Product Update Category: BBO
Resolved Issue
Search: Filtering Latency with Document Search
Document Search now has lower latency and returns results for documents containing spaces and special characters. Previously, documents containing spaces and special characters were not always returned in results.
Resolved Issues
Timesheets: Timesheet Entries Overlap
Candidates and users are now required to correct overlapping time entries before submitting a timesheet. Previously, it was possible to submit timesheets with exact duplicate in and out times for the same day.
New 2023 I-9
A new I-9 form (effective 08/01/23) has been added for all US-based clients using I-9 forms for Onboarding in BBO. Clients will automatically receive it by 10/12/23 and the older form shouldn’t be used after 11/1/23. It has the following updates:
- Sections 1 and 2 have been condensed to a single page.
- New Supplement A and B.
- Options for choosing alternative procedures for verification.
Password Requirements Updated
BBO will now require all candidates to use complex passwords during the initial set up and during password resets.
Improved Load Times
The dropdown selection list for communication on the BBO admin control panel now allows for searching of manager names and loads the select list faster by limiting it to the first 500 records.
Candidate Tax Information Carries Over to ATS
Admins for BBO/Onboarding can now set Candidate tax information to flow to the Tax Info tab in the Bullhorn ATS.
Invoices Generate Timesheet Line Items as Expected
BBO will now prevent duplicate timesheet line items from being included on invoices.
Sync Multirate Placements
Multirate Placements will now sync as expected between the Bullhorn ATS and BBO.
Accurate Start and End Date on Dashboard
The Start Date and End Date for Placements will now display as expected on the dashboard.
Filter Lists Using Multiple Column
The lists in BBO V2 tabs can now be filtered based on multiple columns, allowing you to further refine lists to accurately act on the necessary data.
Saving Invoice Lines on Billing Contacts
Editing invoice lines from the Billing Contact record will now save as expected.
New Custom Fields Pulling into BBO
BBO can now pull over data from the new custom fields in the ATS:
- Candidate Fields:
- customText21 – 40
- customTextBlock6 – 10
- customInt4 – 23
- customFloat4 – 23
- customDate4 – 13
- Placement Fields:
- customText41 – 60
- customTextBlock6 – 10
- customInt4 – 23
- customFloat4 – 23
- customDate4 – 13
BBO Loads with Invalid ATS Integration Credentials
BBO will now load as expected when the ATS integration credentials are invalid allowing for quick access to troubleshoot integration issues.
Employee Name Available on Receivables Tab
The Receivables Tab will now show the Employee Name if the setting “Group Expenses by Placement” on the Department or Billing Contact is enabled.
Start and End Dates Display Correctly
Placement Start and End Dates will now display correctly on the Dashboard.
Multirate Placements Sync As Expected
Multirate Placements will now sync between Bullhorn ATS and BBO as expected.
Class Field and Pay Account Name Save Successfully
In V2, values in the Pay Account Name and Class fields can now be edited or deleted successfully.
Enable AutoRun Button Works as Expected
The Enable/Disable AutoRun button in the Control Panel now functions properly and is clickable.
Adding Tax Lines to Tax Profiles
Tax Lines can now be added to Tax Profiles as expected.
Load Hours Import Profiles Successfully
Hours Import Profiles will now load as expected.
Freeze Filters When Scrolling
The filters across the top of the Receivables List will now remain in place when scrolling down the list.
Sign-On Notification Should Not Block Workflow
The sign-on notification has been made smaller to prevent it from blocking BBO / Onboarding tabs.
Timesheets and Invoices Tabs Display Properly
The Timesheets and Invoices tabs on Placement records will now only display when those modules are enabled.
Duplicated Timesheets
Invoices will no longer duplicate timesheets.
Save Button Works as Expected
Changing the Time Entry Method dropdown to “Basic Hours” or toggling Simple Mode will now allow you to use the Save button.
Payroll Item Fields Save Correctly
Changes to Payroll Item fields will now save as expected.
I-9 Data Entry Allowed as Expected
You will now be able to enter data on I-9 forms without latency issues.
End Placement Checkbox Saves
When you manually uncheck “End Placement” and save the record, the box will stay unchecked as expected.
“Details Visible to Approver” Value Respected
The “Details Visible to Approver” checkbox will now save and work as expected.
Commission Percentage Displayed Correctly
Commissions will now display properly in BBO.
Annual Rate Displays Properly
Placement bill rates will now display when the rate is greater than 1000.
Quickbooks Connector Update
We have upgraded the Quickbooks Integrations OAuth1.0 token to OAuth2.0 token. No action is needed on your part and you will not see any changes to your Back Office instance.
Account Name Displays On All Records
The Account Name fields will now display on Placement records with or without the Invoice Grouping setting enabled.
Fields Display Properly When Added or Edited
Salary, Additional Cost, and Fee Values will now save properly when added or edited.
Access to More Fields on Candidate Tab
Additional fields are now exposed on the Candidate tab, including the Badge ID field and the Reports checkbox. The Authorized Representative field will also be turned off when not needed.
Invoice Breakdown Reflects Correct Date
Invoice Breakdowns added without a Payment Date will now allow the appropriate date to show rather than “Invalid Date”.
Dates Formatted Properly
The branch’s date settings are now respected throughout the admin application, including on records, slideouts, audit trails, histories, and error messages.
Currency Format Based On Employee
Admins will now see the correct currency for an employee regardless of the administrator’s branch.
Deleting Files From Candidate Records
Users will now be able to delete files from a Candidate record.
“Same as Billing Contact” Checkbox Displays Accurate Value
The “Same as Billing Contact” checkbox on a Placement record will now display the appropriate checked/unchecked value.
Invoices No Longer Duplicate
Invoices in BBO will no longer duplicate intermittently.
Renaming Primary and Secondary Contacts
Admin users can now rename the Primary and Secondary Contact fields through the Control Panel.
Define Maximum Inactive Session Duration in the Employee Portal
For increased security, we have added a setting to time inactive external users out after a set period of time. The default time out setting is 4 hours, but Administrators can request the setting be increased to a maximum of six hours, or decreased to a shorter period as desired. This change applies to Employees, Departments, Vendors, and Authorized Representatives.
Please contact support for assistance.
Admin Users Can Restrict Export Ability
Administrators can now elect to restrict export activity via admin permissions. All current users will retain export capabilities.
PTO Information
New employee records added to BBO from Bullhorn’s ATS will now include correct PTO information.
Password Security Update
A new setting will prompt an employee who logs in with an assigned password to reset it with a password of their own choosing that meets password strength requirements. Please contact Support to request this feature.
Quickbooks Class on Multi-Rate Placements
Quickbooks class values on multi-rate placements will now save accurately.
Invoices for New Permanent Placements
Approving a permanent placement added to Back Office from the ATS will now correctly generate an invoice.
Case Verification Timeout Extended
The timeout threshold for case verification has been extended to prevent duplicate requests.
Combination of Decimal Values in Regular and DT Hours Generates Timesheet Error
Employees can save decimal values for both regular and double time without receiving an error on submittal.
MultiRate Not Syncing to BBO
Multirate placements will now support syncing up to 20 rates to Bullhorn Back Office.
Admins with Limited Branch Access Cannot Run Some Reports
Administrators who do not belong to all departments can now run reports as expected.
Invoices for certain companies defaulting to due date of Dec 31, 1969
We’ve resolved an issue where invoices intermittently generated incorrect due dates.
Commission Payout List Latency
We’ve made an enhancement to the commission list to enhance load time and performance.
Approver Portal Display
When accessing the approver portal via email notification, the page header will display the correct company name.
Duplicate Invoice Attachments
Attachments will no longer be duplicated on approved invoices associated to group timesheets.
Signup Emails for New Administrator Users
We will now send signup emails to new administrator users when SSO from the Bullhorn ATS is not in use.
Audit Trail Logging for Email
Changes made to email address values in the ATS will now be reflected in the BBO audit trail.
ATS Secondary Address
When a customer maps candidate secondary address from ATS to BBO, the correct address values will now display.
Reminder Emails
Timesheet reminder emails will now be delivered consistently.
Contact/Department Erasure
Department records configured as contacts can now be anonymized via manual record erasure by BBO Admin users with the the GDPR permission. This will also initiated document erasure for records associated with any Client Documents.
Note: If the contact/department record has a Bullhorn Integration ID, erasure should be initiated from the ATS.
Manager/Approver Erasure
Manager/Approver records can now be anonymized via manual record erasure in BBO by Admin users with the GDPR permission.
Note: If the record has a Bullhorn integration ID, erasure should be initiated from the ATS.
Vendor Erasure
Vendor records can now be anonymized via manual record erasure in BBO by Admin users with the GDPR permission.
Employee records created via the ATS integration will now have appropriate benefits information assigned.
E-Verify: Form I-9 Updates
We’ve enhanced Section 1. Employee “State” field to support a maximum of three characters. We’ve added Section 2. Employer “Additional Comments” so comments can be provided.
New Employee Onboarding Credentials Email Option
You now have the option to send employees their username and password in separate emails. This setting can be enabled in the Control Panel under Integrations > Onboarding and setting Emails.Employee Signup.Send username and password in separate email to “Yes.”
BBO Background Refreshes
You can now manually refresh a record even when it’s queued for a background refresh.
Preparer/Translator Fields Now Available on Form I-9
Additional preparer and/or translator information can now be saved to the shared Form I-9 associated to E-Verify.
The Quickbooks online integration will no longer create duplicate invoices.
Support for GDPR
A new administrator permission has been added to support employee erasure. Please contact Bullhorn Support to request this feature. The Employee Provided Data and Onboarding Data reports have been added to allow users to comply with GDPR data export requirements.
Employee Time Entry
System settings for employee timesheet portals have been updated to allow for greater control as to when employees can enter time after a placement end date. Contact support to confirm or update your settings.
Manager Portal Reporting
Managers can now successfully run reports when accessing their portal via a timesheet notification link.
Customer Logo Management
Logo images can now be successfully uploaded for new and existing customers.
VMS Timesheet Hours
An update has been made to improve the rounding process used for calculating hours on VMS/Group timesheets.
Manager Password Updates
Managers will no longer receive an error after updating their password successfully.
Bullhorn Back Office Data in Canvas
We’re excited to announce that BBO in Canvas is now generally available!
Understand the health of your business and the value of your relationships by reporting on key BBO data in the front office via Canvas. Anyone with Canvas access will now have direct access to actual timesheet, margin, and invoice data
You must have both Bullhorn Back Office and Canvas to use this feature. If you are interested in learning more about these products, please reach out to your account executive.
Timesheet Deletion
Certain users were unable to delete timesheets, this has been resolved.
Invoice Breakdown Button
The invoice breakdown button wasn’t responding, this has been resolved.
Timesheet creation on Placement end date
An issue has been identified wherein a timesheet could not be created on a placement’s end date. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, timesheets can be created on a placement’s end date.
Invoice Line Item Rounding Issue
An issue has been identified wherein rounding for line items on invoices was not occurring consistently across areas of the application. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, rounding for line items on invoices will be consistent.
Lockout Mechanism for Repeated Client Admin Refreshes
A new restriction has been put in place for repeated forced refreshes of placements from Back Office and Onboarding. After the limit of five forced refreshes occurs, you will receive an alert pop-up indicating the limit is reached. Background refreshes will continue as scheduled, and forced refreshes may begin again after the restricted time limit of one hour has passed.
PTO Changes Reflected in Audit Trail
An update has been made to now display changes to user PTO data in the Audit Trail. Going forward with the September release, any change to PTO will be visible in the Audit Trail.
Hours Rounding Issue
An issue was identified wherein hours entered on timesheets in the time in/time out format were not rounding correctly. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the time entered will round properly for administrators and employees. On invoices, quantity will now display with four decimal places. For example, if an employee works 20 minutes per day for 3 days in a week, both the employee portal and administrator portal will reflect one hour of work for the week.
Attachments on Supplemental Timesheets
Attachments are now enabled for supplemental timesheets! You are able to upload supporting attachments for supplemental timesheets, or even replace the supplemental timesheet with the attachments provided.
Permanent Placement Update
An issue has been identified wherein some fields on permanent placements were not able to be saved. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, all necessary fields on permanent placements will be able to be saved.
Custom Message in Timesheet Approver Portal
An issue has been identified wherein custom notifications for timesheet approvers were not displaying in the newly redesigned timesheet approver portal. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the custom notifications will display as expected.
New Manager App!
We are excited to announce a newly refreshed Timecard Approver Portal for Bullhorn Back Office and Onboarding! Approvers will find approving timecards easier than ever with our new streamlined interface. Approvers will still default to the legacy app, but are able to go to the new app by clicking the “Here” link at the bottom of the app. For users unable to access Flash sites, this is the app for you. You are able to approve and reject timesheets and run your most pertinent approver reports.
Manager and Employee Help Links
The Manager and Employee in app help links have been updated to consistently load the proper help site for each user.
Admin List Timing Out
An issue has been identified wherein the Admin List was timing out with large numbers of administrators. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the admin list will load more efficiently for lists of any size.
Change Password Button Fix
An issue was identified where Managers and Admins were unable to reset passwords with the “Change Password” button. This issue has been resolved and passwords are able to be reset when needed.
Admins with Restricted Branch Access Cause Report Failures
An issue has been identified wherein administrators with restricted branch access are encountering errors with the proper permissions to run reports. This issue has been resolved and administrators are able to run reports according to their branch access.
InvoiceLines API Controller
A new InvoiceLines API controller has been added to the Bullhorn Back Office and Onboarding API library. Upon receiving the latest release, you will be able to add note lines to existing invoices with this new API controller. Notes are added to the invoice each time the controller is called using API and can then be edited or deleted from the invoices themselves.
Project Visibility on Timesheets for Managers Enhancement
Upon receiving the latest release, Approvers will be able to see projects on timesheets in the Manager portal.
Email Message to All Users and Approvers
An issue has been identified wherein an error occurred upon sending an email and you would be forced to manually select all users or approvers by the branch option. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release you will able to send email messages to all users or all approvers.
Re-Submitted Timesheet Notification Emails
An issue has been identified wherein timesheet notification emails were not being sent if a timesheet was re-submitted within two hours of original approval. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the timesheet reminder emails will now be sent.
Custom Data Exports for Back Office and Onboarding
We are excited to announce the addition of custom data exports for Bullhorn Back Office and Onboarding! Our Professional Services and Support teams are now able to create custom data exports for various applications, from custom Back Office reports to consolidated exports of Onboarding documents completed by your candidates. The new, flexible custom export tool is now available via a simple user interface in the Back Office and Onboarding application.
If a custom export has been created by our Professional Services or Support teams, you are able to access the export from the Reports tab in app. Previously, this was only available via API access. To have a custom export written for you, please contact your Account Manager or Support.
Invoicing – Batch Invoices Not Displaying in Search View
An issue has been identified wherein batch invoices were not displaying in search view. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, batch invoices with display as expected in search view.
Overnight Shift Hour Calculation
An issue has been identified wherein administrators were receiving an error when attempting to enter an overnight shift with a break. The error indicated times entered overlapped. The issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release administrators will be able to enter overnight shifts with a lunch break.
Employee Time Entry Latency
An issue has been identified wherein total time for a given timesheet was not equal to the amount entered by the employee when latency occurred during time entry. This latency issue has been addressed and the total time is now calculated according to time entered by the employee. Upon receiving the latest release when time is entered at a rapid pace, employees will be presented with a brief loading message before they are able to submit the timesheet.
Branch Filtering on Unsubmitted Timesheets Report
An issue has been identified wherein running an Unsubmitted Timesheets report with all branches selected only one branch would be returned. This has now been resolved. Upon receiving the latest release, the selected branches will now apply when running the Unsubmitted Timesheets report.