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S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Planner Now Available (All Editions)


The new Planner tool, which allows users to see snapshots of their upcoming appointments in Bullhorn, is now available. It will be automatically rolled out to all users over the next few weeks.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

File Updates Will Not Update Date Added


Updating file record fields (excluding the date added field) will no longer update the file date added field.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

GDPR – Request Consent: Note Action


When requesting consent from candidates, a note action is recorded against those candidates. The note action is defined by a system setting that defaults to ‘Consent Requested’.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

GDPR – Candidate Designates Consent


When candidates designate consent on the form, their consent choices are updated automatically in Bullhorn (on the new consent custom object).

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

GDPR – Request Consent


A new “Request Consent” action on the candidate list view allows designated users to request consent en masse from candidates, up to 500 records at a time.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

GDPR – New Entitlement for Requesting Consent


A new permission will allow designated users to send a “Request Consent” email to allow for easier acquisition of candidate opt-in selections en masse. This helps facilitate compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. 

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Canvas – Healthcare Credential Expiration Report


A new pre-built Canvas report for managing expiring credentials is now available to all Canvas customers with credentialing enabled in their ATS. To enable this report, please contact Bullhorn Support.


Document Notification Settings


Document notification settings are now respected when candidates are sent new documents from the ATS.


E-Verify Numeric Entries Update


The E-Verify integration’s I-9 form will now enforce numeric entries for the Social Security number and appropriate characters for “Other Last Names” and “Apartment Number.”




The Quickbooks online integration will no longer create duplicate invoices.


Support for GDPR


A new administrator permission has been added to support employee erasure. Please contact Bullhorn Support to request this feature. The Employee Provided Data and Onboarding Data reports have been added to allow users to comply with GDPR data export requirements.


Removed Complete Task Option


We have removed the complete task option from task reminders sent to users from Bullhorn.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Placement Overviews


The Placement overview will now display fields based on the selected employmentType.


Lead Information


When users send Lead information into Bullhorn using either the Accelerator or the Bullhorn for Email gadget, it will now persist upon saving.


New Currency Format Added


The Indian Rupee (INR) has been added as a supported currency.




GDPR Pulse Cards


GDPR Admins can now view Pulse cards on candidates records in S Release.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Candidate Erasure Message


When erasing a candidate, users with Bullhorn Back Office (BBO) and/or Onboarding integrations will receive a warning message that the data they erase will be also be erased in BBO and/or Onboarding.




Employee Time Entry


System settings for employee timesheet portals have been updated to allow for greater control as to when employees can enter time after a placement end date. Contact support to confirm or update your settings.


Manager Portal Reporting


Managers can now successfully run reports when accessing their portal via a timesheet notification link.


E-Verify Logo on Case Printout


We’ve added the official E-Verify logo to case printouts.


E-Verify Status Update


Case processing has been enhanced to prevent the E-Verify status from becoming stuck during the “Verification in Process” phase.


Document Connection Update Notifications


Document connection notifications have been updated to prevent the document removal notification from being sent in error.


Customer Logo Management


Logo images can now be successfully uploaded for new and existing customers.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Submission History Tracking “Added By” as User


When adding a submission via the add candidate workflow, either by Fast Add or Drop to Parse, the correct user is credited in the submission history.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Date Time displayed for Date Added and Date Webresponse Added


The Date Added and Date Webresponse Added fields on Submission lists will now display a timestamp.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Date Added on Placement


The date added field on the Placement List now correctly adjusts for the timezone when records are added.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Default Country for Auto Add Contacts


We have updated Auto Add Contacts to set the default country value to be equal to the value of the Company’s country.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Extended Support for Company Name Values


The list now supports company names containing double quotation marks and forward slash characters.


Session Timeout Available for Mobile Users


A new system setting has been added to control session timeout for mobile users. When a user is inactive, the mobile session will time out based on the value specified by the administrator.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Edit History tracking Assigned To mass updates


Edit History now reflects changes to the “Assigned to” field when a job undergoes a mass update.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Display Indicator for Encrypted Files


File lists now displays a lock icon next to files that have been encrypted. Hovering over the lock icon will will display a tooltip explaining that the files are stored securely in the database.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Email all action notifications for invalid emails


Users will now receive a notification listing candidates that have a blank or invalid email address when they email all candidates from a distribution list.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Encrypted Files


Customer admins can now specify which file types in their database should be encrypted based on the presence of sensitive information. Please contact support to enable file encryption.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Userlist Report


The Userlist Report now generates as expected in S-Release and Novo.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Show Hidden Objects in Canvas


We updated Canvas to allow users to Show Hidden Objects in their report. This is available as an option under Visual Aids.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

User phone field available in Canvas


The phone field (including phone 2 and phone3) is now available in the User section of the User Activity Analysis Package.


VMS Timesheet Hours


An update has been made to improve the rounding process used for calculating hours on VMS/Group timesheets.


Document History


The document history now appropriately indicates when a document has been cleared.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Bullhorn Community is Now Available!


The new Bullhorn Community brings together Bullhorn events, the Resource Center, and the Bullhorn Customer Portal into one site. Whether you need to find the latest release notes, search for a support article, or want to find out about the latest free webinar, you can find what you’re looking for by selecting the Help link in the top right of your Bullhorn.

You can also visit http://help.bullhorn.com directly and log in with your Bullhorn login. Please note that we are rolling out access to this site over the entire month of February so you may not have access immediately.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Updated SOAP to Opt New Candidates In of SMS by Default


The SOAP API has been updated so that new candidates who are added to the ATS via SOAP are opted into SMS text messaging by default. Candidates wishing to opt out can send a text message reply to remove themselves from the messaging service.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Ability to Delete Placements with Change Requests


Users can now delete placements that have associated change requests.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Mass Add Note From Record List


Users will no longer experience time outs when mass adding notes from the record lists.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Housing Complex Search on Text Block


We have updated custom text blocks on the Housing Complex entity to support search and filtering in the List View.


Merge PDF Supports Special Characters


Merge PDF now successfully combines documents into a PDF when the document title contains special characters.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Additional Housing Complex Text Fields Added to Canvas


The 15 new custom text fields to the Housing Complex entity are also available in Canvas for reporting.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Updated SEEK Integration to Hide Recruiter’s Information


SEEK integration has been updated so recruiter’s personal data is not published with the job posting.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Additional Text Fields Added to Housing Complex


15 new custom text fields have been added to the Housing Complex entity.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Contacts displaying with Department Dropdown


When selecting a department from the owner drop down on a contact record, all applicable contacts will now display.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Features Supporting General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Requirements


Export Candidate Emails: A new menu action to export candidate emails has been added to easily export all emails sent by the candidate to a CSV.

Anonymization of Candidate Linked Records: When a candidate is anonymized, all linked entities with sensitive data will also be anonymized. This will remove a candidate’s edit history, emails, linked contact (if exists), and associations.

NOTE: These feature will not be turned on automatically; Bullhorn Support will work with customers to activate them.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Replicating Placement workersCompRateID, Placement reportedMargin, and Job workersCompRateID in Data Mirror


Data Mirror now syncs all data from workersCompRateID (Placement), reportedMargin, and workersCompRateID (Job).

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Legacy Credentialing fields now searchable


Customers that upgraded from Legacy Credentialing to the new credentialing functionality can now search for legacy credentials.


Packet grouping respected in Employee Portal


Documents grouped in a packet that are assigned by an administrator will display grouped together on the Employee Portal.


Onboarding Dashboard no longer displays Users without document instances


Only users with documents will appear in the onboarding dashboard.


Document Editor display for submitted documents


The problem with duplicated and misaligned fields in the edit view for submitted documents has been fixed.


Document Editor popup fixes


The document editor will now close and indicate a successfully saved new document.


Manager Password Updates


Managers will no longer receive an error after updating their password successfully.


Bullhorn Back Office Data in Canvas


We’re excited to announce that BBO in Canvas is now generally available!


Understand the health of your business and the value of your relationships by reporting on key BBO data in the front office via Canvas. Anyone with Canvas access will now have direct access to actual timesheet, margin, and invoice data


You must have both Bullhorn Back Office and Canvas to use this feature. If you are interested in learning more about these products, please reach out to your account executive.


Incorrect Searching on User Name in Tools > Users


Searching for users with names ending in Z or 9 will now work as expected.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Tearsheet list Displaying Deleted and Archived Candidate Record


Tearsheet lists will no longer display candidate records that are deleted or archived.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Placement Change Request transactionID visible


Placement Change Request events now display the transactionID in the event response body of an API call.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

REST API – Job and Candidates Association Fix for Placement Files Added


Files added to a placement record via REST will also be added to the relevant job order.


REST API – Categories display in List view when record is added


The category field value for a record added via REST is now searchable and viewable in the list view display.


Encrypted field icons


Encrypted fields are now identified by a lock icon so you can easily distinguish which fields are encrypted and may store sensitive information.


Lead clientUserID Adding to Edit History


Data Mirror will now show changes to a Lead’s clientUserID on the edit history.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Credential Filtering & Sort Partial Matches


Credentialing filters have been enhanced so that partial matches will return when searching.


Note > About Entity Title Update


Entity titles, such as Candidate or Lead, will now display correctly in the Note > About field.


Feature Enhancement


Description of feature/bug fix.


Timesheet Deletion


Certain users were unable to delete timesheets, this has been resolved.


Invoice Breakdown Button


The invoice breakdown button wasn’t responding, this has been resolved.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Email from Submission List


Certain users were unable to send emails using the Submission list. Everyone will now be able to send emails using the Submission list for any Submissions they are allowed to view.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Unable to Select Disabled Users on Placement Commissions Tab


We resolved an issue where if you attempted to add commissions to a disabled user, you would be unable to select them from the picker.


Mappings Records in Entity Lists


When selecting the Map action in the entity lists, the resulting map would only display one record per location. We’ve updated this feature to allow multiple records to display per location.


New Currency Formats Added


We’ve added new currencies for use with money fields:

  • Polish Zloty (PLN)
  • Swiss Franc (CHF)
  • United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED)
  • Singapore Dollar (SGD)
  • Hungarian Forint (HUF)
  • Danish Krone (DKK)
  • Swedish Krona (SEK)
  • Norwegian Krone (NOK)
  • South African Rand (ZAR)
S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Certain Users Unable To Mark Files As Private


For certain users marking a file as private would result in an error and the file would remain public. This has been resolved and all users can now mark files as private.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Custom Object Searches on Tracks as Entities


If you use tracks as entities, you can now use the list search to find information saved in custom objects that appear on contact, company or job records.


Entity Titles Fix


Some customers were experiencing timeouts when attempting to open the entity title menu. These timeouts have now been resolved.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Credentialing Entity Titles


Credentialing users will now see title changes apply wherever Credentialing is mentioned within Bullhorn.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Advanced Credential Searches


Candidate and Placement searches now have an Advanced Credential Searching option to allow you to find records with specific credentials or types of credentials, or that are missing credentials.


(Requires Credentialing – please contact support if you are interested in learning more/enabling credentialing functionality)


Timesheet creation on Placement end date


An issue has been identified wherein a timesheet could not be created on a placement’s end date. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, timesheets can be created on a placement’s end date.


Required Onboarding Fields for Administrators


An issue has been identified wherein required fields for administrators were not always enforced on Onboarding documents. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the administrator required fields will highlight in red and must be completed before approval.


Invoice Line Item Rounding Issue


An issue has been identified wherein rounding for line items on invoices was not occurring consistently across areas of the application. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, rounding for line items on invoices will be consistent.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Candidate tearsheets now loading as expected


An issue has been identified wherein candidate tearsheets were timing out and/or loading very slowly. They now load as expected. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the candidate tearsheets will load normally.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

SMS Opt In field properly updating


An issue has been identified wherein the smsOptIn field was not being updated when message recipients were opting out of SMS service. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the smsOptIn field will update when message recipients opt out.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Placement Overview Honors View Layout by Respective Entities


An issue has been identified wherein view layouts for Placements II-V were not pulling from the respective entities. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the field maps will be based on the Placement track number.


SalesDuel Tournaments in TV Mode Refresh to 0 Points


An issue has been identified wherein SalesDuel tournaments in TV mode would display stats at 0 points when auto refreshing. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, tournaments in TV mode will reflect accurate points on auto refresh.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Housing Complexes and Units Lists


Sorting has been removed as an option from list columns based on customTextBlock fields. This is not supported in other lists and was generating errors.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Job Posting Start Date Based on Local Time


An issue has been identified wherein the Job Start Date was defaulting to current EST time, not the user’s local time. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the Start Date will be stored correctly as the local time.


Updates to Live Chat and Help Buttons


We’ve enhanced the Help button in Bullhorn to house your chat and documentation needs.
– Live chat enabled users will see a dropdown option on Help
– When chat agents are not available, clicking chat option opens bullhorn.com/technical-support
– Users without Live chat will still be able to click the Help button for the customer portal access relevant to their edition

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Credentialing – Grouped Requirements


We have enhanced Credentialing to include grouping of requirements to better expedite the requirement assignment process and make template management easier for users.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Credentialing – Date picker updated to offer series of "Next" options


We updated the date picker to have a series of Next X Days options.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Bullhorn Planner Open Beta (All Editions)


We are excited to announce an open beta for our Planner tool! The feature will allow users to see a snapshot of their upcoming appointments in Bullhorn. Please contact Bullhorn Support to learn more and enable this feature.


SMS Successfully Sends with £


An issue has been identified wherein SMS was failing to send when the £ character was included in the text. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, SMS messages will send as expected.


Inconsistent Behavior for Timed-Out Sessions


An issue has been identified wherein there was inconsistent behavior on timed-out sessions. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, users will always be brought to the Login page when their session expires and the user performs an action in the system.


Opportunity Cards Count


An issue has been identified wherein opportunities by owner and opportunities by department dashboard cards did not display the same number of opportunities as shown on the list view. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the opportunities by owner and opportunities by department dashboard cards will display the number of opportunities shown on the list view.


Notes created from Outbound Emails not visible on Notes tab and not searchable


An issue has been identified wherein notes generated through outbound emails were not searchable and not visible on the Notes tab. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the notes generated through outbound emails should be found and visible on the Notes tab.


User Activity Report Successfully Returns Results for Bullhorn Mobile


An issue has been identified wherein the User Activity report was not returning results when the criteria contained Bullhorn Mobile. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the User Activity Report will return results appropriately.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Job Publishing URL Shortening


An issue has been identified wherein shortening URLs using the is.gd structure for Indeed were resulting in errors. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the XML feed for Indeed will use the full career portal URLs.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Submission Update Events


An issue has been identified wherein Transaction IDs were not being generated with submission update data events in some cases. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, Transaction ID’s will be generated as expected.


Notes created from Outbound Emails not visible on Notes tab and not searchable


An issue has been identified wherein notes generated through outbound emails were not searchable and not visible on the Notes tab. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the notes generated through outbound emails should be found and visible on the Notes tab.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Attach Resume File Button is Responsive on iPhone


An issue has been identified wherein the Attach File button was unresponsive on the iPhone when in Safari and Chrome browsers. This issue has been resolved and upon receiving the latest release, the Attach File button will work for iPhones in Safari and Chrome.
