Update Product: CRM
SalesDuel Tournaments in TV Mode Refresh to 0 Points
An issue has been identified wherein SalesDuel tournaments in TV mode would display stats at 0 points when auto refreshing. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, tournaments in TV mode will reflect accurate points on auto refresh.
Housing Complexes and Units Lists
Sorting has been removed as an option from list columns based on customTextBlock fields. This is not supported in other lists and was generating errors.
Updates to Live Chat and Help Buttons
We’ve enhanced the Help button in Bullhorn to house your chat and documentation needs.
– Live chat enabled users will see a dropdown option on Help
– When chat agents are not available, clicking chat option opens bullhorn.com/technical-support
– Users without Live chat will still be able to click the Help button for the customer portal access relevant to their edition
Bullhorn Planner Open Beta (All Editions)
We are excited to announce an open beta for our Planner tool! The feature will allow users to see a snapshot of their upcoming appointments in Bullhorn. Please contact Bullhorn Support to learn more and enable this feature.
SMS Successfully Sends with £
An issue has been identified wherein SMS was failing to send when the £ character was included in the text. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, SMS messages will send as expected.
Inconsistent Behavior for Timed-Out Sessions
An issue has been identified wherein there was inconsistent behavior on timed-out sessions. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, users will always be brought to the Login page when their session expires and the user performs an action in the system.
Opportunity Cards Count
An issue has been identified wherein opportunities by owner and opportunities by department dashboard cards did not display the same number of opportunities as shown on the list view. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the opportunities by owner and opportunities by department dashboard cards will display the number of opportunities shown on the list view.
Notes created from Outbound Emails not visible on Notes tab and not searchable
An issue has been identified wherein notes generated through outbound emails were not searchable and not visible on the Notes tab. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the notes generated through outbound emails should be found and visible on the Notes tab.
User Activity Report Successfully Returns Results for Bullhorn Mobile
An issue has been identified wherein the User Activity report was not returning results when the criteria contained Bullhorn Mobile. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the User Activity Report will return results appropriately.
Notes created from Outbound Emails not visible on Notes tab and not searchable
An issue has been identified wherein notes generated through outbound emails were not searchable and not visible on the Notes tab. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the notes generated through outbound emails should be found and visible on the Notes tab.
Candidate Notes added to Submission List Slideout
Users can quickly review notes associated to any candidate who has either applied or been submitted to a job via a new tab on the submission list slideout. This tab works the same way as it does on the candidate list slideout – only the candidate will automatically be added as a reference if the quick note feature is used.
Merge PDF now Generally Available for Enterprise Edition
Bullhorn is excited to announce the Merge PDF tool is now GA! You are able to merge various files together either from Credentialing or start from scratch via the Actions menu on all your records. Contact Support to have this feature enabled in your environment
Bullhorn for Outlook with SSO
Bullhorn users configured for single sign on can now use the Bullhorn for Email gadget in the Outlook Desktop Application as expected.
Inline Editing of Parent Tasks
An issue has been identified wherein inline editing a parent task would remove child tasks and associated records. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, inline editing a parent task will retain child tasks.
Date Last Comment Field not Updating
An issue has been identified wherein the Date Last Comment on Candidate and Contact was not consistently updated when the user added a note.This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the Date Last Comment on Candidate and Contacts will consistently update when a user adds a note.
Filtering on Country Name in the List view
An issue has been identified wherein filtering for two word country names in list columns would occasionally return results for an incorrect country. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the filter will return correct country results.
REST API Create Custom Object Update
REST API consumers are now able to create a custom object using PUT /entity/ClientCorporationCustomObjectInstance[1-10] with parent ID
REST API Custom Object Delete Update
REST API consumers can now delete custom object records when using the delete request in the following format: DELETE /entity/entityCustomObjectInstance[1-10]/[id]
REST API Named Custom Objects and Fields
We enhanced custom objects so that REST API consumers can now request and receive custom objects and custom object fields by their customer given/static name. This is applicable to create, update, delete, get, query, search, and meta operations, as well as requesting specific fields by their static name. Additional details are available in the REST API documentation.
Support for More than 500 Departments
An issue has been identified wherein we only showed up to 500 departments in department filter on lists. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the department filter on lists will show more than 500 departments, if applicable.
Exported Date Format Respects User Locale Preference
An issue has been identified wherein the dates included in a CSV export would not respect the date format specified in user preferences. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the CSV export will respect user specified date formats.
Corporate User Replication Issue with Data Mirror
An issue has been identified wherein corporate users were not replicating with Data Mirror when the corporate user had time restrictions in place. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the corporate users will replicate as expected.
Business Sector Changes on Contacts in Data Mirror
We’ve made an update to reflect business sector changes on client contacts in Data Mirror.
Career Portal – SEEK Job Board Sub-Classification Menu
We have updated the SEEK job board sub-classification menu. Upon receiving the latest release, you will be able to see parent categories in the sub-classification in order to successfully choose the proper sub-classification for your job posting.
Career Portal – SEEK Job Board Location Area Update
We have updated the SEEK job board location area menu. Upon receiving the latest release, you will be able to see parent job locations in the job location area menu in order to successfully choose the proper area for your job posting.
Canvas – Date Prompts Now Include Specific Time
You can now set a specific time in addition to a date with using a Date Prompt.
Canvas – Repeater Element Now Available
You can now added repeaters to allow content to be easily repeated in a table structure. You can find the Repeater elements under the Toolbox in Canvas
Canvas – Placement Change Requests Now Available
If you utilize Placement Change Requests these fields are now available for reporting upon in Canvas.
Department Update for SMS Messaging
An update has been made to Bullhorn SMS to allow for restricting usage of phone numbers across departments in your company. With this setting, users in different departments will send SMS messages from different phone numbers, without reusing the same number across departments. Please contact Support to enable this setting.
Note Action Searching
An issue has been identified where occasionally not all values for Note Action are available for Advanced Criteria searching. This issue is resolved and you can now search for all Note Actions using the Advanced Criteria search.
Merge Docs Tag Issue
An issue was identified wherein the $CurrentDate$ tag on Merge Docs was not returning the user’s timezone. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the proper timezone will be returned with this tag.
New Field on Client Company
A new field has been added to field maps for Client Companies: requirementCertificationID. By default, this field is hidden and has an edit type of Picker:Certification.
Date Export Timezone Issue
An issue has been identified wherein exported lists display some dates incorrectly. This issue is now resolved and upon receiving the latest release exported lists will display dates as expected.
Job and Opportunity Parsing from Bullhorn for Email
An issue has been identified wherein attempting to parse a job or opportunity from an attachment would instead parse the email body. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the attachment will parse as expected.
Update to REST APIs
We have expanded the REST API to include new calls querying on entity edit histories. The edit histories for Job Order, Job Submission, Appointment, Placement, and User entities can now be accessed via the REST API.
Full documentation is available at developer.bullhorn.com
Password Reset Age
The default maximum amount of time that can pass before you must reset your password is being extended from 60 days to 180 days.
You can request this age to be reduced but the maximum amount of time this setting can be is 180 days.
Bullhorn strongly advises clients review their password policies and ensure they have settings commensurate to acceptable industry levels. Please contact Bullhorn Support if you would like to reduce the password reset age.
Standard Reporting Descriptions
Each Standard Report now displays an updated description.
Data Mirror Re-Start Update
A change has been made so that when Data Mirror becomes inactive, Data Mirror will fail to re-start. Data Mirror being inactive is defined as 7 days of inactivity and/or 1 million request statuses. An email will be sent to notify you that Data Mirror is inactive and you will need to contact Bullhorn Support to restart the program.
Data Mirror reportsTo field
DataMirror now has access to the reportsTo field for corporate user records.
New Contact Task References Do Not Appear when Multiple Assignees and Contacts on Tasks Enabled
An issue has been identified wherein when the Multiple Assignees and Contacts on Tasks setting is enabled, the contact task references would not appear. This issue is resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the contact task references for tasks affected by this setting will appear.
Setting Tax Exemptions Fields as Confidential
An issue has been identified wherein tax exemptions fields were not displaying the same behavior as other fields when marked confidential. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the tax exemptions field will behave as expected when marked as confidential.
Default country value respected for Companies added via Custom Import
If you import a contact and include company information in the import, Bullhorn will create a new company if the system is unable to find a matching company in your database.
Previously, all new companies created this way would default to the United States for their country. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the system will default to the specified country upon uploading.
Data Mirror – Tearsheet Replication Enhancement
Data Mirror has been optimized to better handle replication of tearsheets and related entities.
Canvas Scheduled Reports
We are excited to announce that you are now able to schedule reports in Canvas. With this new feature you will be able to:
- Automatically send reports (PDF, Excel, CSV) via email
- Schedule reports to be sent daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. You can also set repeat sends.
- Timezones are determined by the user that scheduled the report.
- Currently, you cannot schedule reports with containing a prompt. This ability will be released at a later time.
- Select recipients by user, department, or automatically send to all users who are entitled to see the report
Note Sorting Oldest to Newest in Slideout
An issue has been identified wherein notes listed in the slideout view are sorting oldest to newest for users with a particular combination of usertype entitlements. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, notes will sort from newest to oldest in the slideout for all combinations of usertype permissions.
Tearsheet Management Enhancement
We are excited to announce a better way to manage your tearsheets. If you need to add or remove a single record, you no longer need to navigate to the tearsheet list to do so. You will now see a Manage Tearsheets option within the slideout or on the record itself under the Select An Action menu. This button allows you to either add or remove current tearsheets as well as add the record to a new tearsheet.
Opt Out Option for All Sent Emails Enhancement
Normally, Opt Out verbiage only appears on emails that are sent to more than 10 recipients.
A new setting has been added to enable the option to include the standard Opt Out verbiage on all emails sent from Bullhorn.
This setting is optional and will not be enabled by default. Please contact Bullhorn Support if you would like to enable this functionality.
Email Privacy Enhancement
As part of ongoing security and privacy enhancements, email messages tracked against contacts and leads that have email domains that match any internal Bullhorn users within your database will no longer be discoverable. Please contact Bullhorn Support with any questions about this update.
Example: You have a Bullhorn user with the email address recruiter@acme.com and you add a contact record to your database with the email address legal@acme.com. Emails sent to and from legal@acme.com will not be visible on that contact record.
Canvas is Now Available!
Bullhorn is pleased to announce that Canvas, our powerful business analytics and intelligence suite, is now available for purchase by Bullhorn customers. Canvas allows users to glean powerful insights from otherwise hidden data, including relationship velocity, employee performance, KPIs, and business metrics.
If you are interested in learning more about Canvas, please contact your account executive.
Task Reminders Not Being Sent Correctly
Two issues have been identified that prevent task reminder emails from being sent as expected:
1. Marking a recurring task as complete via the list view will prevent the subsequent recurring task from sending a reminder.
2. Updating a task due date via the list view will not update the task reminder due date.
These issues have been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, task reminder emails involving the above scenarios will send as expected.
Bulk SMS Timing Out
Note: This is for the Bullhorn SMS feature and not IceTrak SMS
An issue has been identified wherein sending more than 200 SMS at a time often results in timeouts. To optimize the SMS service, we have reduced the max number of SMS recipients from 500 to 200.
Notes Sorting in Ascending Order Within Slideout View
An issue has been identified where notes were sorting in ascending order within the slideout view with a certain combination of usertype entitlements. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, notes will sort in descending order within the slideout view regardless of usertype entitlements.
Mobile – Appointment Reminder of “Never” Results in Error
An issue has been identified wherein if a user has an appointment where the reminder is set to none the user is unable to view that appointment using a mobile device. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, these appointments will be visible on a mobile device.
Mobile – Adding Notes Requires Multiple Clicks
An issue has been identified wherein users had to click multiple times to add a note on Bullhorn mobile. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release users will be able to more easily add notes via mobile.
Certain Users Unable to view Projects/Jobs
An issue has been identified wherein if you utilize the Projects entity (also known as Jobs) and rename the entity you will not be able to view Projects via the mobile site in certain cases. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, you will be able to see Projects/Jobs on Bullhorn Mobile regardless of the name of the entity.
LinkedIn Button on Candidate and Contact Issue
A recent change to searching in LinkedIn caused the candidate and contact LinkedIn button to return an error message when navigating from Bullhorn. This issue has been resolved and all candidate and contact searches are working as expected.
Leading and Trailing Spaces Ignored in Email Fields on Lead Records
An issue has been identified where spaces before or after an email address in an email field on lead records were getting saved and would cause issues with mass mailing and message tracking. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, leading and trailing spaces are ignored when Lead records are saved.
Converted Leads do not Associate Emails with Contact’s Company
An issue has been identified where upon converting a lead to a contact, emails sent to that contact do not associate with the contact’s company. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, emails for converted contacts will track to the company as expected.
Data Mart/Data Mirror – “Replace General Candidate/Contact Comments with Note” not Adding Edit History
An issue has been identified wherein using the feature that replaces General Candidate/Contact Comments with note comments was not adding edit history to the candidate or contact record. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, events will be replicated as expected.
Data Mart/Data Mirror – Placement Change Requests via SOAP API not Adding Edit History
An issue has been identified wherein updating Placement Change Requests via the SOAP API would not update the edit history. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, events will be able to be replicated as expected.
Data Mart/Data Mirror – Lead and Opportunity Edit History Added
Lead and Opportunity Edit Histories are now available to be replicated through Data Mirror.
Data Mart/Data Mirror – Field nickName Array
An issue has been identified wherein the field “nickName” was creating errors with Data Mirror and Data Loader when certain values were entered into the field. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, errors will no longer be generated.
Data Mirror/Data Mart – Events for Adding/Updating Users via SOAP API not replicating
An issue has been identified where if you create/edit a user using SOAP API, the actions are not being replicated by Data Mirror or Data Mart. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, these actions will replicated as expected.
Note: This issue does not impact additions/updates made from the user list in Bullhorn. Only those changes made via the SOAP API.
Address State not Updating Correctly
An issue was identified wherein if you added a contact and used the “update contact address to match company address” feature, the contact’s state was not updating correctly. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the contact’s state will update as expected.
Unable to Create Leads from Gadget
An issue has been identified wherein leads were unable to be saved when parsed with the email gadget. This issue has been resolved and leads are able to be saved when parsed with the email gadget.
Attendee Notification Enhancement
Would you like to be able to decide whether or not your attendees receive an invite for your appointment? With this latest enhancement, we have added the ability for you to control if an email invitation is sent out to your attendees. Upon receiving the latest release, you will be able to add or edit appointments and take advantage of this new enhancement.
Location Name Not Logging
An issue has been identified wherein an appointment will not log if the location on the appointment exceeds 100 characters. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, appointments will log as expected.
Introducing Live Chat for Bullhorn Support!
If you’re designated as a Support or Account Contact, a new “Live Chat” button will be available to you within Bullhorn. Upon receiving the latest release, you will be able to use this button to quickly connect you with one of our Support representatives in order to ask questions or submit issues.
Note: This feature is only available to Support or Account contacts.
SalesDuel – Filter Players by Title During Tournament Creation
An enhancement has been made to SalesDuel that enables a tournament creator to quickly select all players who have a certain title and add them to a tournament.
When a user is creating a tournament, they can type a title at the top of the Add Players dialog, and, as a result, only players who have that title will appear for selection. At that point, the user can select individual players or they can select all of the players in a department who have the associated title by clicking the plus icon beside the department name (which adds only the filtered players as opposed to all of the players in the department).
Note: A player’s title in SalesDuel is the value that appears in the Occupation field on their user record in Bullhorn. If a user’s Occupation field is blank, SalesDuel will display “No Title” for that user.
SalesDuel – Copying a Tournament
An enhancement has been made to SalesDuel that enables users to create a new tournament by copying an existing tournament.
When a tournament is in progress, you can copy the tournament by accessing its properties and clicking the Copy Tournament link found at the bottom Edit Tournament dialog.
Additionally, when a tournament has ended you will notice a link to recreate the tournament at the bottom of the Tournament Recap dialog.
Upon receiving the latest release, the ability to copy tournaments will become available.
Export Address Field Enhancement
The Export As CSV action on the entities lists has been updated to export the Address field into its corresponding address parts. This affects the following entities and address fields:
Note: The fields listed below are identified by the field mapping name. Depending on your exact configuration, you may have a different label for these field mappings. To help you identify the field mapping name, see this article.
- Candidate, Contact, and Lead Primary and Secondary Address: when the primary or secondary address field is selected in the list, it will be exported in CSV as separate fields for the following field mappings: Address1, Address2, City, State. You also can add Zip/Postal Code and Country to the list to export these fields as well.
- Company Primary and Billing Address: when the primary or billing address fields are selected in the list, they will be exported in CSV as separate fields for the following field mappings: Address1, Address2, City, State, Zip/Postal Code, and/or Country.
- Job and Opportunity Address: when the address field is selected in the list, it will be exported in CSV as separate fields for the following field mappings: Address1, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, and Country.
Response Times Job Card
We have enhanced the error messaging when setting a Custom Date for the Response Times Job Card to let you know that a date range of greater than 1 year is not allowed. Upon receiving the latest release, the error messaging will be visible when adjusting the Custom Date range to greater than 1 year.
Bullhorn for Email – Enhanced Logic When Parsing Existing Candidates
We have enhanced the way that the gadget searches for existing Candidates when parsing a resume. The resume parser will now match the candidate by email, then exact name match, and finally by a partial name match if the other options are exhausted. Upon receiving the latest release, the enhanced logic will be applied.
SalesDuel – TV Mode Auto Refresh Timer
We have now added a feature to SalesDuel to display an auto refresh timer in the upper right-hand corner of the screen when TV Mode is being displayed. The timer indicates the next time the TV mode will refresh with the latest data. If you would like to refresh the data earlier than the indicated time, you can press the refresh button next to the timer. Upon receiving the latest release, users will see the timer appear when within the TV Mode of SalesDuel.
SalesDuel – Timing Enhancements
We have enhanced how SalesDuel handles timing. Previously, tournaments were ending on the morning of the last day of the tournament.
For example, if the tournament was set to end 14 January, the tournament would actually end at 11:59 PM on 13 January as opposed to 11:59 PM on 14 January. Upon receiving the latest release, tournaments will end at the close of the last day selected.
Additionally, SalesDuel previously would start and end all tournaments according to Eastern Standard Time. With the latest enhancement tournaments will start/end respecting the timezone of the computer or mobile device that was used to generate the tournament.
SalesDuel – Scoring Guide
We have now added a feature to SalesDuel that enables users to click on a question mark icon on their tournament page to access a detailed guide that explains how points are calculated for that tournament. Upon receiving the latest release, users will begin to see the question mark icon appear on their tournament pages.
SalesDuel – Mobile Access Enhancement
We have improved the mobile SalesDuel experience so that tournaments are much easier to work with and view on mobile devices. Upon receiving the latest release, users will be able to take advantage of the enhanced mobile experience.
SalesDuel – Invitation Email Enhancement
We have enhanced the tournament invitation email in SalesDuel that enables users to quickly invite all players in a specific tournament to join SalesDuel. Previously, users had to be added manually. Upon receiving the latest release, a button will appear allowing users to quickly invite all players to a specific tournament.
Submission Update Email Fix
We have fixed an issue where when utilizing links included in email notifications about Submission updates the link would open a new session of Bullhorn instead of opening within the existing session. Upon receiving the latest release links will open the corresponding record in the existing session.
Data Mirror – Replicate submission.customtext Fields
We have added an enhancement to the Data Mirror Job Submission replication to include the customText1-5 columns. Upon receiving the latest release Data Mirror will begin to sync these customText fields.
Data Mirror – Corporate User Edit History Added
We have added user edit history to the list of fields available for Data Mirror. This means that changes made to internal users via menu > tools > users will now sync to Data Mirror for reporting purposes. Upon receiving the latest release Data Mirror will begin to sync user edit history.
Note: Only changes to the following corporate user fields will be replicated:
- Primary department
- Additional (Secondary) departments
- Title
- Enabled/Disabled
- First Name
- Last Name
- Usertype
- Email Address
- Reports to
Card List Issue
An issue has been resolved where multiple Dashboard cards would error upon opening the corresponding list view if the card had been filtered to include a large number of users. Upon receiving the latest release, the corresponding entity list will open successfully when clicking the results in the card.
Task List User Count
We fixed an issue that occurs when applying filters to a task list, such as “My Tasks” or “My Departments Tasks”. This displays a user count on the Users drop down on the Task List and clearing the filter would result in still displaying the previous count. Now, after clearing filters, the User count gets reset correctly.
Task Reminders on Inline Edit or Mass Update
We fixed an issue that occurs upon a task due date being updated via the list view. The system was not correctly updating reminders sent out about the task after the change was made. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and task reminders will update as expected.
Filtering by Placement ID
We fixed an issue regarding the placement change request list where in attempting to filter the placement change request list by placement ID resulted in a blank list. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and you will be able to filter the list by placement id.
Placement List Display
We fixed an issue where after enabling the Starts & Ends dashboard card and changing the position of the Job column on the Placement List, the Placement List would not load data. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the Placement List will load as expected.
Time to Fill/Submit Dashboard Card Showing Incorrect Response Time Data
We fixed an issue wherein the “Response Times” Job dashboard card values for Time to Fill and Time to Submit were being calculated including jobs without submissions or placements. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and jobs without any submissions or placements will be excluded from the calculations.
Leading and Trailing Spaces in Email Fields
We fixed an issue wherein if an email address was entered into an email field on a record and that email address contained a leading or trailing space this would cause issues with mass mailing or composing a message within Bullhorn. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the system will ignore any leading or trailing spaces in the email fields.
Select / Mini Picker Display
We fixed an issue regarding fields with an edit type of either Select or Mini-Picker where these fields were displaying an incorrect value when the value should have appeared as blank. Instead the blank value would appear as the first value from the total list of available values. This appeared on Job and Company record overviews. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the fields now display correctly on their respective overviews.
Pin Color Inconsistent on Pinned Records
We have fixed an issue where after pinning a record and switching between tabs (For example, switching between edit and activity) the blue pin color would get reset to black. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the pin color stays blue when switching between tabs on a pinned record.
Leads and Opportunities on Merged Companies
We have enhanced the company merge process to include leads and opportunities. Upon receiving the latest release this means when two companies are merged in the system, any leads and/or opportunities that are visible on the secondary company will be moved to the primary company when the records are merged.
SalesDuel – TV View
We’re excited to announce the addition of TV View to SalesDuel! With TV View, we’ve optimized the display of SalesDuel standings and results for televisions and large screens. Customers can now maximize team visibility into SalesDuel activity using dedicated or shared displays.
Export Improvements
When exporting any entity with business sectors, you are now presented with counts and details columns in the export. Additionally, an issue was resolved where an error was displayed when trying to export a Company with the billing address column included.
Latest News
The Pulse tab is now the fastest way to prep for any meeting: Add the “Latest News” Card to see the latest headlines about the account. Click on any headline to go straight to the article. These news items are updated in real time and automatically displayed based on the company’s domain name. This is part of the Market Intelligence product offering; for more information, please contact your Account Executive.
SalesDuel – Candidate-Based Scoring
We’ve made an enhancement to SalesDuel that allows a tournament administrator to add candidate-based scoring to a tournament. When configuring or editing a tournament, an administrator is now able track candidate-related activity by selecting the Candidates entity and then selecting the statuses for which they would like to track points. When the tournament is in progress, players receive the appropriate number of points when a candidate for whom they are the owner or secondary owner is moved into one of the configured statuses.
SalesDuel – Job-Based Scoring
We’ve made an enhancement to SalesDuel that enables a tournament administrator to add job-based scoring to a tournament. When configuring or editing a tournament, an administrator is now able track job-related activity by selecting the Jobs entity and then selecting the statuses for which they would like to track points. When the tournament is in progress, players receive the appropriate number of points when a job for which they are the owner or secondary owner is moved into one of the configured statuses.
SalesDuel – Tournament Recap Email
We’ve made an enhancement to SalesDuel that enables a tournament administrator to send a recap email upon completion of a tournament. The administrator can send the recap email by accessing a completed tournament and clicking the Send Full Recap Email button that appears on the resulting dialog.
When the administrator sends the email as part of a team-based tournament, the email is sent to all team owners as well as any player who is on a team (note that the email is not sent to players who did not get drafted). When the administrator sends the email as part of an individual-based tournament, the email is sent to every player who was added to the tournament, regardless of their level of participation.
The recap email includes information such as the name of the tournament, the user who won and the number of points they accrued, the user who is designated as the MVP and the statistic that earned them that designation, and the second and third runners up in the tournament. The email also includes a button that enables the reader to view the full tournament stats within SalesDuel.
Get Help Update
You will now be directed to our new Customer Portal when selecting the Get Help button in Bullhorn. The Customer Portal will open within your Bullhorn application, and contains sections for Bullhorn Academy, Product Updates, and Feedback.
Product Feedback
Bullhorn Brainstorm has been replaced with our new feedback form as part of our Customer Portal launch. Provide feedback directly to the Bullhorn Product team and check out recent suggestions from customers that we’ve recently implemented.
Live Chat in Bullhorn
Introducing Live Chat for Bullhorn Support! If you’re designated as a Support or Account Contact, a new “Live Chat” button is now available to you in the CRM. Clicking this button quickly connects you with one of our Support representatives via a live chat session.