Archives: Product Updates
Product update notes, links, and descriptions.
Placement Tracks
Users switching from one placement track to another will now be required to enter mandatory fields based on the configuration for the current placement track.
Previously, the system would ask users to also complete fields that were set as required on the prior placement track.
Credentialing Entity REST Error Messages
Users will now see an error toast message if a REST Form Trigger is configured for the following and there was an issue adding/editing a record:
- PlacementCertification
- CandidateCertificationRequirement
- JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement
Request New Credential Entitlement
A new user type action entitlement can be added called ‘Request New Credential’. This allows a user to request a new Credential from the Credentialing tab on a Candidate or Placement record by selecting ‘Request new Credential’ from the action drop down.
Flowback Support For Custom Objects
Onboarding365 Flowback is now supported for all Custom Objects available on all entities in Bullhorn.
Additional Candidate Custom Objects in Canvas
PersonCustomObjects 11-35 are now available in Canvas reporting.
Time Management Console
View Attachment Print Preview – When attempting to print preview an attachment via the employee timecard, the attachment will no longer be blank.
Bullhorn One – Resolved Disputes
Resolved Disputes will now flow back to Pay/Bill for clock groups.
Approval Reports – Detailed Employee Timesheet Report Changes
We’ve updated the Approval Reports to respect approver settings on visibility for pay/bill hours, dollars, and units.
Enhanced ‘Worked In Country’ and ‘Worked In State’ Document Rule Logic for Work From Home Scenarios
If an onboarding is initiated with the new ‘workFromHome’ parameter set = true, then any ‘Worked
in Country’ rule(s) and/or ‘Worked In State’ rule(s) will look at the Onboarder’s ‘Lived In Country
and/or ‘Lived In State’ instead of the onboarding’s ‘Worked In Country’ and / or ‘Worked In State’ to
trigger those documents in a package.
Enhanced Endpoints to Include ‘documentCategoryType’
The following REST API endpoints have been enhanced to include ‘documentCategoryType’ in the
● GET Agency/documents
● GET Onboarding/employee
● GET Onboarding/onboardingdocument
● GET Onboarding/onboardingdocuments
Updated Withholding Tax – South Carolina Document
The Withholding Tax – South Carolina document (SC-4) has been updated with the most recent
version. Only the PDF and Instructions Link have been updated, along with some minor web form
text changes (i.e. updated dates).
Restore Deleted Documents
Deleted documents can now be restored by Admin users from the ‘Deleted Documents’ table, which
can be reached from the ‘View Documents’ table on an onboarding.
Only Completed documents, or documents ‘In Progress’ that do not have another ‘In Progress’ copy,
in the onboarding package can be restored.
Introducing New ‘Credentialing’ Document Type
When creating / updating a document Category there is a new field ‘Document Category Type’ with
two options ‘Document’ and ‘Credentialing’. Existing document categories have been updated to be
of the Document Category Type ‘Document’.
When creating a new document, if the Document Fill Type selected = ‘Web Form’ with Document
Category Type = ‘Credentialing’, then a ‘Credentialing Document’ will be created.
This document type displays a File Upload action as the primary action on the screen (i.e. the first
action the candidate takes). Additional custom web form field values can also be configured (for
example, a Document Number or Expiration Date) but is not required. No PDF or PDF Preview page
will be displayed or captured with this document type.
Submission to VMS Populates ATS Company
ATS Company now populates when ATS Client Submission is created via Submit to VMS
VNDLY getReqlist Positions
VNDLY positions now process as expected.
Salesforce Lookup By ATS ID For Company
ATS lookup fields now support both name and ID for Salesforce to reduce lookup delay for customers with large value sets and increase accuracy when multiple values are returned for name.
LocumsMart Facility Address/Location
LocumsMart reqs now include facility address and restores both address population on ATS Job and Company Mapping linking.
Freeform Mapping
Freeform values in Flex Mapping Links are preserved when Link is created and when Account is refreshed.
Bullhorn ATS Operation
Enhanced support for bulk position upload prevents duplicate ATS Job/Company creation.
Beeline Multi-Buyer Configuration
Beeline multi-buyer logins are now supported to eliminate the need to split logins with multiple buyers into individual logins for each buyer.
Password Requirements Updated
BBO will now require all candidates to use complex passwords during the initial set up and during password resets.
Improved Load Times
The dropdown selection list for communication on the BBO admin control panel now allows for searching of manager names and loads the select list faster by limiting it to the first 500 records.
Header Text Wraps on List Pages
The Invoice, Billable Charges, and Payable Charges list headers now support word wrapping so that long field labels in the header display the full text.
Location Search by Type on Billing Profile, Job, or Placement
When setting the location on a Billing Profile, Job, or Placement you will now only see locations relevant to that record type, ensuring the location selected is correct for more accurate tax information on invoices.
Filters on Payable/Billable Charge List Screen
Filters and pagination will now be preserved even after a user makes an action on the records in the list.
Tax Form State Field Allows Canadian Provinces
The state picker has been enhanced on the Novo State and Local Tax Forms so users are able to configure the picker to include Canadian provinces in addition to US states.
Translation of Task Overview Page
We resolved an issue where certain labels of the Task feature weren’t properly localized based on the user language. The following labels now display correctly for all languages:
- Tasks visible in the bowling alley
- Entity header label for “Task”
- Entity overview label for “Task Repeats”
Submission List Includes All Custom Fields
The Job Submission list now allows users to display all available custom fields in the list. Users can sort and filter by them.
Public/Private Options Added to Saved Searches
When saving a search, users may now select whether the search is public or private.
Google Icon Search Query Update
A formatting issue was fixed that caused the ‘G’ Google icon on candidate records to not execute a proper Google Search in a new tab.
Read Only Fields
Users are no longer able to navigate into read only fields by tabbing on the edit screen to make updates to the field.
Date Fields Reverting to Current Date
Users will now be warned if they enter an incorrect date in a date field.
Read Only Custom Objects Visibility
Read only custom objects are no longer visible on the record edit tab.
Azure SSO Users Not Prompted to Change Password
Users that have Azure as a SAML provider no longer receive a reset password prompt from Bullhorn.
Updated Filter Slideout to Replace Scrollbar
When selecting filter criteria, a new filter slideout replaces the horizontal scrollbar filters.
Anonymize Merged Records
When anonymizing a record that is part of a record merge, the personal information on the secondary record will also be anonymized.
Enhanced Logging for DM8
Logging for DataMirror 8 now removes duplicate entries of error logs. Duplicate create events will be logged as warnings.
Added U.S. Territories to State Fields
United States Territories are now available in the State – Mini Picker and State – Drop Down fields when the selected country is the United States.
Onboarding365 Menu Page Enhancement
The ‘Refresh’ button has been changed to function as a ‘Home’ button, and a new ‘Back’ button has
also been added to the Onboarding365 menu page within Bullhorn.
Introduced Support for Entity Mapping Onboarding365 ‘Free Type’ Option Custom Attributes
We now support mapping values from Bullhorn to an Onboarding365 custom attribute set up as a
‘Free Type’ option.
Introducing More Granular Usertype Entitlements to Manage Onboarding Actions
We are excited to introduce usertype entitlements to restrict the following actions to be taken from the Placement or Candidate record only: Initiate Onboarding, Mass initiate Onboarding, and Cancel an onboarding.
Email Support for Onboarding365 Documents on Files Tab
Any files that have been flowed back to Bullhorn from a completed onboarding can now be attached
to an email message sent from the Files tab in Bullhorn.
Redesigned Onboarding Tile and Document Checklist Pages on Mobile
The Onboarding Tile page and Document List page have been redesigned for the Bullhorn Onboarding365 integration when viewed on a mobile device.
Onbaording365 2021.12 Bug Fixes
We’ve resolved an issue where users with the ‘HR Associate’ role were able to reopen an Onboarding.
We’ve resolved an issue where E-Verify case status was not correctly displaying the updated status on the E-Verify Tab in Onboarding365.
We’ve resolved an issue where Onboarders were not always being removed from the I-9 Warnings Dashboard after documents that had expired or were going to expire were updated.
Introducing a New Document Endpoint
For onboarding with a given unique ID, this method will find a document with a given document unique ID and will try to add that document to an onboarding.
If the process fails, this method returns 404 (Not Found) if either onboarding or document was not found, or 400 (Bad Request) if the action of adding this document to this onboarding is illegal by business logic.
Response of this endpoint is generated unique global identifier of onboarding document.
Introducing a New Endpoint
The method requires the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the Onboarding document created in
Onboarding365, the onboarding document action (action), and the reasoning behind the action
action: Reject, actionData: represent a reject reason
‘Date of Birth’ Field Hint Text
Hint text has been added to the ‘Date of Birth’ field of the Profile section.
New ‘Extend Document Name Length’ Agency Setting
Introduced a new ‘Extend Document Name Length’ agency setting. When enabled, this allows up to
100 characters to be entered for ‘Document Name’ fields.
New ‘Enable Name Validation for E-Verify’ Placement Type Setting
We have introduced a new ‘Enable Name Validation for E-Verify’ Placement Type setting. When enabled, only alphabetic characters, hyphens, spaces, and single quotes will be allowed in the ‘First Name’ and
‘Last Name’ fields of the onboarder’s profile in order to align with E-Verify’s supported characters.
Document Acknowledgement Statement Enhancement on Mobile
When reviewing documents the Document Acknowledgement Statement will now show up as you
scroll down a document and remain sticky at the bottom of the page when viewed on a mobile
Updated Primary Action Button Colors
On all web forms and PDF Preview pages, the primary action button colors have been changed from
grey to blue.
PDF Preview Page Enhancement
Previewing a one page PDF document on the desktop version of the application will now load the
document zoomed in at a percentage that allows the entire document to fit on a single page. This
change was designed to remove any scrolling that would be required to review the entire one page
Enhanced Electronic Signature Acknowledgement Process on Mobile
The acknowledge statement checkbox and primary action button on the Electronic Signature
Acknowledgement page is now displayed as soon as the onboarder begins scrolling down the page.
The body of the electronic signature acknowledgement is also displayed in its entirety (rather than
within a separate scrollable box).
Additionally, the ‘wet signature’ will now be captured on a subsequent page, providing additional
screen space for the onboarder to complete the signature.
Note: Agencies should consider using this as an opportunity to review the footer copy of the
Electronic Signature Acknowledgement to ensure the copy is logical for mobile users who will
experience the signature on a separate form.
Time Management Console – Resetting Pay Records
Resetting pay records will now work as expected.
Punch Restriction Settings
The mobile application now respects punch restrictions settings in some group configurations.
In/Out Times Not Displaying Correctly
An issue has been resolved for rate card clients where Group Timesheets was not displaying correctly for In/Out times.
Approval Statuses Now Display Correctly
An issue has been resolved in Exchange when approval statuses that are wrapped in quotation marks are now read correctly in Exchange.
Update Tutorial link in Time Approval Application
The approval application now directs users to the correct Help link and the new documentation page.
Unsubmitted Time With Assignment Type Report Optimization
Several of our reports, including the LDST (Total Hours worked by employee start date) and USAT (Unsubmitted Time w/ Assignment Type) have been enhanced for reliability and faster performance.
Software Release
We’ve completed our latest software release. It includes our most recent product enhancements and fixes aimed at improving your Bullhorn Time & Expense experience.
Bullhorn – Bad Contact Lookup
We have an made enhancement for Bullhorn ATS users when they searching or creating client contacts allowing them to handle missing or whitespace only names more gracefully. Users can now use the default if a valid name is not found.
Add isDiscountable to View Layout for Earn Code Group
Users will now be able to see if an earn code is discountable on the Earn Code List. The indicator will be based on the Base Earn Code for that Earn Code Group.
REST API Documentation for Effective Dated Entities
The Bullhorn REST API Documentation website now contains details on the Effective Dated Entities.
Custom Fields on Job Order Rate Card
Customers are now able to configure and interact with the following custom fields on the Job Order Rate Card entity:
- CustomText 1-10
- CustomInt 1-5
- CustomFloat 1-5
- CustomRate 1-5
These fields do not flow down to the Placement Rate Card by default; custom interactions will have to be set up in order for fields to flow down to the Placement Rate Card.
Default Currency on Invoice Term Templates to USD
Users will now be able to hide the field map for Currency on Invoice Term Templates. The system default value will be USD, which is the same default used on the Currency field for Invoice Terms.
Add New Earn Code Summary Variables for Invoice Footer
Agencies can now display the sum of total hours grouped by Earn Code type on an Invoice. Statement Template.
Table: Earn Code Totals
Variables: regularTotalHours, overtimeTotalHours, doubletimeTotalHours, otherTotalHours
Add Legal Business Entity to Payable Charge in Canvas
Users will now be able to add Legal Business Entity to reports for Payable Charges.
Add Legal Business Entity to Billable Charge in Canvas
Users will now be able to add Legal Business Entity to reports for Billable Charges.
Add Legal Business Entity Object to Canvas and all Placement Tracks
Users will now be able to add Legal Business Entity to reports for Placements (all tracks).
Migrate Chomsky Into ngx-translate
For developers that are taking advantage of the Bullhorn novo-elements repository, we have deprecated the use of the chompsky library in Novo for translations and migrated its use to the ngx-translate library.
Selecting/Deselecting When Filtering/Sorting File Lists
We enhanced the record selection process on the Novo files tab so that when users select file records, the records will remain selected when paginating, filtering, and sorting. This will allow users to interact with these records and action on them across multiple pages and data sets. Please note that selecting records un mass and actioning on them is limited to up to 500 records.
Entity Record Counts Affecting Page Load
We have implemented a new “loading” animation to the related record count headers and allow the page to load before all record counts are returned. This should allow for faster page loads for entities with a large number of related records.
Russia Date/Time Preferences
Russian users now have the ability to set their preferred date and time format in User Preferences. The Date Format field has the following new option:
- dd.MM.YYYY HH:mm (ru-RU) if the private label uses 24 hour format without AM and PM
- dd.MM.YYYY HH:mm AM/PM (ru-RU) if the private label uses 12 hour format with AM and PM
Loading Placement Record in Firefox
Placements records will now load properly in Firefox.
Logging Into Bullhorn Via The Android App
Users are now able to login to the Bullhorn Mobile App on the Android OS.
Creating Merge PDF With .doc and .docx files
Customers using the Merge PDF feature can now successfully incorporate .docx and .doc files within the merged PDF.
Multiple Search Criteria Containing a Slash
Searching on a Contact list will now succeed when multiple search criteria is selected, and one of the search values contains a slash “/”.
Advanced Note Search
When performing a search using the “Does NOT Have” parameter, the search will correctly filter records that do not have the specified criteria.
Custom Object Labels Appear Incorrectly in REST Meta Calls
REST API/meta call response will correctly return the Custom Object labels.
Support for Additional Employment History Flowback
The following Onboarding365 Employment History fields can now be configured in Onboarding365
flowback: startingPayRate, StartingPayFrequencyType, startingPayOther, endingPayRate,
endingPayFrequencyType, and endingPayOther.
Note the following fields flowback as their integer values and not their string values, this will be
resolved in a future release: StartingPayFrequencyType, and EndingPayFrequencyType.
Auto-Create Note on Onboarding Cancellation
The Auto-Create Note on Cancel Onboarding feature has been enhanced so that it now adds a note
to the Job when cancelling from a Placement to align this feature with the new feature that
automatically creates a note when initiating an Onboarding.
Auto-Create Note on Onboarding Initiation
When an onboarding is initiated from a Candidate record in Bullhorn ATS, a note will now be
automatically created and associated with the Candidate. When an onboarding is initiated from a Placement record, a note will be created and associated with the Candidate, Job, and Placement.
The Note Action will default to 'Onboarding Initiated' but can be customized by changing the value in the System Setting 'defaultOnboardingInitaiteNoteAction'.
The Note Body will default to 'Onboarding Initiation Note' but can be customized by changing the value in the System Setting 'onboardingInitiateNote'.
Onboarding Cancellation Restriction
Cancelling an onboarding within Bullhorn ATS is now only possible from a Candidate and/or
Placement record. This change was implemented to prevent an onboarding from being cancelled
without a note being added.
Onboarding365 2021.11 Bug Fix
We resolved an issue where SOAP API ReOnboard method was incorrectly requiring Residence
City and Postal Code.
Added ‘Lived In City ID’ support to GET/Onboarding/Employee
The REST API GET/Onboarding/employee endpoint now returns cityId, livedInCityId, and
Updated Onboarding365 User Guide
The updated Onboarding365 User Guide is now available and can be reached by selecting “Info” >
“User Guide” in the header, or by navigating directly to
Added Various Field Validations
The following frontend field validations have been added throughout Onboarding365 in order to
better align with existing database-level field limits and prevent errors:
● The field ‘Other Names Used’ on the Form I-9 now has a 50 character limitation
● The Direct Deposit ‘Bank Address’ field now has a 250 character limitation
● The Direct Deposit ‘Bank Name’ field now has a 150 character limitation
● The ‘Document Control Label’ field now has a 512 character limitation
● The ‘Reference Name’ field now has a 50 character limitation
● Phone field on the I9 form now has a 20 character limitation
Primary Action Buttons Enhanced in Profile
The primary action buttons presented to the onboarder in the profile have been enhanced to help
drive the onboarder through the process.
Onboarding Tile Title Configuration
Onboarding Tile Titles can now be customized per Placement Type. These titles can be set on the
Details page of a given Placement Type.
Enhanced ‘Delivered Onboarding Documents’ Data View Export
Enhanced the 'Delivered Onboarding Documents' Data View Export to include 'Business Key'.
Increased Video File Upload Size
We have increased the maximum supported size of ‘Video’ and ‘Video + Web Form’ files to 1GB.
Sort Order for Direct Deposit Pay Options
The order in which Pay Options on the Direct Deposit and Canadian Direct Deposit documents can
now be managed by setting the Sort Order on the ‘Advanced’ tab of each document in Document
Status Header Icon
Placement Rate Cards now have a status icon helping to ensure rate cards are fully filled out.
Placement Rate Card Status Column
A Placement Rate Card Status column is now included on the Placement list view.
Timestamp Included in Prism Sync Field
The Date Last Payroll Provider Sync field will now display a timestamp along with the date on the overview and list pages.
New Entity for Placement Change Request
Time and Expense fields are now included when adding, editing, approving, or viewing a placement change request.
Generating PDF Invoice
Enhanced the ability for users to generate and preview an Invoice PDF.
Discount Rate Issues on Overview Page
Discount Rate issues can now be viewed from the Discount Overview page.
Discount Fields Available in Canvas
Discounts can now be viewed under Placement Analysis and Company Analysis in Canvas.
Correlated Fields Added to Billing Profile and Invoice Statement
Correlated custom text and text block fields have been added to Billing Profile and Invoice Statement. This feature will allow custom information to flow from the Billing Profile to the Invoice Statement. Invoice Statement correlated fields can be viewed on the list when configured in View Layout.