Product Update Category: Novo
Opening Lists from Dashboard Cards
Opening a list view from a dashboard card will now work as expected if the card’s filter contains an ampersand (&).
Save Correct Date in Date Fields
Date fields will no longer save as one day prior to the specified date for users in +:30 and +:45 time zones.
Client Submission Section on Submissions Tab
The columns on the Client Submission section found on the Submission tab of records will now translate for non-English users.
Editing a Submission with a Comment
The Distribution List and Notification fields on Job records will no longer auto populate after editing a Submission by adding a comment.
Respect Placement Track Field Maps on Change Requests
Viewing the “Field Changes” section on a Placement Change Request will now correctly display the fields that were changed.
Additional Commissions
The maximum number of Commissions that can be on a Placement record has been raised from ten to twenty-five.
Respect Default Values Set in Field Maps
The following fields will now support Default Values:
- Candidate: Category, Business Sectors, Secondary Owners, Referred by, Primary Skills, Specialties, Recruiter/Owner
- Contact: Category, Business Sectors, Reports to, Company, Secondary Owners, Referred by, Primary Skills, Specialties, Contact Owner
- Company: Certification Groups
- Job: Category, Bill Rate Category, Business Sectors, Certification Groups, Contact, Reporting to (Contact), Client Company, Assigned to, Published Contact Info, Owner, Required Skills, Specialties, Workers Comp Code
- Lead: Category, Industry, Associated Contact, Reports to, Existing Company, Referred by, Primary Skills, Specialties, Owner
- Opportunity: Bill Rate Category, Additional Business Sectors, Contact, Reporting to (Contact), Company, Assigned to, Published Contact Info, Owner, Skills, Specialties, Workers Comp Code, Category
Email Subject for “Add Note” Email Notifications
The subject line for “Add Note” email notifications has been updated to include more details about the record that the Note is referencing.
Workflow Icons on Custom Objects
Workflow icons for Custom Objects will now display as expected.
Credit Candidate with Updates Made by the Automatic Resume Parser
When viewing the Submission History from the Job Submission or Candidate Submission tabs, updates made by the Automatic Resume parser will now be credited to the Candidate associated with the Submission.
Field Changes Prior to Adjusting Employment Type Respected
Changes made to Jobs, Placements, and Opportunities before changing “Employment Type” during the same edit will now be applied correctly.
Appointment Functionality Available
You can now add and edit your appointments within Bullhorn’s Mobile App.
Emailing Contacts from the Job List
Selecting “Email Contacts” from the Job list will now populate the “To” field with all of the Contacts associated with the selected Jobs as expected.
Limitation on Number of Email File Attachments Removed
You can now add as many attachments as desired to an email or email template as long as the total size of the attachments is under 10MB. Attempting to send an email with files that exceed 10MB will generate an error.
Appointment Owners Now Receive Appointment Invites in Google Calendar
Bullhorn Appointment invites for Gmail will now come from to prevent them from being flagged by Gmail as potential spam.
Adding Placements/Submissions to Existing Tearsheet
You can now add Jobs and Candidates to an existing Tearsheet when using the “Select All” option at the top of a Submission or Placement list.
“Push Standard Reports” Supports Non-English Users
Standard Reports are now available for non-English users in their respective languages.
Dashboards and Slideout Cards
The Dashboard and Slideout cards will now translate the title into the appropriate language.
Record Owner Auto Populates on Submissions
When using the workflow icon on a Job to create a Submission, the Job owner will now be auto populated into the internal user notification field.
Change Request Distribution List Auto Populates
When creating a Placement Change Request, the distribution list field will now auto populate regardless of what track the Placement is on.
Parsing Candidate Bases State Value on Field Mappings
Parsing a Candidate will now set the state value to be either abbreviated or the full word based on your field mappings.
Address Fields Now Individual Items on Parser Results Page
The Address, City, State, Zip, and Country fields are now individual line items on the “Parser Results” page to help visualize any changes the Parser detects. Changes to the Country field will now be highlighted.
Number of References Displays Correctly
Previewing a Note on an entity list from the “Notes” tab will now show the correct number of references.
Forgot Password Link
When your session expires, the “Forgot Password” link now displays on the Login Prompt.
Fast Find Results Enhanced
You can now filter and sort on Fast Find results.
Files Table Header Displays Correctly
The Files table header will now display correctly on records with a large number of files in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
Add and Edit Appointments
The ability to add and edit Appointments will be coming soon to the Bullhorn Mobile App.
Adding a Submission for Multiple Candidates
Adding a Submission for multiple Candidates from the Submission list will now populate the Submission with all selected Candidates.
Attachment Pickers on Compose Message Screen
The “ATTACH FILE(S) FROM CANDIDATE, CONTACT, OR JOB RECORD(S)” and “ATTACH FILE(S) FROM COMPANY RECORD(S)” pickers on the Compose Message screen have been merged. Files can now be attached to emails using the “ATTACH FILE FROM RECORD” picker.
Show All References on the Recent Notes Card
Previewing a note from the “Recent Notes” card on the Overview tab of records will now display more than five references.
Sending an SMS Message from the Submissions Tab
Sending an SMS message from the Submissions tab on a Job record will now correctly populate the “Recipients” field with the Candidate as the only recipient.
Opportunity Statuses
Inline editing an Opportunity will now show the translated values for “Closed-Won”, “Closed-Lost”, and “Converted” for non-English users.
“Date Added” When Editing an Appointment
Editing an appointment will no longer update the “Date Added” of the appointment.
Add Change Request Submitter to Email Notification
When adding or editing a Placement Change Request, the “Internal Users” field will now auto-populate with the name of the user who submits the Change Request.
Score Column on the Candidate List
The Score column and the associated tooltip will now be translated for non-English users.
Appointment Creator Receiving Appointment Invitation
The creator of an appointment will now receive an appointment invitation via email regardless of the value of the “Notify Attendees” toggle.
Edit Notes from Recent Notes Card
Users who are not entitled to edit Notes will no longer be able to edit Notes from the “Recent Notes” card on the Overview tab of records.
Carry Lead Notes to Converted Record
Converting a Lead will now carry notes from the Lead record to the converted record as expected.
Increase Width of File Name Column
The width of the Name column on the Files tab has been increased to display more characters.
Header Word Order on Add Note Slideout
The word order of the header on the Add Note slideout will now display correctly for Dutch and German users.
“Attachments” on Add and Edit Appointment Screen
The word “attachments” on the Add and Edit Appointment screen will now be translated for non-English users.
Checkboxes to Show and Hide Cards
Checkboxes have been added to the Cards menu on the Overview tab of records.
Display More Than Fifteen Merge Docs
Records configured to have Merge Docs will now show all available Merge Docs in the Actions drop-down.
Integer Fields with a Default Value of 0
Integer fields that are configured to appear as pickers or drop-downs will now correctly save if the default value is 0.
History Tab in Submission Slideout
The History tab that displays when previewing a Submission from the Submission list will now be translated for non-English users.
The Planner menu name will now be translated for French users.
Dashboard and Slideout Card Headers
Headers on the Dashboard and on slideout cards from the list view will now be translated for non-English users.
Workers Comp Codes Field
The “Workers Comp Code” field will now display on Placement Change Requests if configured.
Copy Address When Creating a Job Using the Workflow Icon
Adding a job by clicking the Job workflow icon on a Contact record will now pre-populate the Job’s address with the Contact’s address.
System Setting “defaultPlacementStartDate” Respected
The “defaultPlacementStartDate” setting will now be respected. If set to “True” it will pull from the Start Date on the job posting. If set to “False” or null, the Start Date will be set to the current day’s date.
Workers Comp Codes Pull from Job Record
The “Workers Comp Code” values will now pull from the Job to the Placement.
Integer/Money Fields Display Correctly
Placement Change Request notifications will now display correct values for integer and money fields.
Change Request Respects Housing Amenities Configuration
Placement Change Requests will now only display the “Housing Amenities” field when the database is configured to include the field.
Notes No Longer Show Code in Content
Notes created from the Outlook Bullhorn For Email Gadget will no longer show snippets of code within the Note content.
Job References on Notes Display Job ID
The Job ID will now be displayed next to the Job title when referenced on a Note.
Date/Time Fields Display Correctly for Chinese and German Users
Chinese and German users will now see translated values for “AM” and “PM” when viewing date/time fields.
Additional Menu Items Translated
The “Planner” and “Resources” menu items are now translated for Chinese users.
Text Fields Wrap on Overview Cards
Text fields that appear on the Overview of records will now wrap correctly when they contain a lot of text.
Character Count Hidden When Not Editing Field
When editing a record, the field character limit will now only display under a field when you click into it.
Replying to Message Retains Subject and Original Message
When replying to an email in Bullhorn, the email that opens in your email client will now carry over the subject and original message.
Add Secondary Owner from Contacts Tab
You can now replace an existing owner or add a user as an additional owner from the Contacts tab on a Company record.
Upload Files From Records to Appointments
You can now attach a file associated with an existing record to an Appointment.
Picker Text Contrast
The text in Pickers will now be darker for better readability.
“Message” Field on “Compose Message” Screen
We have increased the height and width of the “Message” field on the “Compose a Message” screen.
Job “Start Date” Allows Proper Sorting and Searching
The “Start Date” value on Jobs will now allow for accurate sorting and searching for users outside of the EST time zone.
Field Interactions Supported For Credentialing
Field interactions will now work as expected on Candidate Credentials.
System Setting “commissionRecipientRecruiting” Defaults Correctly
When the System Setting “commissionRecipientRecruiting” is set to “Candidate Submittor” it will correctly default the recruiting commission to the user who created the placement.
Updates to Internal Job Description Does Not Overwrite Published Description
Editing a Job’s Description will no longer update the “Published Job Description” field.
Lead Notification Display Client Name
The notification sent when Adding or Editing a Lead will now show the associated Company Name in the email instead of the Company ID.
Expanded Note on Notes Tab Shows All References
When expanding a Note from the Notes tab on a record you will now see the complete list of references.
Adding Note Does Not Cover Resume Card
We have updated the width of the expanded “Resume” card on a Candidate record so now adding a note will not cover the resume.
Placement “Date Added” Displays Correctly on Overview
The “Date Added” field on Placement and Job overview will now display correctly for users outside of the EST time zone
Number Fields With “0” Value Display Correctly
Integer fields configured as a Mini Picker or Drop Down with a value of “0” will now display correctly on the overview of records.
Appointment Update Notification Correct
A notification sent from updating an appointment will now contain the correct updated details.
Schedule Next Action Text Translated
The “Schedule Next Action” text on the Add Submission form will now display correctly for non-English users.
Opportunity Workflow Icon Translated
The “Closed” Opportunity workflow icon will now display correctly for non-English users.
Secondary Owner Field Allows More Values
The Secondary Owner field will now allow more than 10 internal users to be stored in the field.
Task Owners Can Complete Tasks From Overview or Activity Tab
Task owners will now be able to complete their tasks from the record Overview or Activity tab regardless of usertype entitlements.
Child Tasks No Longer Display on Record Overview or Task Section
Child Tasks created when you add an additional user to the “Assigned To” field on a task will no longer display on the record Overview or the Task section on the Activity tab.
Deleting Commission Recipient Now Done From Commission Tab
Deleting a commission recipient will now be done from the Commission tab to prevent edits to Commissions not saving.
Change Requests Respect Placement Track Field Mappings
Change Requests made on Placements configured to have track-specific field maps will now have the correct matching field map configuration.
Using “Enter” Key No Longer Allows Duplicates
Using the “Enter” key will no longer allow a duplicate value to be added into a Picker field.
“Add Note” Button Removed from Company Notes Tab
The “Add Note” button is no longer included on the Notes tab for Company records.
Scroll Bar Button Works on Edit Tab for Any Entity
You can now scroll down on any edit form by using the down arrow key.
“Added By” Column Displays on All Submission Tables
The “Added By” column will now display on the Submission table for all entities for all users.
Details/Links Appear in Invites to Internal Users
Appointment invites sent to internal users will now include details for any referenced record and links to that record in Bullhorn.
Moving Speculative Submissions Required Job Field
When you move a speculative submission, the “Move” button will now only appear active after the Job field is populated.
Location of Job Field Adjusted for Speculative Submission
We have adjusted the location of the job field when you move a speculative submission to a placement.
Edit History Displays All Edited Fields
When viewing a record’s Edit History, you will now see every field changed in a particular edit.
Add Appointment Displays Correctly for Non-English Users
The “Add Appointment” action from the Contact slideout on lists is now translated for non-English users.
Moving Web Response to Submission Updates SendingUser
When updating a Web Response from the Submission tab on a record, the Submission owner will now be updated to the user taking the action.
Reference Slideout Displays All Fields
When previewing the Reference slideout on a Candidate record, you will now see all the fields configured through the View Layout.
Full Name Displays Correctly
A record with only a First or Last name will now have its Full Name displayed correctly in the Profile Header and the Bowling Alley.
Duplicating Skills Prompts Warning
When you try to add a Skill to the Primary Skill field when it is already in the Secondary Skill field or vice versa, the option will be grayed out and you will see a warning advising the selected value is already in the other Skill field.
Create Placement Using Workflow Icon
You can now create a Placement from the Placement workflow icon on a Contact or Company record overview.
References Show in Notes Added from Placement List
Notes added to Placements using the Action button on the slideout from the Placement list will now reference the Placement, Job, and Candidate.
Picker:Internal Field Searches for Users with Spaces in Their Name
An internal picker will now search for users with double or triple barreled names when searching by full last name, or the second or third word in the last name.
Export Email Feature Supported
Selecting the “Export Email” function in Novo will now allow you to export emails successfully.
Find and Pickers Now Support Ampersands
We have enhanced the Find feature and pickers to support searching against records with an ampersand.
Forwarding a Job from the Submission Tab
When you select “Forward Job” from the Submission tab, you will now be sent to the Forward Job page.