multiple Search Criteria Containing a Slash


Searching on a Contact list will now succeed when multiple search criteria is selected, and one of the search values contains a slash “/”.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Advanced Note Search


When performing a search using the “Does NOT Have” parameter, the search will correctly filter records that do not have the specified criteria.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Custom Object Labels Appear Incorrectly in REST Meta Calls


REST API/meta call response will correctly return the Custom Object labels.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Search by Notes on Candidate Record


Searching by Note Actions on a Candidate now correctly applies the Note Date Added filter.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Sensitive Candidate Fields in Public API


When a post call is made from the OSCP via applying for a job, the response code no longer exposes the phone, email, gender, veteran, disability, or ethnicity fields.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Fields Respecting Configured Field Label on Candidate’s Placement Table


The configured field label will now be correctly shown on the candidate’s placement table. The following table column headers should now show the user defined label:

  • Pay rate
  • Bill rate
  • Start date
  • End date
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Mass Mail Recipient List Holds Email Addresses From Erased Records


When performing a GDPR erase of a Candidate record, any mass mails that the Candidate was included in will now not hold the Candidate name and email address.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Daylight Savings Time for Birthdays Before 1966


Data Mirror 8 now  correctly converts date/time fields that land during Daylight Savings time for every year before 10/31/1966.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMBullhorn One

Anonymized Identifying Fields Not Blank


When anonymizing a record, Data Mirror 8 now blanks out the appropriate fields upon replication for contact, candidate, and lead entities.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Full Name and Email Added as Expected


Creating a new Candidate, Contact, or Lead record via the Gmail and Outlook Email Gadget will now import the full name and email address as expected. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

SSO Expired Session Login Prompt


Now when an SSO user has an expired session they will now see a prompt to login via their SSO provider. After completing login the user will be redirected back to the original Bullhorn session window.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

REST Trigger Proceed on Error Check


Admins will now be able to control whether REST triggers are disabled upon error and the number of errors before being disabled.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Mass Mail with DKIM and DMARC Available


Mass Mail with DKIM and DMARC support is now available. Please reach out to support for more information on how to enable this feature.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Add an Email from a Chain to a Note


The Email Gadget (Gmail & Outlook OWA & Desktop) will now recognize which email from a chain is being added as a note.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Edit History Field Changes


Edit History will now contain all of the field changes from the edit when replicated to Data Mirror.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Templates are no Longer Supported


Removed the SEEK  Template field from the Job Publishing and BH Connect pages since the feature is disabled in the integration.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Daxtra Search Integration Supported for Chrome Users


The Daxtra Search integration for Chrome users with the “sameSite” cookie setting enabled will now be supported.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Data Mirror Checks Version on Startup


On startup, Data Mirror will now print to the logs when there is a new version available.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

New View Added


We have added a new View to Data Mirror 8 called “dbo.LastSync”. This view contains the most recent “dateLastModified” and “dateLastSync” values for the following entities:

  • Candidate
  • Contact
  • Company
  • JobOrder
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Placement
  • JobSubmission
  • PayableCharge
  • BillableCharge
  • PayMaster
  • PayMasterTransaction
  • BillMaster
  • BillMasterTransaction
  • InvoiceStatement
  • InvoiceStatementLineItem


NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Field Character Limit Increased


We have increased the character limit on State and Address fields to 100 characters.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

SSO Login with Azure Works as Expected


You can now log into the Outlook Desktop Email Gadget via Azure SSO.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Candidate Name Field Added to Placement Change Request List


The Candidate associated with the Placement the Change Request is referencing will now display on the List. You can sort, filter, and search against the Candidate’s name.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Updates to Null Value Works on Custom Objects


Record updates from a value to NULL on Custom Objects will now be recognized by Data Mirror 8 as expected.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Table Added to Track Self Heal Progress


The new SelfHealSnapShot table will now track data for the Self Healing process. Additionally, the new property “snapshotdays” will control how many days to keep data in the SelfHealHistory and SelfHealSnapShot tables. The default value is 30.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

HTML Formatting Does Not Prevent Job Publishing


You can publish jobs to Indeed as expected even when the Job Description contains nested XML or HTML formatting within the Job Description.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Jasper Standard and Custom Reports


Jasper Standard & Custom Reports will no longer have a flash dependency.

  • 9/29 – NPE
  • 10/13 – Production Environments


NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Credential Requirement Field Display Values


Clients using credential requirement entity fields of the edit-type “drop down” can now see the “display value” in NOVO tables for such fields as set in field mapping instead of the backend value that is actually stored in the database.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Placement Start and End Date Card Correctly Reflects Placements


The Placements Starts and Ends dashboard card will now show and link to Placements instead of Jobs.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Search Uses Note Actions from Current Private Label


When running an “Advanced Note Search” the available options for Note Action will pull from the Private Label you are currently using.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

New Payroll Tables Available for Reporting


Bullhorn One customers can now access data from the following tables to build Canvas reports:

  • “PayMasterTransactionPayExportBatch” pulls data for successfully exported pay master transactions tied to the batch you need.
  • “PayExportBatchExternal” allows you to see the Batch ID from the external payroll provider and the Bullhorn Batch ID.
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Standard Report for User Login Added


Admin users can now access a new Standard Report called Date/Time of Last Login, which allows you to see the last time your users logged into Bullhorn.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Schedule Next Action Includes Appointments and Tasks


The Mobile App now allows you to add an Appointment or a Task as a next action when creating a Submission or adding a Note.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

GSuite SSO Supported


The Bullhorn Mobile app now supports GSuite (Google Apps) SSO.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Export Email and Export SMS Features Enhanced


Users can now export emails and SMS messages from Contact and Lead records in addition to Candidates.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Lists Open When Keyword Search Contains Special Characters


Lists will now open as expected when you use special characters in the search parameters.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

New Actions Created to Assist with CCPA Compliance


We have created 3 new usertype entitlements to allow actions required for CCPA compliance:

  • Erase Data
  • Export Emails
  • Export SMS

These entitlements allow you to erase and anonymize Candidate, Contacts, and Leads, as well as export outbound emails or SMS messages. To have these enabled, please contact Bullhorn Support.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Quick Adding Job Pulls All Requirements from Company


API call limits have been updated, allowing all credentialing requirements to be pulled into the job. The limit has been increased from 5 to 200.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Additional Fields Available in Job Submissions


We have added startDate and endDate as fields for Submissions.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Placement/Candidate Encrypted Text Fields Now Hideable in Lists


The following fields will now show in under View Layout > Search > Searchable Fields:

  • Candidates: CustomEncryptedText1-10
  • Placements: CustomEncryptedText1-10

You can choose whether or not these fields show on an entity’s list ‘Column’ dropdown.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Update Note References Immediately


Adding a Note to a Candidate record and referencing other entities will now immediately update the references on the Note. This will no longer cause issues when searching for the contents of the Note on referenced records.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Mobile SSO Password Expiry Override


Mobile SSO will now bypass the password expiration check on login.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Hide Send SMS Action on Lead Slideout


The “Send sms” action will no longer display in the Actions drop-down when previewing a Lead from the Lead List.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Track Responses from Hotmail Email Addresses


Replying to an email sent from Bullhorn with a Hotmail email account will now track into the system as expected.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Display File Attachments Correctly


When attaching a file to a Candidate’s Credential from their record, the file picker will display the name of the file as expected instead of the Candidate’s name or “[object Object].”

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Link Score Column to Relevant Documentation


Clicking the Score column on the Candidate List followed by the explanation of the Score column will now open the relevant article in the Bullhorn Community.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Swipe to Add Note


ZippiNote, which allows you to swipe to add a Note, is now supported for the Candidate, Contact, Job, Lead, Opportunity entities.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Deleted Submissions No Longer Display


Deleted Submissions will no longer display on the Submissions List.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Add Opportunity From Activity Tab


You can now add opportunities from the Activity tab of Company records.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Export Goals and Quotas


You can now export both Goals and Quotas with a new usertype entitlement. Please contact Bullhorn Support to have this feature enabled.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Gmail Add-On Integration Updated for Compatibility


The Gmail Add-on is now compatible with G-Suite rather than only Gmail.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Candidate Tax Info Fields Included in Edit History


Changes made to the following Candidate Tax Info fields will now be reflected in the Edit History:

  • is Exempt
  • Two Jobs?
  • Total Dependent Claim Amount
  • Other Income Amount
  • Other Deductions Amount
  • Federal Extra Withholding Amount
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Redirect to Login Screen when Session Times Out


For clients on S-Release, you can now use the system setting sessionCheckInterval to check for session timeouts. If the session has timed out, the user will be taken to the login screen immediately.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

ZippiNote Supported


The Mobile App now supports sliding to add a note on the Candidate, Contact, Job, Lead, and Opportunity entities. 

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Appointment Date Respects Local Timezone


Appointment dates now respect the local timezone on the add/edit page.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Respect Local Time Zones on Add and Edit Appointment Screens


Appointment dates will now respect your local time zone on the add and edit screens.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Display Dates in User Activity Report Accurately


The User Activity Report will now show activity dates accurately regardless of your time zone.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Departments in the Notes Activity Report


The Notes Activity Report will now respect department criteria and user permissions for department-level data viewing.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

List and View Layout Support for New Candidate Tax Info Fields


The following six fields can now be searched and sorted via list views and can be configured using View Layout:

  • Two Jobs?
  • Total Dependent Claim Amount
  • Other Income Amount
  • Other Deductions Amount
  • Federal Extra Withholding Amount (for each pay period)
  • Is Exempt?
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Advanced Note Searching Support on Contact and Lead Lists


Advanced Note Searching is now supported on the Contact and Lead lists. Advanced Note Searching makes searching notes via list views easier by pulling all note-related search fields into their own area on your search box.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Department Counts on Dashboard Cards


Filtering dashboard cards by Department will no longer include records owned by disabled user accounts.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Canvas Support for New Candidate Tax Info Fields


Bullhorn Canvas can now report against the following six Candidate Tax Info fields:

  • Two Jobs?
  • Total Dependent Claim Amount
  • Other Income Amount
  • Other Deductions Amount
  • Federal Extra Withholding Amount (for each pay period)
  • Is Exempt?
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Render Apostrophes in Standard Reports


Apostrophes (‘) will now display correctly in Bullhorn’s Standard Reports.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Job Tracks


Job Tracks are now supported in the Bullhorn Mobile App.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Microsoft Azure SSO Certificate Refresh


Bullhorn will now handle Azure SSO certificates automatically and will renew and refresh them so that they do not expire.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

New Fields on Candidate Tax Info Tab


Six new fields have been added to the Candidate Tax Info tab to adhere to 2020 W4 forms:

  • Two Jobs?
  • Total Dependent Claim Amount
  • Other Income Amount
  • Other Deductions Amount
  • Federal Extra Withholding Amount (for each pay period)
  • Is Exempt?
NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Rebrand to Bullhorn Chrome Extension


The Bullhorn Accelerator has been rebranded to ‘Bullhorn Chrome Extension’.


Support for Form and REST Triggers


The Bullhorn Mobile App now supports Form and REST Triggers!

  • If your company was enabled with a read-only version of the app due to Form Trigger and/or REST Trigger customizations, contact Bullhorn Support to have the full version of the app enabled. 

Note: Single Sign On (SSO) is not yet supported in the Bullhorn Mobile App. Support for SSO in the Bullhorn Mobile App is coming in a later release.



Separate Internationalized Mobile Identity Provider


A ‘Separate Internationalized Mobile Identity Provider’ checkbox among other internationalized mobile fields has been added to the Add/Edit User page. This checkbox is the first step of getting the Bullhorn Mobile App compatible with Single Sign On (SSO). This button will not do anything in its current state as the full functionality is currently in development.


Close Favorites Drop Down When Saving Public Searches


Saving a search as public from a list view will now close the Favorites drop-down as expected.


Open Source Career Portal


Versions 2.8 and 3.1 of the Open Source Career Portal will now allow a Privacy Policy to be hosted as a link from the main page of your career portal. You have the ability to modify the Privacy Policy page.


Instructions on enabling this will be available on our Github page.


Note: Complying with CCPA with the tools we provide is your responsibility.


Data Capture Notification


We have added a ‘Send Data Capture Notification’ action on Candidate, Contact, and Lead records that you can leverage as part of your CCPA compliance roadmap.

Once enabled by Bullhorn Support, data capture notifications can be customized using the following System Settings:

  • dataCaptureNotificationNoteType – The Note Action that will be used to log a note when a data capture email is sent.
  • candidateDataCaptureNotificationEmailSubjectLine – Adjusts the subject line of the email sent to Candidates.
  • candidateDataCaptureNotificationEmailBody – Adjusts the text in the body of the email sent to Candidates.
  • contactDataCaptureNotificationEmailSubjectLine – Adjusts the subject line of the email sent to Contacts.
  • contactDataCaptureNotificationEmailBody – Adjusts the text in the body of the email sent to Contacts.
  • leadDataCaptureNotificationEmailSubjectLine – Adjusts the subject line of the email sent to Leads.
  • leadDataCaptureNotificationEmailBody – Adjusts the text in the body of the email sent to Leads. 

Note: Complying with CCPA with the tools we provide is your responsibility.
