Archives: Product Updates
Product update notes, links, and descriptions.
Separate Pay / Bill Calculations
Bullhorn Time & Expense now has the ability to calculate billing hours separately from pay hours for agencies that need to bill their client different overtime rules separately from pay.
- Bill Rules can be configured at the assignment level in Bullhorn Time & Expense via integration with Bullhorn ATS.
- Clients must use effective dated earn codes with bill only codes activated to use this feature.
Expose Other Tax Jurisdiction to Sales Tax Groups
Users are now able to add Sales Tax Rates with a jurisdiction type of “Other” through the user interface when adding or editing Sales Tax Groups.
Add Canadian Provinces to Sales Tax Rate and Group State Picker
Users are now able to select Canadian Provinces/Territories through the state picker when adding or editing Sales Tax Rates and Sales Tax Groups.
Display $0 Transactions on the Payable Charge Slideout
Payroll users will now be seeing zero dollar transactions on the payable charge slideout which can be used to determine whether they need to be exported into payroll or ignored.
Sync Class List from QuickBooks to Bullhorn
When a new class is added in QuickBooks, that class will now automatically be added to Bullhorn. Only classes marked as “Active” will sync.
Support for Delete Tax Rates
Users are now able to delete tax rates from within Bullhorn. This feature was previously supported through the API.
Invoice periodEndDate Created from Billable Charge periodEndDate
The Invoice end date will now correctly be populated based on the most recent Billable Charge end date.
REST API Inconsistencies
REST documentation and data event meta properties have been updated on the is Anonymized field to be consistent across all entities.
Daylight Savings Accounted for Birthdays Prior to 1966
Data Mirror 8 now accurately converts date/time fields that fall during Daylight Savings time for every year prior to 10/31/1966.
Send Data from Candidate and Placement Custom Object
Mapped Entities now supports the ability to send data from a Candidate or Placement custom object to Onboarding365.
Introduced REST API POST/Onboarding/placementDates
This endpoint is used to update the ‘Placement Start Date,’ ‘Placement End Date,’ and or ‘Placement
Actual End Date’ values on an Onboarding.
California Withholding Tax Document Update
We have updated the California withholding tax document from the 2020 version to the 2021 version.
Custom Pay Method Support for Direct Deposit
We have added an ‘Additional’ tab to the document management tool for both Direct Deposit and Canadian
Direct Deposit. This new tab allows an Onboarding user to setup Custom Pay Methods, including
tools to configuring ‘Custom Pay Method Title,’ Custom Pay Method Logo URL,” Custom Pay Description,’ and ‘Custom Pay Method Jurat Statement’ on both the Direct Deposit and Canadian Direct Deposit document.
InMails Synced Multiple Times on Candidate
LinkedIn RSC InMail Notes are now added a single time to records as expected.
Full Name and Email Added as Expected
Creating a new Candidate, Contact, or Lead record via the Gmail and Outlook Email Gadget will now import the full name and email address as expected.
Approved Option in Placement Header
The Placement Status field in the Placement header section will now display the Approve option as expected for entitled users.
Implement Field Interaction for Note Forms
Field Interactions are now supported on the Add/Edit Note Forms.
Rate Card Edit History Support
Users can now view rate card edit history on the Activity tab on a placement record.
Enter Earn Code Without Rates on Placement Rate Card
Users can now select an earn code on the Placement Rate Card that does not require rates to be entered. This is used for expenses, such as airfare and is defined at the Earn Code level using the “Are Rates Required” field.
Resync Invoice Terms
Users can now update the billing cycle on Invoice Terms and update Billable Charges via a new mass action on the list.
Billable Charge List Screen Column
Branch is now available as a column on the Billable Charge List Screen.
Earn Code Custom Fields Added to Invoice Term Configuration
Earn code custom text fields 1-20 are now supported on Invoice Term split/group/summarize by configuration.
Billable Charge Tab Supported on Invoice Statement Record
Users can now view billable charges on an invoice via a new Billable Charge tab located on the invoice statement record.
Multiple Buyers and Dummy Candidates Support for Fieldglass
VMS Submittals now supports multiple buyers and dummy candidates for multi-tenant Fieldgas accounts.
Beeline Field Enhancements
Some variants of the Beeline integration now better support and display skill, certification, and desired title fields.
New Cloud Clock App Now Available!
Our Cloud Clock app has received a makeover! A new version of the Cloud Clock App is now available in the Apple App Store. This update applies Bullhorn branding to the app and re-platforms the framework to a newer technology. There are no requirements to download the application and the current application will continue to function as is.
Approver View of the Timecard Image Respects the Approval Settings
For timecard approvers, the report view of the timecard now respects the settings for what the approver sees in the approval application.
Exchange Time Files Not Loading
We have resolved an issue where Exchange time files were taking a long time to process when sent as a link in an email.
Prevent Delete/Dispute Bill Only Transactions
A new field has been added to the Adjustment Codes screen called “Prevent Void”. When this field is enabled and the user code is SYS or *SYS, it will prevent these earn codes from being disputed or deleted in TMC.
Field Interactions for Move to Placement
Field Interactions will now be supported when moving a Submission to a Placement from the Submission tab.
isRequired Field on Credential Requirements
As isRequired field has been added on Credential Requirements to specify if the requirement is a hard or soft requirement.
Company Ownership for Records
Company Ownership will allow users to assign owners to Company Records. A new owner type, Department Owner, will be available on both Company and Contact records. Please reach out to Support for more information and to enable this feature.
Total Openings Field for Vizient
Parsing for the Total Openings field on the Vizient VMS Integration has been updated.
Preliminary Pay Rate for Bluesky
Parsing for the Preliminary Pay Rate field on the Bluesky VMS Integration has been updated.
Open Positions for AHSA Locums
Reqlists will now return open positions for the AHSA Locums VMS Integration as expected.
Login URL Change for Munson and Primehealth VMS
The integration for Einstein II VMS variants Munstion and Primehealth has been updated to match VMS changes.
Login for My Work Day Instances
A login issue for some instances of My Work Day VMS Integrations has been resolved.
Get Attachment for Dotstaff
Get Attachment functionality is now available for the Dotstaff VMS Integration.
Facilities Field for iCims
Parsing for the Facilities field on the iCims VMS Integration has been added.
Email Parsing for Flexforce
Email parsing for some Flexforce VMS Integrations has been updated.
Duplicate Positions for 3Story VMS
Parsing will no longer create a duplicate position for 3Story VMS Integration users.
Credential Contact Assignment
When a Contact is missing in Bullhorn ATS a new Contact will now be created instead of using the Credential Contact.
Brassring Integration
A new Brassring VMS Integration has been added.
Bill Rate Parsing for AHSA Trio
Bill rate parsing for the AHSA Trio VMS integration has been updated.
APRU Deluxe Support
A variant of APRU Deluxe is now supported.
Address Parsing for Vizient
Address parsing for the Vizient VMS Integration has been enhanced.
Submittal Details Work Fails Error
Creating a dummy candidate in the Beeline VMS Integration will now work as expected.
Date of Birth Parser
The parser for Date of Birth fields on some Beeline VMS Integration submission fields now works as expected.
Beeline Puppeteer Candidate Creation
More handling for variants with the Beeline Candidate creation step have been added.
Login Variants for Worknexus
Handling for new login variants for the Worknexus VMS Integration has been updated.
Unable to Locate Element Error
Certain Beeline VMS Integration instances will now be able to get req as expected.
Rate Card Field Interactions Supported
Field Interactions will now be supported on Placement Rate Cards. This includes interactions executing within a row or a column of a Rate Card Group, and across multiple Rate Card Groups.
LocationID displays on Placement Overview
The locationID will now display correctly on the Placement header or details card.
Set Invoice Statement Number on Rebill Invoice
The invoice statement number will now be able to be set on a rebill invoice statement that contains rebill billable charges. The user will select the invoice statement to rebill. The invoice statement number will be set according to the original invoice statement number + an optional entered suffix.
Billable Charge Transactions Sorted by Date
Billable charge transactions will now be sorted by transaction date when viewing the list slideout.
SSO Expired Session Login Prompt
Now when an SSO user has an expired session they will now see a prompt to login via their SSO provider. After completing login the user will be redirected back to the original Bullhorn session window.
REST Trigger Proceed on Error Check
Admins will now be able to control whether REST triggers are disabled upon error and the number of errors before being disabled.
Mass Mail with DKIM and DMARC Available
Mass Mail with DKIM and DMARC support is now available. Please reach out to support for more information on how to enable this feature.
Add an Email from a Chain to a Note
The Email Gadget (Gmail & Outlook OWA & Desktop) will now recognize which email from a chain is being added as a note.
Edit History Field Changes
Edit History will now contain all of the field changes from the edit when replicated to Data Mirror.
“Timecard Attachment” Not Editing in TMC
Attachment types that are listed as “timecard attachments” that are added via Web Time Entry can now be seen and edited in the timecard view of TMC by the administrator.
Images Duplicating in Payfiles
Images added to timecards will no longer be duplicated on the payfile when using timecard attachments with multiple pages.
(BRKN) Report Missing Assignment Numbers
We have resolved an issue where the BRKN report was not showing all information for web assignments.
Ability to Delete Per Diem Ruleset
Users can now delete a per diem ruleset via the new trash icon when there are no linked placements.
Fieldglass v1.Forums Robot Failing to Pull Chat Messages
Resolved Chat Messages from Fieldglass not adding as Notes, on the Job record.
Bullhorn Submittal Added By Name
Changed handling of updates in Bullhorn ATS resulting from a Submission to not overwrite the added by field if a value already exists in the field.
Duplicate in Client Submission Entries
Updated workflow to not create a Client Submission entry when a VMS Submission status is set to Client Submission.
Action Required Reminders for Position Failures
Enhanced customer alert emails on position upload failures by giving direct links to the positions in Admin Tools.
VectorVMS/Peoplefluent Missing Bill Rate
Resolved VectorVMS/Peoplefluent credentials failing to return a bill rate from VMS and preventing providing them on job records by enhancing rate parsing in the integration.
Fieldglass French (Canada) Language Preference
Resolved Fieldglass credentials with a French (Canada) language preference failing authentication by enhancing the integration to support French Canadian instances.
Fieldglass Special Characters in Job Description
Added handling for special characters in the job description for the Fieldglass VMS Integration; e.g., “caché” displaying as “cach” and “6 ½ feet” displaying as “6 feet.”
Taleo Buyer Details Company Field Extra Information
For some Taleo flavors the Company field in the Buyer Details was populated with additional details, the integration was updated to support more variants and improve the company parsing selector to resolve the issue.
Templates are no Longer Supported
Removed the SEEK Template field from the Job Publishing and BH Connect pages since the feature is disabled in the integration.
Azure SSO Login After Timeout
Azure Users will now be able to log back in to Bullhorn through SSO when their session times out or they manually log out.
EDE Novo Pages Converted
The following effective dated entities have been converted into the standard overview, edit, and activity tab experience: Surcharge Rate, Discount Rate, Location, Billing Profile, and Invoice Term.
Invoice Rejection Comments Not Showing
An issue has been resolved where the invoice rejection comments were not showing on the timecard when using special characters.
MMS Sending Reliability
An issue where SMS and MMS text messages were unreliably sent out of Bullhorn Time & Expense to employees with certain cell phone carriers has been resolved.
Images Not Showing in Faxaroo Queue
We have resolved an issue where the system was failing to process all images when emails with multiple attachment types are received for processing expense reports and fax images.
Branch Level Expense Audit Queue
A client can now be configured for branch level expense audit queues. When this feature is enabled, the expense reports will go to a branch audit queue which will be visible to users with that access to that branch in TMC.
Help Articles Available at Employee Logon
The logon and employee registration pages have been updated with more helpful verbiage and language to direct employees to helpful documentation when they forget their password or have trouble registering for their assignment.
Timesheet Image to Only Show Bill Transactions
The timesheet image that is used for invoicing clients now only includes billable hours, dollars, and units by default. Earn codes that are pay only will be excluded on the timesheet image.
Punch Level Rounding for Rate Cards in Web Time Entry
Web Time Entry now supports punch level rounding for clients with effective dated earn codes. The settings for quarter-hour rounding, 10th hour rounding, and lunch punches can be set at the work site level.
Beeline Submittals Setup Works as Expected
Initial Submittal dummy candidate create setup now works as expected for older versions of Beeline.
Attachments not Required to Submit via Fieldglass
Logic around adding attachments to submittals in Fieldglass has been updated to match Fieldglass’ new workflow.
New Flex Mapping Hierarchy
Flex Mapping users may now set multiple different maps up per account or credential.
My Work Day VMS Variant WD5 Supported
The new VMS variant for My Work Day, WD5, will now be a fully supported integration.
Default Owner Assignment Supported
You can now set a fallback default owner when pushing reqs to Bullhorn ATS.
Date Handling for Fieldglass Updated
We have updated the date handling for Fieldglass to include the Response Deadline.
Date Fields for SmartTrack VMS Supported
Date fields for SmartTrack VMS integrations will now be supported.
Pay Bill Entities Now Included When Merging Company Records
When merging two company records together, all of the following data will move to the primary merged record:
- Location
- Billing Profile
- Invoices
- Invoice Terms
- Discount
- Shifts
Validation Added to Invoice Terms
Billing Administrators who attempt to create invoices based on Invoice Terms with Split By, Group By, or Summarize Data that contain bad data will now be able to access an issue in the Issue Log that lets them know which invoice failed to generate because of bad terms and which Invoice Term to update.
Discounts Only Display When Value Set to True
Discounts on invoices where calculateAndDisplayOnInvoice is False will no longer appear on the PDF.
Billing Profile and Location Field Interactions Execute as Expected
Field interactions configured on the Placement Billing Profile and Location fields will now execute as expected.
Billable Charge $0 Transactions Displayed on Slideout
All $0 billable charge transactions will now be displayed on the slideout. Previously these transactions were only displayed on the Billable Charge Overview tab.
Billable Charge List Displays 500 Results with Monthly Billing Fields
The Billable Charge list will now correctly display up to 500 records when columns such as Billing Cycle and Calendar are included in the list.
Daxtra Search Integration Supported for Chrome Users
The Daxtra Search integration for Chrome users with the “sameSite” cookie setting enabled will now be supported.
“Export to ATS” Function Returns All Applicable Jobs
When using the “Export To ATS” feature in Linked In RSC to submit a Candidate to a Job, all Jobs made available through “One Click Export” in Bullhorn will be shown as expected.
Data Mirror Checks Version on Startup
On startup, Data Mirror will now print to the logs when there is a new version available.
Parsing a Duplicate Functions as Expected
When using Parse as Existing and a duplicate is found, the record you select from the list of potential duplicates will now be the record that is updated.
File Names with Dualbyte Characters Supported
Sending files as emails that contain Dualbyte characters in their file name will now be supported.