Product Update Category: Bullhorn One
Column Names on the Client Corporation List View Update
The columns ‘Contacts’, ‘Child Client Corporations,’ and ‘Owners’ on the company corporation list page will now reflect the language designated in the locale Setting.
Candidate File Type List
All of the options on the Actions dropdown from Candidate files will now reflect the language designated in the locale Setting.
Field Interactions API Properties Update
The API properties have been updated for PlacementCertification, JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement, and CandidateCertificationRequirement to include the following:
- API.currentEntity
- API.currentEntityID
- API.isAdd
- API.isEdit
- API.associations
Filtering Tasks by the ‘Assigned To’ Column
The Tasks list was updated to ensure that the search results are accurate when using the “With Assigned To” filter in the search criteria. Clients who need this working correctly will need re-indexing to be completed.
View Attachment Print Preview
When attempting to print preview an attachment via the employee timecard, the attachment will no longer be blank.
Resolved Disputes
Resolved Disputes will now flow back to Pay/Bill for clock groups.
Detailed Employee Timesheet Report Changes
We’ve updated the Approval reports to respect approver settings on visibility for pay/bill hours, dollars, and units.
Share Schedule With Bullhorn Users
Client schedules can now be shared with other internal Bullhorn users without creating those users as a contact on the client company.
Page Interactions for Scheduler/Calendar View
Page Interactions can now be used on the calendar scheduler view for shifts.
Field and Page Interactions for Shift Position and Definition
Page and field interactions on shift position and shift definition entity modals (add and edit) can now be used.
Custom Fields on Email Notification
Any enabled and populated custom request fields are now included in the change request email notification.
Request New Credential Entitlement
A new usertype action entitlement can be added called ‘Request New Credential’. This allows a user to request a new Credential from the Credentialing tab on a Candidate or Placement record by selecting ‘Request new Credential’ from the action drop down.
Flowback Support For Custom Objects
Onboarding365 Flowback is now supported for all Custom Objects available on all entities in Bullhorn.
Job Rate Card Edit History Activity Tab
Job Rate Card users can now see the edit history under the Activity tab.
Delivery Method Lookup for Data Mirror 8
DeliveryMethodLookupID is now available in DM8. This field should be used in place of Delivery Method going forward. It is supported for BillingProfileVersion, InvoiceStatement, and DeliveryMethodLookup.
Allow Manually Added Billable Charges to Automatically Set Discounts and Surcharges
Discounts and Surcharges will be automatically applied (where applicable) when Billable Charges are added manually into the system through the UI and API.
Share Schedule With Bullhorn Users
Client schedules can now be shared with other internal Bullhorn users without creating those users as a contact on the client company.
Page Interactions for Scheduler/Calendar View
Page Interactions can now be used on the calendar scheduler view for shifts.
Field and Page Interactions for Shift Position and Definition
Page and field interactions on shift position and shift definition entity modals (add and edit) can now be used.
Custom Fields on Email Notification
Any enabled and populated custom request fields are now included in the change request email notification.
Opportunity Reason Closed
The values in an Opportunity field Reason Closed are now supported for all languages in Novo. There are two new system settings for opportunityLostValue and opportunityWonValue that can be configured by an Admin for the proper terms.
Notes List Tab on Entity
“Subject” and “Primary Department” can now be configured for translation on the notes tab. Previously, both items were only displayed in English.
French Candidate Translation
French Users will now see the correct translation when a candidate has been moved to the “Rejected” state.
Date Format
International Users will now see that the hint within date fields has been localized. Previously, the hint was always in the US format of MM/DD/YYYY regardless of their locale.
Placement Tracks
Users switching from one placement track to another will now be required to enter mandatory fields based on the configuration for the current placement track.
Previously, the system would ask users to also complete fields that were set as required on the prior placement track.
Credentialing Entity REST Error Messages
Users will now see an error toast message if a REST Form Trigger is configured for the following and there was an issue adding/editing a record:
- PlacementCertification
- CandidateCertificationRequirement
- JobSubmissionCertificationRequirement
Request New Credential Entitlement
A new user type action entitlement can be added called ‘Request New Credential’. This allows a user to request a new Credential from the Credentialing tab on a Candidate or Placement record by selecting ‘Request new Credential’ from the action drop down.
Flowback Support For Custom Objects
Onboarding365 Flowback is now supported for all Custom Objects available on all entities in Bullhorn.
Additional Candidate Custom Objects in Canvas
PersonCustomObjects 11-35 are now available in Canvas reporting.
Bullhorn One – Resolved Disputes
Resolved Disputes will now flow back to Pay/Bill for clock groups.
Loading Placement Record in Firefox
Placements records will now load properly in Firefox.
Logging Into Bullhorn Via The Android App
Users are now able to login to the Bullhorn Mobile App on the Android OS.
Creating Merge PDF With .doc and .docx files
Customers using the Merge PDF feature can now successfully incorporate .docx and .doc files within the merged PDF.
Multiple Search Criteria Containing a Slash
Searching on a Contact list will now succeed when multiple search criteria is selected, and one of the search values contains a slash “/”.
Advanced Note Search
When performing a search using the “Does NOT Have” parameter, the search will correctly filter records that do not have the specified criteria.
Custom Object Labels Appear Incorrectly in REST Meta Calls
REST API/meta call response will correctly return the Custom Object labels.
Page and Field Interactions Supported
We now support field interactions and page interactions on the federal, state, and local tax forms within the Tax Info tab.
Federal, State, and Local Tax Info Available for Data Mirror
Data Mirror can now pull the federal, state, and local tax info from your database.
Searching by Category/Specialty in OSCP
Searching by Categories/Specialties by name in the Open Source Career Portal now works as expected.
Job Order Rate Cards Available
We now have Rate Cards available on Job Order along with other supporting features:
- Ability to create an effective dated Rate Card on a Job Order.
- Automatically flow the Rate Card down from the Job Order to the Placement.
- Specify the status of the Placement Rate Card and allow only certain users to activate it.
- The Placement Approval process now checks that an Active Placement Rate Card exists.
- Available in DataMirror and Canvas.
Please reach out to Bullhorn Support to have this feature enabled.
Custom Fields on Placement Rate Card
Custom fields can now be added to Placement Rate Cards. The field formats are as follows:
- CustomText 1-10
- CustomInt 1-5
- CustomFloat 1-5
- CustomRate 1-5
Location Assignment for Transactions Added to Existing Charges
Transactions newly added to existing billable charges will now correctly have a location automatically assigned.
Support for Tax on Margin
The ability for taxes to be calculated off a margin of the billable amount rather than the total billable amount is now supported.
Invoice Terms Template
Admins can now define Invoice Term Templates through a new menu item. The Templates that are configured can be selected by properly entitled users to populate values on Invoice Terms based on the template values.
Invoice Statement Email Fields
Users are now able to specify the email recipients (Email To, Email CC, Email BCC) on the Invoice Statement interface for Invoices with the delivery method of Email. The data will be populated initially based on the associated Billing Profile.
General Ledger Fields Added to Billable Charge and Payable Charge View Layout
The following fields have been added to view layout:
- generalLedgeServiceCodeID
- generalLedgerSegment1ID
- generalLedgerSegment2ID
- generalLedgerSegment3ID
- generalLedgerSegment4ID
- generalLedgerSegment5ID
With this enhancement, an administrator can now add these fields to the following:
- Billable charge list
- Billable charge header
- Payable charge list
Discounts and Earn Codes
A new flag has been added to allow Agencies to keep certain Earn Codes from being discounted. Non-Discountable earn codes will not need to be specifically omitted from the Earn Code picker on Company Discounts since flagged Earn Codes will not be included in discount calculations during invoice creation. Flagged Earn Codes will not have discounts added during billing sync.
An issue item will be created if there is an Earn Code that is marked as isDiscountable=False and the Discount made its way to the bill master transaction.
Prism Payroll Field Additions
The following Placement fields have been added to Canvas:
- benefitGroup
- employmentStartDate
- payGroup
- payrollEmployeeType
- positionCode
- payrollSyncStatus
Search by Notes on Candidate Record
Searching by Note Actions on a Candidate now correctly applies the Note Date Added filter.
Sensitive Candidate Fields in Public API
When a post call is made from the OSCP via applying for a job, the response code no longer exposes the phone, email, gender, veteran, disability, or ethnicity fields.
Fields Respecting Configured Field Label on Candidate’s Placement Table
The configured field label will now be correctly shown on the candidate’s placement table. The following table column headers should now show the user defined label:
- Pay rate
- Bill rate
- Start date
- End date
Per Diems on Multiple Assignments
An issue was resolved with per diems on multiple assignments where the wrong per diem was added to the timecard for the wrong assignment.
Per Diem Calculation Change for Multiple Assignments
An issue was resolved where per diems were not calculated correctly when using multiple assignments with the same per diem ruleset.
Enhanced Approval Confirmation Emails
The approval confirmation email has been updated to match the hours, dollars, and units that are seen in the approval application.
Report Optimization
Several of our frequently run reports have been optimized for reliability and faster performance. These reports include the BRKN (Break Exceptions), UNDB (Unapproved Time Across Groups), TEAC (Time Entered After Cutoff), and MMFA (Hours Report w/ approval status by Assignment).
Candidate Registration Experience
The Logon candidate registration process has been updated with a more user friendly experience.
Auto-Approve Expenses / Auto-Route to Auditing
VMS Exchange Expenses can now be set to auto-approve expense line items or automatically route to auditing based on the template configuration.
Placement Rate Card Support for Not Required, Pay Only, or Bill Only Rates
The placement rate card interface now allows users to enter pay rate only, bill rate only, or no rates at all, depending on the associated earn code field selections. This system behavior is based on the following earn code fields:
- “Pay/Bill Options” which drives if the user should enter Pay Rate, Bill Rate, or both, on the rate card
- “Are rates required?” which drives if the user should enter a rate for that earn code on the rate card
The rate card user interface provides visual indicators on what rate fields are required, and what rates should be entered.
Billing Cycle Field in Overview and on Cards
The Billable Charge and Invoice Terms header and details section now display correctly the Billing Cycle field.
Monthly Billing Tables
Monthly Billing Tables are now available in Data Mirror 8. The following tables are included:
- PayBillCycle
- Calendar
- CalendarInstance
- CalendarFrequencyLookup
Existing tables that were updated to include fields from Monthly Billing Tables include:
- InvoiceTermsVersion – payBillCycle
- BillMaster – isEligible, payBillCycle and calendarInstance
- BillableCharge – payBillCycle and calendarInstance
Mass Mail Recipient List Holds Email Addresses From Erased Records
When performing a GDPR erase of a Candidate record, any mass mails that the Candidate was included in will now not hold the Candidate name and email address.
Daylight Savings Time for Birthdays Before 1966
Data Mirror 8 now correctly converts date/time fields that land during Daylight Savings time for every year before 10/31/1966.
Anonymized Identifying Fields Not Blank
When anonymizing a record, Data Mirror 8 now blanks out the appropriate fields upon replication for contact, candidate, and lead entities.
Duplicate Placements in Unmatched Assignments List
We have resolved an issue in Exchange where assignments were duplicating in the Unmatched Assignments list.
Expired Assignments Not Unmatched
An issue has been resolved in Exchange where assignments were not being unmatched from employees in some scenarios.
Bi-weekly Start Date in Employee Details
For customers using Bill Rules: The Bi-Weekly Start Date is now visible in the Employee Details under the “More Info” tab in TMC.
Email Service to Utilize Twilio for QR Texts
For clients using Tempo QR Code entry: We now utilize Twilio for reliable delivery of QR codes via text to all major carriers.
Status of Expense Report in Email Subject
Expense report emails now include the expense report status (Approved / Rejected) in the subject of the email.
HPWR Report Per Diem Ruleset
The Per Diem Rule column in the HPWR report now displays the Per Diem Ruleset ID instead of the earn code.
“Add to Week” Feature for Per Diems
For clients using per diems: While in timecard view in the Time Management Console, users with per diem permissions can now add the per diem ruleset on the placement for that week if it is missing.
Placement Rate Card Tables
Placement Rate Card Edit History is now available for reporting.
QuickBooks Invoice Export Enhancement
When exporting invoices to QuickBooks, an export batch will no longer completely fail if one or more invoices in that batch fail. This enhancement will continue processing the batch and create an issue item for each failed invoice.
Support for Multiple Tax Form and Page/Field Interactions
Novo customers can now use the new Candidate Tax Info tab to access multiple state and local tax forms and information in addition to federal forms.
- Data can be accessed via APIs for secure availability to external providers such as Prism.
- Customers have the ability to add Field and Page interactions to the tab.
“Reason for Cancelling” Onboarding Dropdown
We have updated the “Reason for Cancelling” field to utilize a drop down with the options coming from the system settings. If there are no values in the system setting it will default to a free type text field.
Mass Mail Opt Outs
We’ve enhanced the way candidates & contacts opt out of mass mailings. Previously, users had to only click an email link to be opted out. With the enhancement, when users click the ‘opt-out’ link, they are brought to a web page, but are then required to click an opt-out button to unsubscribe. This change was done to prevent recipients from erroneously opting out. We recently determined that beginning in February 2021 certain customers experienced recipients (contacts / candidates) of mass mail that were automatically and incorrectly opted out. We believe this issue may have been caused by anti-virus software, or other software, on the recipient’s system. The new enhancement has corrected the foregoing issue.
Field Interactions added for the message field on ‘Compose Message’ Page
The message field on the ‘Compose Message’ page now supports field interactions.
Refresh Check for Approver Emails Longer than 50 Characters
When multiple email addresses are sent in an approver column on a refresh that results in a value scenelength greater than 50 characters, BTE will now only use the first valid email. If no valid email is found, we will leave the value empty. That logic will also apply if a single email address is sent that is longer than 50 characters.
Bullhorn Time & Expense Community
We have retired the Peoplenet Knowledge Base and the Help link will now direct admins to the new Bullhorn Time & Expense Community. The new community has all of the documentation you know and love from the old knowledge base plus more updated content, release notes, real-time site status information, and more!
BREAK Adjustment Code Not Calculating on Reports
For clients using rate cards: An issue where billing dollars were not calculated correctly on Bullhorn Time & Expense reports has been resolved.
Exchange Not Loading Inactive Rate Cards
We have resolved an issue where Exchange could load an inactive rate card when the time file does not include a specific earn code.
Separate Pay / Bill View for Timecards
A new separate pay and bill view for timecards is now visible in the Time Management Console for administrators.
- A flag can be added at the client level that distinguishes the pay hours from the bill hours with proper totaling.
- When enabled for a client, all admins will receive this new view. User role permissions of pay and bill only will still apply to this new view.
Separate Pay / Bill Calculations
Bullhorn Time & Expense now has the ability to calculate billing hours separately from pay hours for agencies that need to bill their client different overtime rules separately from pay.
- Bill Rules can be configured at the assignment level in Bullhorn Time & Expense via integration with Bullhorn ATS.
- Clients must use effective dated earn codes with bill only codes activated to use this feature.
Expose Other Tax Jurisdiction to Sales Tax Groups
Users are now able to add Sales Tax Rates with a jurisdiction type of “Other” through the user interface when adding or editing Sales Tax Groups.
Add Canadian Provinces to Sales Tax Rate and Group State Picker
Users are now able to select Canadian Provinces/Territories through the state picker when adding or editing Sales Tax Rates and Sales Tax Groups.
Display $0 Transactions on the Payable Charge Slideout
Payroll users will now be seeing zero dollar transactions on the payable charge slideout which can be used to determine whether they need to be exported into payroll or ignored.
Sync Class List from QuickBooks to Bullhorn
When a new class is added in QuickBooks, that class will now automatically be added to Bullhorn. Only classes marked as “Active” will sync.
Support for Delete Tax Rates
Users are now able to delete tax rates from within Bullhorn. This feature was previously supported through the API.
Invoice periodEndDate Created from Billable Charge periodEndDate
The Invoice end date will now correctly be populated based on the most recent Billable Charge end date.
REST API Inconsistencies
REST documentation and data event meta properties have been updated on the is Anonymized field to be consistent across all entities.
Daylight Savings Accounted for Birthdays Prior to 1966
Data Mirror 8 now accurately converts date/time fields that fall during Daylight Savings time for every year prior to 10/31/1966.