Product Update Category: ATS & CRM
Advanced Credential Search
The Advanced Credential Search will no longer return deleted credentials.
Additional Fields Anonymized
The following fields will now be anonymized when using the anonymization function on candidate, contact, or lead records: custom fields, ethnicity, date of birth, and submission comments.
Recipients Field Displays Fully
When sharing a Canvas report, the recipients field will now display all the users and/or departments the report is shared with.
Recipient Limit Enforced
The 200 recipient limit will now be enforced when sending SMS messages from a distribution list.
Record Loading Time
Records will now load and open more quickly.
Planner Type Drop Down
Non-English users will now see “All Types” and “Search” in the correct language on the Planner “Type” drop down.
Placement Change Request Icon
The “Placement Change Request” menu icon will now display the translated term for non-English users.
Table Headers
Values in the “Edit History” and “Status History” table headers will now be displayed in the correct language for non-English users.
Unenroll Contacts from NPS
You will now be able to choose “Unenroll in NPS” from the Contact list.
Tearsheets Listed Alphabetically
When you search for a tearsheet, the picker will now list them alphabetically.
Internal Pickers Display Names with Diacritic Characters
When the corporation-wide setting “Ignore Accents When Searching” is enabled, internal and people pickers will return results with accents when you type their name with or without the accent.
Find Results Show “Display Values”
When an entity shows a field in the Find results that has both a value and a display value, the Find results will now show the display value.
Hiding Placement Fields
You can now hide/unhide the following Placement fields:
- referralFeeHeader
- referralFeeType
- referralFee
- otherHourlyFee
- otherHourlyFeeComment
“To” Field Populates Email Address
Clicking on “Email 2” or “Email 3” from an Overview card will now open the “Compose Message” screen with the email address pre-populated in the “To” field.
New Custom Fields Replicated
Data Mirror will now replicate data stored in the following new custom fields:
- customText21-60
- customTextBlock6-10
- customInt4-23
- customFloat4-23
- customDate4-13
Marking Fields as Required
Not filling out a required field on a Custom Object will now cause an error when saving until the information is recorded.
Expiration Date Display
You will now see the expiration date for credentials display accurately regardless of your time zone.
Merge Docs Supported Languages Updated
The Merge Docs tool now supports dual-byte languages like Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.
Actions on Activity Center Messages
Taking action on messages in the Activity Center will now launch the corresponding Novo page in Bullhorn instead of the S-Release page.
Web Response No Longer Causes Duplicate Warning
A duplicate warning will no longer appear when adding a Submission for a Candidate with an existing Web Response for the Job.
Date and Time Settings in French
The French configuration of Bullhorn will now display the date correctly on Overview cards as well as the 12 hour clock when selected.
Display Value Showing Correctly
The “employmentType” field will now correctly show the “Display Value” when a Job or Placement is added.
Mass Enable SMS
Users can now enable more than 2,000 internal users for the Bullhorn SMS feature.
“Submission Added By” Column Available on Placement List
The “Submission Added By” field is now available as a column on the placement list with sorting, filtering, and search functionality. For example, this will allow recruiters to view a list of candidates with active placements they’ve submitted to their account manager in order to manage their reassignments more effectively.
Updated Version of the Open Source Career Portal
Version 2.7.0 of the OSCP includes the following changes:
- Adds configuration options for custom job filtering in the list
- Adds configuration options for displaying privacy policy information in the apply form
- Removes configuration options for Apply with LinkedIn due to LinkedIn deprecating this functionality. Additional LinkedIn options will be communicated in future updates.
- The Job description preview displays accented characters correctly
Recipients Field for Scheduled Reports
The Recipients field will now load when editing a scheduled report regardless of how many recipients are listed.
New Fields Available in Canvas
The following Candidate and Placement fields can now be added to Canvas reports: customText 21-60, customTextBlock 6-10, customInt 4-23, customFloat 4-23, and customDate 4-13.
Cross Join Errors
Reports that reference both the Lead and the Lead Owner will no longer cause errors.
Billing Activity Report
The Billing Activity Report is no longer timing out.
Mini Picker Value Display
Mini picker fields will now display on the record as expected.
Category Missing from Main Lead Package in Canvas
We’ve added “Category” to the Canvas “Lead” package.
Lead Custom Objects in Canvas
Canvas users can now report against Custom Objects on Leads.
Performance Improvements
The November release brings users faster load times for Lists and Notes.
Number Field Formatting
We have enhanced number fields to accept both decimals and commas.
Placement Overview Showing Date of Birth in Unix Time when Field is Confidential
We have resolved an issue where the Candidate Details card on the Placement Overview displays the dateOfBirth field as a string of numbers instead of the standard MM/DD/YYYY format in certain situations.
Overview Displaying Mini Picker Value Not Display Value
We resolved an issue where Mini Picker fields that were setup to allow multiple values were displaying incorrectly.
Lists and Searches Saved as Favorite
Prompt text now wraps properly when saving a search as a Favorite.
Distribution & Task Lists in Bowling Alley Displaying Incorrect Values
The bowling alley will now display the correct value on distribution and task lists.
Diacritic Characters Incorrectly Converted on Publish Job Screen
We resolved an issue where Diacritic and Japanese characters were not being correctly converted on the “Job Publish” page.
File Preview Closing
Long file names will no longer prevent you from closing the file preview.
Fast Find Does Not Ignore Leading or Trailing Spaces
We have resolved an issue where the Fast Find was including extra spaces while searching.
Blacklist and Whitelist Fields Do Not Save on Add/Edit
We have resolved an issue where the blacklist and whitelist fields were not saving entered values.
Unable to View Attachments Added to Appointments
You can now view attachments for existing appointments while editing appointments.
Generated Hyperlink Auto Adds to Clipboard
We enhanced the Generate Hyperlink feature so the link automatically copies to your clipboard.
Mapping a Record Without an Address Will Show Your Current Location
We made an enhancement to the mapping feature. Now when mapping a group of records or a single record with an invalid address, the system will load a prompt notifying you of the record or records with an invalid address.
User Filter Not Sticky Across All Sessions
We have enhanced the Planner so that the User filter, Type filter, and View setting is now sticky across sessions.
NPS Survey/GDPR Consent Links Not Generating Correctly
We resolved an issue where NPS Survey Links and GDPR Consent Request Links were not being generated correctly for some of our clients.
LinkedIn Publishing Redirects to "Page Not Found" Error
We resolved an issue where users were receiving an error when attempting to share a Published Job to LinkedIn.
Facebook Social Media Share Link not Generating Correct URLs
We resolved an issue with sharing Published Jobs to Facebook when users were already logged into a Facebook session.
Add Submission Page Use entityTitleMultiple for Job and Candidate
We resolved an issue where the ‘Job’ and ‘Candidate’ field on the Add Submission page were not correctly pulling the pluralized value for ‘Job’ and ‘Candidate’.
Calibri as an Available Font in CKEditor
We have added the option to use the font ‘Calibri’ within our DHTML fields.
Document Editor Breaking Where fileTypeList Exceeds/Has Certain Characters
We resolved an issue with the Document Editor not working as expected for clients that have duplicate file type values in their file type value list (fileTypeList).
Skills and Secondary Skills Fields Use Same Logic
We resolved an issue where reporting against the ‘Secondary Skills’ field was pulling back incorrect data.
Parse as Existing from the Gmail Add-On
You can now use the Parse as Existing function with the Gmail Add-On.
Official Bullhorn Career Portal Plugin for WordPress
We are pleased to announce that Bullhorn now has an official Career Portal plugin for WordPress.
Custom Fields on Candidates and Placements
Administrators now have the ability to configure additional custom fields on the Candidate and/or Placement records. The fields can be configured to appear on record overview, edit, and lists.
Advanced Note Searching Open Beta
We are excited to announce the open beta for Advanced Note Searching! The Advanced Note Searching feature puts all of your note-related fields in one place to make them easier to find when performing searches. If you would like to use this functionality, please contact Bullhorn Support.
System Setting “linkedUserActivityView”
Novo users who use the ‘linkedUserActivityView’ system setting will now see the Interviews, Submissions, Client Submissions, and Placements on the Submission tab that reference the linked record.
Create Standard Resume Action for Localized Users
Non English users will now be able to use the ‘Create Standard Resume’ action if they have the Document Editor enabled.
Job “reportToUserID” Field Not Correctly Displayed
We have resolved a display issue where the job contact value would be shown when the “reportsTo” field was configured to appear on the tearsheet table.
“To” Field is Not Populated When Clicking Email Hyperlink from Task Slideout
We have resolved an issue where when clicking on the candidate and/or contact email address from the task slideout, the “To” field on the compose a message screen would not populate with the record.
Tasks Do Not Display on the Lead/Opportunity Activity Tab
We have resolved an issue where when expanding the task table on a Lead/Opportunity with tasks, the user would not be able to see which tasks referenced the record.
System Setting “commissionRecipientRecruiting” Not Honored When Creating Placements
We have resolved an issue where when creating a placement the commission’s recruiter assignment would always be the candidate owner regardless of the setting value. Now, the recruiter assignment will be the candidate owner or candidate submitter based on the value set in the system setting.
Placement Start Date and End Date not Respecting Date Format
We have resolved an issue where when the placement start date and/or end date was configured to appear on the find results page, the date format would always appear as MM/DD/YYYY. Now, the date format will respect the locale setting.
Submission History Incorrect when Viewing Record from the Placement Table
We have resolved an issue where the incorrect submission history would appear on the preview pane tab when viewing a candidate or job record from the submission workflow placement table.
Page Interaction Enhancement
We’ve extended page interaction support to the sendout/client submission workflow in Novo.
Opportunity Note Workflow Not Triggering
We have resolved an issue where when using custom workflow steps on the opportunity record, workflow steps which are configured to add a note are not active once a note of that note action has been created.
Cannot Send Onboarding Docs from the Submission Tab
We now support sending Onboarding Documents through the Submission Tab on a Job record.
“Minutes Spent” Value is Not Saved on Add/Edit Note
We have resolved an issue where the notes “Minutes Spent” value would not be saved when entering data on the Add/Edit form.
Note “Date Added” Empty when Adding a Note from the List Slideout
We have resolved an issue where when notes are created from list actions, those users with the ability to edit the note “Date Added” field would not see the field default with the current date and time. Now, the date and time will be pre-filled when the Add Note slideout is opened from list actions.
Social Sharing Options on Publish Screen Do Not Generate Job URLs
We resolved an issue where a Job link was not being created when sharing a Published Job to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
Contact Status History Labeled “Company History”
We resolved an issue where ‘Status History’ on a Contact record was incorrectly labeled.
‘Log as Client Submission’ Creating Multiple Client Submissions
We resolved an issue where composing an email and setting “Log as Client Submission” to yes created duplicate submissions on the job record.
Secondary Address Displays as [object Object] when Viewing the Field on Cards
We have resolved an issue where the secondary address field would display as [object Object] when the field is configured to appear on record overview cards.
Placement Recent Notes Card Passing in Contact to the “About” Field
We have resolved an issue where when adding a note to a placement via the recent notes card, the placement’s contact would be passed into the “About” field on Add Note and the candidate would not be referenced. Now, we will pass in the placement’s candidate to the “About” field.
Unable to Add Multiple Candidates to a Tearsheet via API
We have resolved an issue where when multiple records were added to the tearsheet open window call, we would only add the first record to the tearsheet. Now, all records will be added to the selected tearsheet.
Custom Object Localization Support
Admin users who have multiple private labels can configure their custom object names via the Entity Titles menu or entityTitle system setting. You can also customize Attribute labels and values via Field Mappings. If you choose not to customize these settings, they will continue to display as configured by Bullhorn Support.
Hardcoded Use of “List” for Entity Lists
We changed the way we word ‘Lists’ in the Bowling Alley for our Non-English clients. Instead of ‘Entity_List’ it will now use the ‘Many’ value for the entity as the label. For example ‘Candidate List’ will now be labelled ‘Candidates’.
Improve Performance of File Tab
The Files tab will now load much faster on records with a large number of associated files.
Unable to Filter Tearsheets by Owner When Name Includes an Apostrophe
We resolved an issue where users were unable to filter the Tearsheet list by owner if the Owner’s name contained an apostrophe.
Additional Fields Added to Placement View Layout
Administrators can add the following fields to the Placement “Details” card:
- customTextBlock 1-5
- correlatedCustomTextBlock 1-3
- approvingUserID
- backupApprovingUserID
- bonusPackage
- housingStatus
- invoiceGroup
- optionsPackage
- otExemption
- projectCodeList
- referralFeeType
- taxRate
- taxState
- terminationReason
Entity Pickers Get Cut Off at Top of Page
We resolved an issue where pickers were sometimes being cut off by the page header.
Links to Candidates and Internal Users in the “Referred By” Field Display Error When Clicked
We have resolved an issue where when the associated record in the “Referred By” field on the overview is clicked, it would display an error. Now it will open to the associated record’s overview, or show as plain text if the association is an internal user.
Adding/Editing Leads Does Not Send Notifications
We have resolved an issue where email notifications were not being sent when adding an internal user or distribution list to the email notification pickers on Lead add/edit pages.
Update to Entity Label Word Order
We changed the Bowling Alley labels for ‘Add Entity’ for our German and Dutch users to now be labelled ‘Entity add’ which is the correct phrasing for those languages.
Menu Items Do Not Respect entityTitle PLAs Consistently
We now support localization for the following menu items for our non English clients: ‘Reference Questions’, ‘Message Templates’, ‘Contact Support’, ‘Customer Community’, ‘Request Training’, and ‘Service Status’.
Date Fields Not Respecting Format
We resolved an issue with the Date Pickers where it would not correctly recognize values manually entered as dd/mm/yyyy for clients outside of the US.
Records Overlap When Viewing More than 15 Items Per Page
We have resolved a display issue where records returned would overlap on the results page when a search returned more that 15 items.
Manage Distribution List Action Not Indexing
We have resolved an issue where a record added to a distribution list via the “Manage Distribution List” action would not appear in the matching results when performing an additional criteria search on the distribution list field on the entity list.
“Leads by Owner” Card
We have resolved an issue where the custom date range on the “Leads by Owner” card was not including records added on the “End” date.
Appointment Reminder User Preference Not Respected
We have resolved an issue where the reminder preference was not being respected when set to “Never.”
Update Owner/Department When New Assessment is Sent
We resolved an issue with the Prophecy integration where sending an assessment through Bullhorn was not updating the owner and department on the Prophecy side. We will now update the Owner and Department when sending an assessment to ensure the user sending the assessment will receive an email notification from Prophecy when the assessment is completed.
Change When Candidate is Created
We made an enhancement to the Prophecy integration where the Candidate record will no longer be created in the Prophecy system when you click on the Prophecy tab in Bullhorn but instead when the Candidate is sent an assessment.
UL Enabled: Password Reset Redirects to Invalid Address
S-Release Password Reset: After a user resets an expired password, they’re now redirected to the Login page. Previously, the application displayed the 404 error page instead of Login.
Send GDPR Consent Request Email in (near) Real Time
When a user initiates a “Consent Request” to a Candidate, Contact or Lead, the application will now sends the email within 75 minutes of the request. Previously, the “Consent Request” was sent daily at 10 am.
Favorites Search that Includes Custom Object Float Fields Errors Out
We resolved an issue where favorite searches that include float fields on custom objects were saving incorrect REST calls and causing errors.
Credentials Scroll Bar Missing When Viewing 25 or More Records Per Page in Chrome
We resolved an issue with the Credentials tab on Placement records in Chrome was not generating a scroll bar when your view is set to 50 or 100 items per page.
Deleted Credentials Appearing in Reports
We no longer display deleted credentials on Canvas reports. Canvas reports will now show only current credentials.
Cannot Use DateAdded Field for Custom Objects
We added DateAdded as a report field in Canvas reports.
Gmail Add-On Enhancements
We are releasing a number of updates for the Gmail Add-On including better user alerts and duplicate record handling.