Product Update Category: VMS Sync
Simplify VMS v2
We have added support for URL variants.
Flex Mapping | Unable to Select Several Companies in Flex Mappings
Flex Mapping – we’ve restored the ability to select ATS Company values.
Flex Mappings | Error Creating New Flex Mappings: “MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error collection”
Flex Mapping – we resolved an error with adding new links
VMS Submittal Error Normalization
VMS Sync Submittals now provides user-friendly error messages with actionable resolution instructions.
Fieldglass Submittals
An error related to a Fieldglass update has been resolved.
An issue was resolved processing req updates.
VMS Sync now integrates with PageUpPeople VMS credentials.
Dice Resume Parsing into ATS
The dice resume parsing functionality has been restored.
Beeline Allows VMS Submittal Over Max Bill Rate
Submit to VMS form now displays Max Bill Rate for Beeline jobs and allows users to submit with a higher bill rate than Max Bill Rate.
Searching with ATSId in Linked Tab Fails
Company Mapping Dashboard has been updated to search Linked ATS Company values by ID.
Support 2FA/MFA Authentication
VMS Sync now supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) for VNDLY credentials.
SmartTrack QR Code 2FA
VMS Sync now supports QR code two step verification (2FA) for SmartTrack credentials.
Remove “Shiftwise” Credential Type
VMS Sync is now using Shiftwise API – clients should partner with Shiftwise Support to ensure their user(s) are granted API access before integrating new Shiftwise credentials with VMS Sync.
Positions Stalling in “Operation Queued” Status
VMS Sync has enhanced our upload algorithms to prevent delays in requisition processing.
PageUpPeople Integration
VMS Sync now integrates with PageUpPeople VMS credentials.
Intellify Integration
VMS Sync now integrates with Intellify VMS credentials.
Flex Mapping Export Missing Columns
VMS Sync Flex Mapping exports now contain all configured ATS fields.
Display CustomText Field on Company Mapping Dashboard
Account Feature “Custom Company Mapping Fields” is now supported for Bullhorn ATS. This feature lets users display additional ATS Company field values on the Company Mapping Dashboard.
Beeline ‘changePassword’
VMS Sync has updated our password reset logic to use 16 characters for Beeline credentials.
AyaConnect ‘Job On Hold’ Status
VMS Sync now captures On Hold status for AyaConnect requisitions.
ZeroChaos Security Code Error Message
ZeroChaos now displays a more user friendly error message for invalid security codes.
Wand Credentials Disabled
Valid WAND credentials no longer flip to disabled.
Staffbot Expired Credentials
Staffbot VMS credentials are now disabled when the password is expired.
SmartTrack Capture “Number of Submission Allowed” Value
SmartTrack VMS positions now show maximum submittal value.
Magic Link Users UN Activity
VMS Sync users created via magic link are no longer show as Unknown User in the Activity view.
eRecruitWebAPI Custom Fields Data
VMS Sync now populates ATS Duration and supports setting custom fields via Rules.
Elevated Systems Description
VMS description now renders HTML tags as expected.
DotStaff Removed Positions
The DotStaff VMS integration has been updated so that positions removed from the VMS will also be closed in Bullhorn.
Beeline Allows VMS Submittal Over Max Bill Rate
Submit to VMS form now displays Max Bill Rate for Beeline jobs and allows users to submit with a higher bill rate than Max Bill Rate.
Admin Tools Logo
Admin Tools now shows Bullhorn’s updated product branding for VMS Sync.
Search Ignore Filter
Search now supports the Ignore filter and displays the Candidate ID column label.
Beeline Rate Override Values
The Submit to VMS form now displays Beeline Rate Override Values.
Pixid Email Parsing
Email Parsing is now supported with Pixid.
SuccessFactors Retrieving Positions
Active SuccessFactors Positions are now retrieved as expected.
StaffingNation VMS
The StaffingNation VMS is now available.
Shiftwise VMS
Bullhorn and Shiftwise Support teams are working to restore functionality.
Display Full Folder Group Value Within Skill Mapping
Erecruit v2 ATS Skill values now contain the Category, Sub-Category and Folder Group Name.
Fieldglass Submittal Values
The drop down values displayed for Experian’s Site Field were updated to show all values.
Improved Status Handling for ShiftwiseAPI Reqs
The handling of reqs with the status of active, closed, and removed for ShiftwiseAPI has been enhanced.
Calculate the End Date from Start Date and Duration for AyaConnect
The “End Date” is now calculated from the “Start Date” and “Duration” for AyaConnect reqs.
Shift Type and Category Fields for BlueSky
“Shift Type” and “Category” fields are now being captured for BlueSky reqs.
Client Field for FocusOne
The client Field is now being captured for FocusOne reqs.
Credential Name in Flex Mapping
The Flex Mapping dashboard now shows the Credential Name instead of ID for linked mappings.
Company Mapping for Statstaff VMS
We have improved the navigation between the Position details view and the Company Mapping dashboard for Statstaff VMS.
Company Mapping for Parallon VMS
We have improved Company Mapping for Parallon VMS.
Fieldglass “Security Clearance Level Required”
Security Clearance Level Required field now captured for Fieldglass reqs.
Capture “Hours Per Day” Field Value
“Hours Per Day” value now captured for SimpleVMS reqs.
Bill High Rate for VectorVMS
VectorVMS (PeopleFluent) positions now include Bill Rate High value when available.
Fieldglass Bill Rates
CVS (Fieldglass) positions now include bill rate values.
Submission to VMS Populates ATS Company
ATS Company now populates when ATS Client Submission is created via Submit to VMS
VNDLY getReqlist Positions
VNDLY positions now process as expected.
Salesforce Lookup By ATS ID For Company
ATS lookup fields now support both name and ID for Salesforce to reduce lookup delay for customers with large value sets and increase accuracy when multiple values are returned for name.
LocumsMart Facility Address/Location
LocumsMart reqs now include facility address and restores both address population on ATS Job and Company Mapping linking.
Freeform Mapping
Freeform values in Flex Mapping Links are preserved when Link is created and when Account is refreshed.
Bullhorn ATS Operation
Enhanced support for bulk position upload prevents duplicate ATS Job/Company creation.
Beeline Multi-Buyer Configuration
Beeline multi-buyer logins are now supported to eliminate the need to split logins with multiple buyers into individual logins for each buyer.
Bullhorn – Bad Contact Lookup
We have an made enhancement for Bullhorn ATS users when they searching or creating client contacts allowing them to handle missing or whitespace only names more gracefully. Users can now use the default if a valid name is not found.
Progress Tracking for Beeline Submittals
Submittal real-time status tracker accuracy and timing for Beeline Submittals has been restored and will no longer appear to be hanging.
Maestro VMS Integration
The Maestro by Medical Solutions VMS integration is now available.
Flex Mapping companyID Search Results
ATS IDs will now take priority on search results and be shown at the top. Sync will look up IDs not found rather than requiring a full mapping refresh.
Staffbot VMS: Update Credential Requirements
Streamlined required fields for new Staffbot VMS integrations.
Vindly Attachment Parsing
Users can now parse attachments for the Vindly VMS integration.
Reqlist Cron Job Distribution
Timed data reconciliation for positions has been re-implemented, allowing for better throughput and specifically fixing the B4Health VMS integration.
Multi Factor Authentication for Beeline
Support for Multi Factor Authentication has been added on Beeline VMS Integrations.
iCims Credential Disabling
Additional handling for session count errors and iCims VMS integrations being disabled has been added.
GrapeTree updated to Contingent Talent Management VMS
All existing “GrapeTree” VMS integrations have been updated to “Contingent Talent Management” as the more universal name for the VMS technology. Added more support for other buyers in the CTM system.
Flex Mapping linked to Salesforce Fyre Sync Req Object
Field options for certain VMS Sync Salesforce accounts will now be displayed correctly when using skill and flex mapping.
E-volution VMS Integration
e-volution VMS integration has been re-implemented following its system upgrade.
ARMI Integration
A new email-only integration has been added for the ARMI VMS.
Clicking on ATS ID in Company Mapping Opens in a New Window
Clicking on an ATS ID link in Admin Tools opens in a new tab instead of using the current window.
Admin Tools Navigation Update
Navigation when using “Open in New Link Tab” from Submittals, Users, Positions, and Credentials List Screen has been enhanced.
Optional Field Added to Show MFA Code in Credential Screen
An optional field has been added to show the MFA code for Workforce Logic/Zerochaos VMS.
Enhancement to the Action Required Reminder Email
Additional info has been added to the VMS Sync generated Action Reminder email on position and credential failures.
Multiple Buyers and Dummy Candidates Support for Fieldglass
VMS Submittals now supports multiple buyers and dummy candidates for multi-tenant Fieldgas accounts.
Beeline Field Enhancements
Some variants of the Beeline integration now better support and display skill, certification, and desired title fields.
Total Openings Field for Vizient
Parsing for the Total Openings field on the Vizient VMS Integration has been updated.
Preliminary Pay Rate for Bluesky
Parsing for the Preliminary Pay Rate field on the Bluesky VMS Integration has been updated.
Open Positions for AHSA Locums
Reqlists will now return open positions for the AHSA Locums VMS Integration as expected.
Login URL Change for Munson and Primehealth VMS
The integration for Einstein II VMS variants Munstion and Primehealth has been updated to match VMS changes.
Login for My Work Day Instances
A login issue for some instances of My Work Day VMS Integrations has been resolved.
Get Attachment for Dotstaff
Get Attachment functionality is now available for the Dotstaff VMS Integration.
Facilities Field for iCims
Parsing for the Facilities field on the iCims VMS Integration has been added.
Email Parsing for Flexforce
Email parsing for some Flexforce VMS Integrations has been updated.
Duplicate Positions for 3Story VMS
Parsing will no longer create a duplicate position for 3Story VMS Integration users.
Credential Contact Assignment
When a Contact is missing in Bullhorn ATS a new Contact will now be created instead of using the Credential Contact.
Brassring Integration
A new Brassring VMS Integration has been added.
Bill Rate Parsing for AHSA Trio
Bill rate parsing for the AHSA Trio VMS integration has been updated.
APRU Deluxe Support
A variant of APRU Deluxe is now supported.
Address Parsing for Vizient
Address parsing for the Vizient VMS Integration has been enhanced.
Submittal Details Work Fails Error
Creating a dummy candidate in the Beeline VMS Integration will now work as expected.
Date of Birth Parser
The parser for Date of Birth fields on some Beeline VMS Integration submission fields now works as expected.
Beeline Puppeteer Candidate Creation
More handling for variants with the Beeline Candidate creation step have been added.
Login Variants for Worknexus
Handling for new login variants for the Worknexus VMS Integration has been updated.
Unable to Locate Element Error
Certain Beeline VMS Integration instances will now be able to get req as expected.
Fieldglass v1.Forums Robot Failing to Pull Chat Messages
Resolved Chat Messages from Fieldglass not adding as Notes, on the Job record.
Bullhorn Submittal Added By Name
Changed handling of updates in Bullhorn ATS resulting from a Submission to not overwrite the added by field if a value already exists in the field.
Duplicate in Client Submission Entries
Updated workflow to not create a Client Submission entry when a VMS Submission status is set to Client Submission.
Action Required Reminders for Position Failures
Enhanced customer alert emails on position upload failures by giving direct links to the positions in Admin Tools.
VectorVMS/Peoplefluent Missing Bill Rate
Resolved VectorVMS/Peoplefluent credentials failing to return a bill rate from VMS and preventing providing them on job records by enhancing rate parsing in the integration.
Fieldglass French (Canada) Language Preference
Resolved Fieldglass credentials with a French (Canada) language preference failing authentication by enhancing the integration to support French Canadian instances.