Archives: Product Updates
Product update notes, links, and descriptions.
Include "No Action Required" as a Submitted Status
An issue was identified where an employee’s document submitted status was not updating to 100% in a specific scenario.
Scenario Required:
- Client Docs feature enabled
- Employee not required to take action on affected document
If the above scenario was met and the employee document was submitted the submitted status would not update to 100%.
In these cases, the approved status would properly update to 100% when all documents were approved. This issue has been resolved, and submitted and approved status percentages are updating correctly.
Surcharge Profile Updated to Allow 4 Decimal Places
You are now able to create surcharge profiles with up to four decimal places. You are also able to manually add a surcharge with four decimal places to an invoice. Rounding rules will now apply to the fourth decimal, instead of the second.
Reports Latency
An issue has been identified where administrators attempting to run reports with an employee dropdown were seeing latency and timeouts with the reports. Stability improvements have been added to these reports by changing the employee dropdown to a type-ahead picker.
BBO/Onboarding API Now Includes Data Export
Bullhorn Back Office and Onboarding is excited to announce a new, more flexible framework for the implementation of custom data exports from Back Office and Onboarding. Our Professional Services and Engineering Support Teams are enabled to develop and maintain these exports. Any data available in the Back Office and Onboarding platforms are available via custom data export. An API has also been made available to programmatically invoke the custom data exports. Associated API calls are in place to retrieve the data export in a CSV file format.
Task List User Count
We fixed an issue that occurs when applying filters to a task list, such as “My Tasks” or “My Departments Tasks”. This displays a user count on the Users drop down on the Task List and clearing the filter would result in still displaying the previous count. Now, after clearing filters, the User count gets reset correctly.
Task Reminders on Inline Edit or Mass Update
We fixed an issue that occurs upon a task due date being updated via the list view. The system was not correctly updating reminders sent out about the task after the change was made. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and task reminders will update as expected.
Filtering by Placement ID
We fixed an issue regarding the placement change request list where in attempting to filter the placement change request list by placement ID resulted in a blank list. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and you will be able to filter the list by placement id.
Placement List Display
We fixed an issue where after enabling the Starts & Ends dashboard card and changing the position of the Job column on the Placement List, the Placement List would not load data. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the Placement List will load as expected.
Time to Fill/Submit Dashboard Card Showing Incorrect Response Time Data
We fixed an issue wherein the “Response Times” Job dashboard card values for Time to Fill and Time to Submit were being calculated including jobs without submissions or placements. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and jobs without any submissions or placements will be excluded from the calculations.
Leading and Trailing Spaces in Email Fields
We fixed an issue wherein if an email address was entered into an email field on a record and that email address contained a leading or trailing space this would cause issues with mass mailing or composing a message within Bullhorn. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the system will ignore any leading or trailing spaces in the email fields.
Select / Mini Picker Display
We fixed an issue regarding fields with an edit type of either Select or Mini-Picker where these fields were displaying an incorrect value when the value should have appeared as blank. Instead the blank value would appear as the first value from the total list of available values. This appeared on Job and Company record overviews. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the fields now display correctly on their respective overviews.
Pin Color Inconsistent on Pinned Records
We have fixed an issue where after pinning a record and switching between tabs (For example, switching between edit and activity) the blue pin color would get reset to black. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the pin color stays blue when switching between tabs on a pinned record.
Leads and Opportunities on Merged Companies
We have enhanced the company merge process to include leads and opportunities. Upon receiving the latest release this means when two companies are merged in the system, any leads and/or opportunities that are visible on the secondary company will be moved to the primary company when the records are merged.
SalesDuel – TV View
We’re excited to announce the addition of TV View to SalesDuel! With TV View, we’ve optimized the display of SalesDuel standings and results for televisions and large screens. Customers can now maximize team visibility into SalesDuel activity using dedicated or shared displays.
Third-Party Fields and Signatures
We’re excited to announce that onboarding users can now send documents to two company contacts in addition to a candidate for completion and signatures. Each recipient can be assigned their own fields to fill in and sign on each document. Additionally, two new completion/approval workflows have been added. This new functionality is perfect for firms who regularly require signatures from a third party in addition to a candidate, like umbrella companies or limited service companies.
Please contact support if you’re interested in enabling this enhancement in your Onboarding account.
Email Editor Enhancements
We have updated the email reminder editor to improve speed and performance.
When sending a “General – User” email reminder to Managers, the list of available managers is now separated by 100 per page. You can simply check the managers needed by navigating between the pages.
Field Restrictions Not Being Honored In Employee Login
We fixed an issue where not all restrictions being placed on fields were being honored when an Employee logged in to update fields. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and restrictions put in place will be honored as expected.
Unsubmitted Timesheet Report Timeout
We fixed an issue where occasionally the Unsubmitted Timesheet Report would time out when the data set was very large. We have changed the format of this report from XLS to CSV. Upon receiving the latest release this issue will be resolved and the report will export as expected.
Tax Profile Decimal Places
You are now able to create tax profiles with up to four decimal places. Rounding rules will now apply to the fourth decimal, instead of the second. For example, you may set a tax profile to 3.1825.
Export Improvements
When exporting any entity with business sectors, you are now presented with counts and details columns in the export. Additionally, an issue was resolved where an error was displayed when trying to export a Company with the billing address column included.
Expense Notes for Group Time Imports
You can now map expense notes (such as expense IDs) to group time imports. In the Control Panel, the Hours Import Profile now contains a field called “Expense Notes.” When you add Expense Notes to a group time import, the notes become available on the Payables tab when viewing the expense report for a given employee.
Latest News
The Pulse tab is now the fastest way to prep for any meeting: Add the “Latest News” Card to see the latest headlines about the account. Click on any headline to go straight to the article. These news items are updated in real time and automatically displayed based on the company’s domain name. This is part of the Market Intelligence product offering; for more information, please contact your Account Executive.
Vendor Taxes
You can now assign tax profiles to Vendors and update tax amounts on Vendor payables. We’ve also updated the Vendor payable editor with a new look and feel, similar to the receivables invoice editor. Taxes are optional for Vendors and are defaulted to 0% for Vendor payable line items.
SalesDuel – Candidate-Based Scoring
We’ve made an enhancement to SalesDuel that allows a tournament administrator to add candidate-based scoring to a tournament. When configuring or editing a tournament, an administrator is now able track candidate-related activity by selecting the Candidates entity and then selecting the statuses for which they would like to track points. When the tournament is in progress, players receive the appropriate number of points when a candidate for whom they are the owner or secondary owner is moved into one of the configured statuses.
SalesDuel – Job-Based Scoring
We’ve made an enhancement to SalesDuel that enables a tournament administrator to add job-based scoring to a tournament. When configuring or editing a tournament, an administrator is now able track job-related activity by selecting the Jobs entity and then selecting the statuses for which they would like to track points. When the tournament is in progress, players receive the appropriate number of points when a job for which they are the owner or secondary owner is moved into one of the configured statuses.
SalesDuel – Tournament Recap Email
We’ve made an enhancement to SalesDuel that enables a tournament administrator to send a recap email upon completion of a tournament. The administrator can send the recap email by accessing a completed tournament and clicking the Send Full Recap Email button that appears on the resulting dialog.
When the administrator sends the email as part of a team-based tournament, the email is sent to all team owners as well as any player who is on a team (note that the email is not sent to players who did not get drafted). When the administrator sends the email as part of an individual-based tournament, the email is sent to every player who was added to the tournament, regardless of their level of participation.
The recap email includes information such as the name of the tournament, the user who won and the number of points they accrued, the user who is designated as the MVP and the statistic that earned them that designation, and the second and third runners up in the tournament. The email also includes a button that enables the reader to view the full tournament stats within SalesDuel.
Get Help Update
You will now be directed to our new Customer Portal when selecting the Get Help button in Bullhorn. The Customer Portal will open within your Bullhorn application, and contains sections for Bullhorn Academy, Product Updates, and Feedback.
Product Feedback
Bullhorn Brainstorm has been replaced with our new feedback form as part of our Customer Portal launch. Provide feedback directly to the Bullhorn Product team and check out recent suggestions from customers that we’ve recently implemented.
Live Chat in Bullhorn
Introducing Live Chat for Bullhorn Support! If you’re designated as a Support or Account Contact, a new “Live Chat” button is now available to you in the CRM. Clicking this button quickly connects you with one of our Support representatives via a live chat session.
Email Deletion Sending to Users
We fixed the issue with deleted email notifications being sent to linked users. This has been resolved and deleted email notifications no longer send a copy to linked users.
Jobs by Category: Count
When exporting any entity with business sectors, you are now presented with counts and details columns in the export. Additionally, an issue was resolved where an error was displayed when trying to export a Company with the billing address column included.
Email Notifications Sent On Due Date
We’ve fixed the issue regarding administrators being unable to send reminder emails on a due date, instead being forced to enter a number of days before or after the due date. This issue has been resolved and administrators can now create email reminders on the due date.
Note Contents When Merging Records
We identified an issue with notes not transferring when merging candidates. The note count was updating, but not the content. This issue has been resolved and note content and counts are now updating when merging candidates.
Including Comment updates in Placements
We fixed the issue regarding placement comments not being logged in the edit history of the placement record. This prevented the updated comments from being searchable and filterable. Placement comments are now accurately logged in the edit history, and are searchable, filterable, and generate data events.
Commissions Export Error for Employees
We fixed the issue with employees receiving an error when trying to export commission information. Commission exports now function as expected.
Custom Export Issue When Selecting All
We’ve fixed the issue regarding data not being exported when ‘selecting all’ on a custom export. Now, all data can be exported when using a custom export.
Email Variables on Invoices
We fixed the issue with email variables not displaying correctly when supplemental timesheets were listed separately from standard timesheets. Variables were displaying their name, instead of the value associated with the variable. Email variables are now correctly displayed.
Supplemental Timesheet Defaults for Invoices
We fixed the issue regarding newly created departments not honoring the defaults set for supplemental timesheets appearing on invoices. Now, new departments honor the setting determining whether supplemental timesheets appearing on invoices or not.
Vendor Payable History Error
We fixed the issue regarding access your vendor payable history. This issue has been resolved, and you are now able to access your vendor payable history. This issue did not impact the vendor payable history in the database, but rather was a user interface issue accessing the data.
Payroll Effective Dates Not Saving as Expected
We’ve fixed the issue regarding payroll effective dates that were not saving as expected. Payroll effective dates were saving to the beginning of the week, rather than the beginning of an employee’s payroll cycle. Now, payroll effective dates will save to the first day of the employee’s closest payroll cycle.
Date Display Issue on E-Verify I-9 Form
We’ve fixed the issue regarding dates displaying inconsistently on the E-Verify I-9 form – though they were saved correctly in the database, they were displaying with an outline from previous dates used. This issue has been resolved and dates are now displaying correctly.
Delays Adding Users to Onboarding Dashboard
We’ve fixed the issue regarding candidates not appearing in the Onboarding dashboard when a document or packet was assigned from the Bullhorn CRM. The candidate would appear if the candidate record was re-saved in Onboarding, or a second document or packet was sent. This issue has been resolved and all candidates are appearing in the Onboarding dashboard when documents or packets are assigned.
Employee Portal Speed and Stability Improvements
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the employee portal experiencing latency when numerous documents requiring attachments were being assigned at the same time. Now, and documents requiring attachments no longer cause latency when assigned to employees.
Mandatory Signature Field Alignment
We fixed the issue with signature fields marked as mandatory becoming out of alignment when users attempted to sign a document. Signature alignment now matches in the Candidate portal and the Administrator portal.
Onboarding Date Picker Adjustment
We fixed the issue with users and administrators being unable to select dates far enough in the future to accommodate some identification expiration dates (such as Arizona driver’s licenses). This issue has been resolved and users and administrators can now select dates up to 100 years in the future.
Vendor Onboarding Error
We identified an issue with trying to open Vendor onboarding details from the Onboarding dashboard. This issue has been resolved and Vendor onboarding details can be accessed from the Onboarding dashboard.
Placement Change Request List GA
We are excited to announce that the Change Request List is now generally available for all product editions! With this list, you can now easily filter and sort your placement change requests, and navigate directly to the placement change request forms. To request the Change Request list, contact Bullhorn Support.
Trend View Added to My Activity Dashboard Card
We’ve made an enhancement to the My Activity dashboard card (part of the Goals & Quotas functionality) to include a trend view for each of the weekly/monthly tracked recurring goals. You can access this new trend view for a specific goal by clicking on the name of the goal on the main view of the dashboard card, where you can see how you performed against the goal over the past 12 weeks or months.
Placement Field Mappings on Change Request List
By honoring Placement field mappings on the Placement Change Request list, we now correctly display field labels on the Placement Change Request list.
Export Enhancements
When exporting from either the job or candidate list, the CSV file now contains columns for Submission Counts, Submission Details, Skills Counts, Skills Details, Category Counts, and Category Details (along with any other columns selected in the list view). You can export up to 20,000 records at once (attempting to export more than that will cap the export at the most recently added 20,000 records) with a maximum of ten submissions, ten skills, and ten categories exported for each record.
Copying an Opportunity
You now have the ability to add a new opportunity to Bullhorn by making a copy of an existing opportunity. A new menu option, labeled Make a Copy, is now located in the Select an Action drop-down on the opportunity record. When you make a copy of an opportunity, every field on the existing opportunity is copied over to the new opportunity, where you can make changes as necessary.
- The Make a Copy option only appears for users whose user types have the Add Opportunity action entitlement.
- The status of the copied opportunity defaults to the status for new opportunities, as opposed to the status of the original opportunity.
- The fields that are copied over to the new opportunity include custom fields and custom objects with a type of overview.
- File attachments and data-related items (notes, activity, history, etc.) are not copied over to the new opportunity.
Deleting Sales Quotas
We’ve made an enhancement to the Sales Quotas feature that gives users the ability to delete one or more quotas from the list view. In order to be able to delete quotas, a user must be associated with a user type that has the Add/Edit/Delete Quotas action entitlement. Note that users can delete a maximum of 50 quotas at once.
Note-Related Searches on Leads
You can now search by all of the following note-related fields when performing a Lead search using Additional Criteria:
- Note Action
- Note Author
- Note Comments
- Note Date Added
Application Reload Message
A message now appears if the application is left open during a scheduled release. The message requests the user to reload their browser to ensure full functionality of the application.
All Dates Search Help Text
When performing a search for timesheets or invoices and using the “All Dates” option, a message is now visible indicating that any invoices or timesheets from previous weeks that have not already been viewed will not be visible with the “All Dates” option.
Employee Type Profiles Update
“Receives Notices” is now an option when creating or editing an employee type profile. Options for this are to respect the default setting in the control, or override this setting with yes and no options.
QuickBooks Desktop Error Email Handling
We’ve made an update to error handling with QuickBooks desktop. An email is still sent to administrators if an error occurs when using QuickBooks desktop and Bullhorn Back Office.
Date Mapping Format
We’ve updated the formatting for date mapping in Onboarding. Note that the tooltip has been updated with the new date formats; existing mappings are not impacted by this change.
Documents Automatically Close Once Submitted
Documents now automatically close when submitted by an employee in the employee portal.
Client Submission Email Font
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the default font not being respected when pulling a submission comment into a client submission email. Now, the default font is respected by the submission comment.
Email Editor
We’ve fixed the issue regarding extra line breaks being added when using Bullhorn’s email editor. Now, when using “Enter,” a single line break is added to an email. When using “Shift-Enter,” a paragraph break is added to the email.
Admins Unable to Edit Managers in Shared Branches
We fixed the issue with administrators being unable to edit managers in shared branches. Now, administrators can edit managers with the proper permissions.
Cell Phone Field Formatting Numbers Beginning with 0
We’ve fixed the issue regarding cell phone numbers beginning with a 0 having the 0 dropped from the number. This issue has been resolved and cell phone numbers can now begin with a 0.
Hours Missing from Bi-Monthly Invoicing
We’ve fixed the issue regarding hours being left off of invoices if invoices were not being approved in chronological order. Hours are now added to appropriate invoices, regardless of invoice approval order.
Invoice Editing in Chrome v51
We fixed the issue regarding administrators being unable to edit invoices when using v51 of the Chrome browser.
Supplemental Timesheets Improperly Appearing on Invoices
We’ve fixed the issue regarding supplemental timesheets appearing on invoices when the invoice was not selected. Now, supplemental timesheets now respect this setting.
Placement Gross Margin Report Timing Out
We fixed the issue regarding the placement gross margin report timing out without notification, and the percentage complete not updating. Now, as this report is run, the percentage complete will actively update. Please note that very large data sets, typically greater than year’s worth of data, will continue to cause this report to time out. It is recommended to split this report by year if needed.
Placement Updates Overriding Branch Assignment
We’ve fixed the issue regarding when updating a placement on a shared branch override the branch and set the branch to the administrators primary branch. Now, updating placements on shared branches no longer overrides the branch.
Extra Hour Exported to QuickBooks Desktop
We’ve fixed the issue regarding certain hour combinations being improperly rounded and sent to QuickBooks Desktop with an extra hour. Now, accurate hours are being exported to QuickBooks Desktop.
Actual vs. Rounded Hours Display Issue
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the actual hours on a timesheet displaying the rounded hours, when the rounded hours setting was enabled. Now, the rounded and actual hours are displaying correctly.
Group Timesheet Import Error
We’ve fixed the issue with all employees importing with 0 hours when there was an error with one employee on a group timesheet import. Now, the group timesheet will import all correct employees successfully, and display an error for incorrect employees.
PTO Being Included in OT Calculation on Payables
We’ve fixed the issue regarding PTO hours being included in overtime calculations on the payables tab when overtime was added to the first day of a billing period. Now, overtime does not include PTO hours.
Commas Separating Values in Dropdowns and Radio Buttons
We’ve fixed the issue regarding commas creating new values for dropdowns and radio buttons when creating or editing documents. Now, these values can contain commas without issue.
Document Attachments Not Deleting
We fixed the issue regarding attachments on documents not deleting from the admin app nor the employee app. This issue has been resolved and document attachments can now be deleted.
Document Creation in Internet Explorer
We’ve fixed the issue regarding administrators not being able to create new documents in the Internet Explorer browser. Now, administrators can use all onboarding functionality in the Internet Explorer browser.
Document Preview Displays a Blank Page
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the “Preview” option, displayed when creating a new document, showing a blank page. Now, the “Preview” button displays a preview of the document being created.
Radio Buttons Not Required
We’ve fixed the issue regarding radio buttons marked as “Not Required” forcing users to select an answer. Now, optional radio buttons no longer require a selection.
Documents Sent in Packet Order
We’ve fixed the issue regarding documents sent in a packet not appearing in the order set in the packet. Now, documents are now displaying in the proper packet order.
Documents Not Opening at the Top of the Document
We fixed the issue regarding documents opening at the first available field for completion. This issue has been resolved and documents open at the top of the document.
Introducing Activity Goals
As a major enhancement and complement to our Sales Quotas feature, with Activity Goals, you are now able to track just about any performance-related goal you can think of, taking advantage of both pre-configured goals (number of candidates, jobs, placements, and submissions added to the system) as well as create customized goals based on appointment and note types.
Note that, like the Sales Quotas feature, Activity Goals is available in Enterprise Edition only. If you’re already using Sales Quotas, Activity Goals will become available to you automatically. To request Sales Quotas and Activity Goals (collectively referred to as “Goals and Quotas”), contact Bullhorn Support.
Introducing Blueprint
Bullhorn now provides a seamless experience for new business development and account planning. By comparing your known contacts at a Company with all key influencers and stakeholders at that organization, Bullhorn Market Intelligence brings in data from 30,000+ data sources across the Internet to provide a real-time org structure of public and private companies right in Bullhorn. Blueprint also returns email addresses and phone numbers from Executives, VPs, Directors, and Managers across both public and private companies. And with one click, you can add those influencers as a Contact or Lead. Instead of buying lists or wasting time finding stakeholders, your team can focus business development efforts in a truly targeted and strategic manner.
To learn more, please contact your Account Manager.
Previous/Next Navigation for Placements and Opportunities
Previous/Next navigation links are now available on both Placement and Opportunity records! This means that after opening a placement or opportunity from a list view, you can now navigate through the list’s records using the new navigation links without having to repeatedly click back to the list.
Onboarding Integration Update
When selecting documents and packets in the Onboarding integration in Bullhorn ATS (either on the candidate record or the placement record), you are now able scroll through and search for all documents available for sending. Previously, a limit was set at 50.
New Column on the Change Request List (Open Beta)
We have added the Placement Status field as an available column on the change request list. To request the Placement Change Request List for your company, contact Bullhorn Support.
New Document Editing and Approval Experience
Administrators now have a new document editing and approval experience, similar to the document completion experience for employees. The admin portal has been updated with navigational arrows, an “Actions” menu, and icons for different admin actions. We’ve also updated the workflow for editing and approving documents. Administrators can continue to access the document editor via the Employee and Placement document details dashboards, along with the Onboarding dashboard. However, they are no longer able to access the document editor via Edit icon on the document sub-tab on Employee and Placement records.
Speed and Stability Improvements
We’ve made updates to increase speed and stability when navigating the Companies tab.
Improvements to Employee Portal
It is now easier to select from a long list of placements in the employee portal as you’re able to scroll through your list of placements if the list is unable to fit on the screen in front of you.
Onboarding Custom Text Now Displayed in New Employee Portal
Custom text set in the Control Panel will now display in the new Onboarding employee portal. Text will only be displayed in the Onboarding employee portal if a custom message is entered by an administrator.
Checkbox Inconsistencies on the Companies Tab
We’ve fixed the issue regarding checkboxes not being selected accurately on the Companies tab. Now, you are able to select the correct checkbox when needed.
Company and Contact Not Shown on Opportunity Preview Slideout
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the associated company and contact not appearing on the opportunity list view preview slideout, even when the fields were configured to display in the View Layout. These fields now display when they should.
Companies by Open Jobs Dashboard Card Query
We’ve fixed the issue regarding a parameter of Job “Date Added” being added into the query, regardless of the filters set on the card. With the resolution of this issue, the parameter has been removed from the card query.
Faster Find Results Error
We’ve fixed the issue regarding users intermittently receiving an error message after clicking on a record link from the Faster Find drop-down preview results list.
Lead Specialty Field Label Displays Correctly in List
We’ve fixed the issue where re-labeling the Lead Specialties (“specialityCategoryID”) field in field maps was not reflecting the correct label in the Specialty column header of the Leads list.
Break Profile Changes Captured in Audit Trail
We’ve fixed the issue regarding break profile changes not being captured in the audit trail. Now, break profile changes are captured in the audit trail.
Fixed Header and Page Navigation on Blueprint Columns
We’ve improved the user experience of Blueprint. The column headers and paging navigation is now fixed when scrolling through Blueprint contacts, leads, and unknown people.
PTO Accumulation Doubling with a Specific Setting Combination
We’ve fixed the issue regarding PTO accumulation doubling when both Timesheets.Send Time Back and Timesheets.Send Automatically were enabled. Now, PTO is no longer doubling with these settings enabled simultaneously.
PTO Pay Rate Issue
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the PTO rate displaying incorrectly on the payable dashboard. The dashboard was displaying incorrect values when PTO hours were entered with a weekly pay type. Now, PTO rates are calculated as expected.
Document Submitted Notification Issue
We’ve fixed the issue with notifications not being sent to administrators when all documents were submitted by an employee. Now, with the resolution of this issue, provided the correct setting is enabled, administrators will now receive the notifications.
Onboarding Dashboard
We’ve fixed the issue regarding the Onboarding dashboard not accurately reflecting percentages for “Submitted” and “Approved.” Now, the dashboard is displaying correct percentages.
Onboarding Document Field Validations
We’ve fixed the issue regarding field validations not always being enforced on Onboarding documents. For example, a field restricted to five digits in length was allowing more than five digits. Now, all document field validations will be honored.