Product Update Category: BBO
Surcharge Profile Updated to Allow 4 Decimal Places
You are now able to create surcharge profiles with up to four decimal places. You are also able to manually add a surcharge with four decimal places to an invoice. Rounding rules will now apply to the fourth decimal, instead of the second.
Reports Latency
An issue has been identified where administrators attempting to run reports with an employee dropdown were seeing latency and timeouts with the reports. Stability improvements have been added to these reports by changing the employee dropdown to a type-ahead picker.
BBO/Onboarding API Now Includes Data Export
Bullhorn Back Office and Onboarding is excited to announce a new, more flexible framework for the implementation of custom data exports from Back Office and Onboarding. Our Professional Services and Engineering Support Teams are enabled to develop and maintain these exports. Any data available in the Back Office and Onboarding platforms are available via custom data export. An API has also been made available to programmatically invoke the custom data exports. Associated API calls are in place to retrieve the data export in a CSV file format.
Email Editor Enhancements
We have updated the email reminder editor to improve speed and performance.
When sending a “General – User” email reminder to Managers, the list of available managers is now separated by 100 per page. You can simply check the managers needed by navigating between the pages.
Unsubmitted Timesheet Report Timeout
We fixed an issue where occasionally the Unsubmitted Timesheet Report would time out when the data set was very large. We have changed the format of this report from XLS to CSV. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the report will export as expected.
Tax Profile Decimal Places
You are now able to create tax profiles with up to four decimal places. Rounding rules will now apply to the fourth decimal, instead of the second. For example, you may set a tax profile to 3.1825.
Expense Notes for Group Time Imports
You can now map expense notes (such as expense IDs) to group time imports. In the Control Panel, the Hours Import Profile now contains a field called “Expense Notes.” When you add Expense Notes to a group time import, the notes become available on the Payables tab when viewing the expense report for a given employee.
Vendor Taxes
You can now assign tax profiles to Vendors and update tax amounts on Vendor payables. We’ve also updated the Vendor payable editor with a new look and feel, similar to the receivables invoice editor. Taxes are optional for Vendors and are defaulted to 0% for Vendor payable line items.
Email Deletion Sending to Users
We fixed the issue with deleted email notifications being sent to linked users. This has been resolved and deleted email notifications no longer send a copy to linked users.
Email Notifications Sent On Due Date
We’ve fixed the issue regarding administrators being unable to send reminder emails on a due date, instead being forced to enter a number of days before or after the due date. This issue has been resolved and administrators can now create email reminders on the due date.
Commissions Export Error for Employees
We fixed the issue with employees receiving an error when trying to export commission information. Commission exports now function as expected.
Custom Export Issue When Selecting All
We’ve fixed the issue regarding data not being exported when ‘selecting all’ on a custom export. Now, all data can be exported when using a custom export.
Email Variables on Invoices
We fixed the issue with email variables not displaying correctly when supplemental timesheets were listed separately from standard timesheets. Variables were displaying their name, instead of the value associated with the variable. Email variables are now correctly displayed.
Supplemental Timesheet Defaults for Invoices
We fixed the issue regarding newly created departments not honoring the defaults set for supplemental timesheets appearing on invoices. Now, new departments honor the setting determining whether supplemental timesheets appearing on invoices or not.
Vendor Payable History Error
We fixed the issue regarding access your vendor payable history. This issue has been resolved, and you are now able to access your vendor payable history. This issue did not impact the vendor payable history in the database, but rather was a user interface issue accessing the data.
Payroll Effective Dates Not Saving as Expected
We’ve fixed the issue regarding payroll effective dates that were not saving as expected. Payroll effective dates were saving to the beginning of the week, rather than the beginning of an employee’s payroll cycle. Now, payroll effective dates will save to the first day of the employee’s closest payroll cycle.
Application Reload Message
A message now appears if the application is left open during a scheduled release. The message requests the user to reload their browser to ensure full functionality of the application.
All Dates Search Help Text
When performing a search for timesheets or invoices and using the “All Dates” option, a message is now visible indicating that any invoices or timesheets from previous weeks that have not already been viewed will not be visible with the “All Dates” option.
Employee Type Profiles Update
“Receives Notices” is now an option when creating or editing an employee type profile. Options for this are to respect the default setting in the control, or override this setting with yes and no options.
QuickBooks Desktop Error Email Handling
We’ve made an update to error handling with QuickBooks desktop. An email is still sent to administrators if an error occurs when using QuickBooks desktop and Bullhorn Back Office.
Admins Unable to Edit Managers in Shared Branches
We fixed the issue with administrators being unable to edit managers in shared branches. Now, administrators can edit managers with the proper permissions.
Cell Phone Field Formatting Numbers Beginning with 0
We’ve fixed the issue regarding cell phone numbers beginning with a 0 having the 0 dropped from the number. This issue has been resolved and cell phone numbers can now begin with a 0.
Hours Missing from Bi-Monthly Invoicing
We’ve fixed the issue regarding hours being left off of invoices if invoices were not being approved in chronological order. Hours are now added to appropriate invoices, regardless of invoice approval order.
Invoice Editing in Chrome v51
We fixed the issue regarding administrators being unable to edit invoices when using v51 of the Chrome browser.
Supplemental Timesheets Improperly Appearing on Invoices
We’ve fixed the issue regarding supplemental timesheets appearing on invoices when the invoice was not selected. Now, supplemental timesheets now respect this setting.
Placement Gross Margin Report Timing Out
We fixed the issue regarding the placement gross margin report timing out without notification, and the percentage complete not updating. Now, as this report is run, the percentage complete will actively update. Please note that very large data sets, typically greater than year’s worth of data, will continue to cause this report to time out. It is recommended to split this report by year if needed.
Placement Updates Overriding Branch Assignment
We’ve fixed the issue regarding when updating a placement on a shared branch override the branch and set the branch to the administrators primary branch. Now, updating placements on shared branches no longer overrides the branch.
Extra Hour Exported to QuickBooks Desktop
We’ve fixed the issue regarding certain hour combinations being improperly rounded and sent to QuickBooks Desktop with an extra hour. Now, accurate hours are being exported to QuickBooks Desktop.
Actual vs. Rounded Hours Display Issue
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the actual hours on a timesheet displaying the rounded hours, when the rounded hours setting was enabled. Now, the rounded and actual hours are displaying correctly.
Group Timesheet Import Error
We’ve fixed the issue with all employees importing with 0 hours when there was an error with one employee on a group timesheet import. Now, the group timesheet will import all correct employees successfully, and display an error for incorrect employees.
PTO Being Included in OT Calculation on Payables
We’ve fixed the issue regarding PTO hours being included in overtime calculations on the payables tab when overtime was added to the first day of a billing period. Now, overtime does not include PTO hours.
Speed and Stability Improvements
We’ve made updates to increase speed and stability when navigating the Companies tab.
Improvements to Employee Portal
It is now easier to select from a long list of placements in the employee portal as you’re able to scroll through your list of placements if the list is unable to fit on the screen in front of you.
Checkbox Inconsistencies on the Companies Tab
We’ve fixed the issue regarding checkboxes not being selected accurately on the Companies tab. Now, you are able to select the correct checkbox when needed.
Break Profile Changes Captured in Audit Trail
We’ve fixed the issue regarding break profile changes not being captured in the audit trail. Now, break profile changes are captured in the audit trail.
PTO Accumulation Doubling with a Specific Setting Combination
We’ve fixed the issue regarding PTO accumulation doubling when both Timesheets.Send Time Back and Timesheets.Send Automatically were enabled. Now, PTO is no longer doubling with these settings enabled simultaneously.
PTO Pay Rate Issue
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the PTO rate displaying incorrectly on the payable dashboard. The dashboard was displaying incorrect values when PTO hours were entered with a weekly pay type. Now, PTO rates are calculated as expected.
Negative Supplemental Timesheets Appearing on Incorrect Invoices
We’ve fixed the issue regarding negative supplemental timesheets appearing on multiple invoices; now negative supplemental timesheets will only appear on the invoice linked to the timesheet.
Improved Candidate/Worker Mobile Experience
Bullhorn is excited to announce a new and improved candidate experience for Bullhorn Back Office and Onboarding. Candidates and employees will find a new landing page for timekeeping and onboarding document completion. While on a mobile device, candidates and employees can also enter time, upload attachments, and complete, sign, and submit documents for approval.
We’re really excited about our new release. As always, Support is available at 617.478.9126, and for a limited time only, you can email to expedite your feedback to our team.
CRM-BBO Sync Issue
We’ve fixed the issue that was causing some placement record data to be missing while syncing between the Bullhorn CRM and Bullhorn Back Office.
Improved Load Times
We’ve improved the loading speed for the Companies, Managers, and Vendors tabs. Previously, all assignment data would first load for a given tab and then filter when navigating within these tabs. Now, the application loads data on demand, thereby reducing loading times.
Expanded Login History Report
We’ve expanded the functionality of the Login History Report: this report now records employee and administrator logins.
Enhanced Quickbooks Timesheet Status Updates
We’ve made an enhancement to update timesheets stuck in a “Processing” status when exporting to QuickBooks. Previously, even when timesheets successfully exported to QuickBooks, the timesheet status would not always update in Bullhorn Back Office. Now, if the status is not immediately updated, Bullhorn Back Office continues to attempt to update the status until a successful or unsuccessful message is received from QuickBooks.
Login History Report
We’ve updated the Login History Report to now record employee and administrator logins.
Administrator Drop Downs Not Displaying All Administrators
We’ve fixed the issue regarding all administrators not being displayed in Administrator drop-downs on the Reporting tab.
Invoice Duplication in QuickBooks
We’ve fixed the issue with duplicate invoices exporting to QuickBooks; now, only single invoices are exported.
Appointment Guest Picker
We’ve fixed the issue in Bullhorn for Mobile regarding scrolling the appointment guest picker. Previously, if you searched for a record in the guest picker and the returned list was longer than the visible screen, you’d be unable to scroll to and select the last record on the list. Now, you are able to select the last record without issue.
Appointments with No Attendees
We’ve fixed the issue in Bullhorn for Mobile regarding adding appointments with no attendees/guests; previously, when doing this, the owner of the appointment (generally the user who created it) would not receive an invitation email for the appointment. Now, the owner receives the invitation email as they should.
Display Full Address
We fixed the issue in Bullhorn for Mobile regarding the Full Address field only displaying two or three lines of address data. Now, the Full Address field always display all address data.
DHTML Editor Fields Defaulting to Formatted
We’ve fixed an issue regarding the DHTML Editor field paragraph format switching to “Formatted” as soon as you would click inside the editor. The default paragraph format is now “Normal.”
Deleting Saved Searches
We’ve fixed the issue that prevented users from deleting saved searches if the search name extended under the Delete button in the Favorites drop-down. It is now possible to delete saved searches of any length.
Task List Column Change
On the task list Columns drop-down, we’ve renamed the read-only “Child Task Owners” column to “Assigned To” to make it consistent with the name of its associated field elsewhere in Bullhorn.
ATS/Quickbooks Refresh Completion
We fixed the issue that was preventing existing employees from updating in Quickbooks, which, in turn, was also preventing the completion of ATS refreshes. Now, ATS refreshes are completing and existing employees in QuickBooks are updating as they should.
Exported Timesheet Hours
We fixed the issue that was causing timesheet hours to be incorrectly assigned to different timesheet categories (overtime, doubletime, standard) when exported. This issue was evident in QuickBooks exports and custom exports. Now, timesheet hours are correctly assigned to the proper category.
Formatting on CSV Report Exports
We fixed the issue that was causing additional white space before and after data in cells with CSV exports. Now, CSV exports do not contain additional white spaces in the cells.
OT/DT Rules for Weekly Time Input
For weekly time input, doubletime rules now include overtime and normal hours to accrue towards an employee’s weekly amount.
Approvers by Branch Report Correction
We’ve updated the Approvers by Branch Report to reflect managers with currently active assignments (i.e., assignments starting in the past and ending in the future). Previously, extraneous managers were appearing on this report with inactive assignments.
European Date Format Display Issue
We fixed an issue regarding Placements with a European date format (DD-MM-YYYY) not displaying correctly (though they were saved correctly in the database). Now, the dates also display correctly in the application.
Assignment Week Start Field Mapping Error
Previously, when an admin gave the Assignment Week Start field mapping a value that was not an integer between 0 and 6 (corresponding to Sunday through Saturday), the placement from the integrated ATS would import with an incorrect start day. Now, if an admin does this, after an ATS refresh, an error message displays in BBO letting them know that they’ve inputted an invalid value:
Could Not Update <Mapped Record>: Assignment timesheet week start must be an integer between 0 and 6, currently set to <incorrect value>
Employee App Date Issue
The date in the header of the employee application now matches the date of the timesheet selected. Previously, a bug was causing the date in the header to differ from the date of the selected timesheet.
Payable Hours Calculation
We’ve fixed an issue to correctly calculate payable hours regarding regular and overtime hours when users had multiple placements and the “Timesheet.Overtime Across Assignments” setting was set to Yes.
Employee PTO History Issue
We’ve made a change to the Employee PTO History report to help ensure the correct execution; previously, this report would fail to run if there were extra spaces at the end of the PTO Type name (e.g., “Vacation “). Now, BBO simply removes extra spaces at the end of PTO Type names and the report runs as it should.
Quickbooks Online Connection
We’ve stabilized the connection between Bullhorn Back Office and QuickBooks Online. Connection dropping for Back Office admin users should be less frequent, and more detailed logs will be provided if they do happen in the future. These logs will help provide information on the stability of the connection moving forward.
Timecard Approver’s Tab Performance
We’ve changed the Secondary Approver field on the Timecard Approver’s tab from a drop-down to a “type ahead” selection. With this update, response time improves as the application no longer has to load the entire list of secondary approvers when you select a value.
Supplemental Timesheet Processing
We’ve fixed the issue with supplemental timesheets getting stuck in processing while sending to QuickBooks; they now send normally.
Footer Text Color
We’ve fixed the issue with the footer text in the application not matching what you select in the Control Panel. Previously, only the Change Password and Help buttons would match your selected color theme. It’s nice when all your colors match.
Burden Rate Calculations and Subsequent Conversions Can Vary During Setup
To increase consistency in burden rate calculations, a new setup setting has been created to clarify burden rate conversions, Assignment.Burden Rate Conversion. Previously, burden rates between 1.01 and 1.39 were automatically converted to a percentage.
With this setting, if set to Yes, burden rates from 1.01 to 1.39 will convert to a percentage. For example, 1.2 becomes 20%. If set to No, no conversion will happen and the burden rate will save as entered. This setting does not affect Permanent Placements, as they will always save with the entered burden rate. The setting is automatically set for existing customers according to current usage of burden rates.
Processing Times
We’ve made additional performance and stability improvements.
User Notifications by Branch
We’ve made an update that now allows users to send notifications by branch. Previously, notifications were not being sent for specified branches.
New In-App Notification System
We have added a new In App notification process to send messages to Administrators only. This will allow us to better communicate release notes and maintenance updates to just Administrators and not Employees and Managers.
Expanded BBO APIs
Over the past several months, we have been significantly expanding the scope of our BBO API. These improvements provide unprecedented efficiency, flexibility, and power for anyone looking to develop custom systems or integrate with the BBO platform.
Child Permissions Error and Documents Deleted from User Records
Daily Per Diem Calculation Error
We’ve fixed an issue where the daily per diem was being calculated from the number of time entries for a given day, rather than the day as a whole. The daily per diem is now calculated from a total of all time entries, not the number of time entries.
Saving Employees to Shared Branches
Administrators can now save employees to shared branches correctly.
Queue Optimization
Process queues have been optimized in order to minimize latency when sending employees signup notification emails and when processing timesheets.
We are continuing to build out the BBO API, and have recently made improvements in the following areas:
Document visibility
Assignment visibility
Employee records
Onboarding records
Surfacing APIs
Improved documentation
Invoicing Improvements
We have improved invoicing to provide greater support for invoice grouping and supplemental timesheets.
Supplemental Timesheets
We no longer require that supplemental timesheets be on a separate invoice. This helps avoid confusion for clients receiving invoices.