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Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Delete Action for Billable Charge Files


Pay & Bill users now have the ability to delete Billable Charge attachments. Please contact support to have the entitlement enabled.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Earn Code Templates


Earn Code Templates are now available! Pay & Bill Admins now have the ability to group frequently used together earn codes into templates that can then be applied when recruiters add a rate card to the Job or the Placement.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Rate Card Effective Dates not Aligning


We resolved an issue with Placement Rate Cards Edit History where the effective date displayed on the edit history slideout did not match the actual rate card effective date.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Rate Card Effective Date Flow from Job to Placement


Users processing placement rate cards now have the ability to select if the effective date on the placement is the date of the Job rate card effective date or the Placement Creation date.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Rate Card Calculations now Configurable


Pay & Bill admins can now configure the rate card calculations based on Bill Rate through a new Pay & Bill setting for “Edit Bill Rate Calculates Pay Rate”. The following two options are available:

  • Editing Bill Rate calculates Markup using Pay Rate (default behavior today)
  • Editing Bill Rate calculates Pay Rate using Markup

Pay & Bill admins can now configure the rate card calculations based on Pay Rate through a new Pay & Bill setting for “Edit Pay Rate Calculates Bill Rate”. The following two options are available:

  • Editing Pay Rate calculates Markup using Bill Rate (default behavior today)
  • Editing Pay Rate calculates Bill Rate using Markup

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Requesting and Approving User Fields on Placement Activity Page


Placement Rate Card Change Request users can now see what users requested and approve the change on the overview screen.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Invoice Timesheet Attachment Order


We have resolved an issue where the order of attachments on the Invoice PDF differed from what was shown in Bullhorn Time & Expense.

Pay & Bill

New Hours Report Available


We have added a new “Hours Report” to our Pay & Bill reporting package to provide visibility into Payable and Billable Hours and Dollars information, based on selected criteria such as time period, client, and candidate.

Pay & Bill

Add Correlated Fields to Canvas


The following fields are now available for Canvas Reporting:

  • Billing Profile correlatedCustomText1-10
  • Billing Profile correlatedCustomTextBlock1-3
  • Invoice Statement billingProfileCorrelatedCustomText1-10
  • Invoice Statement billingProfileCorrelatedCustomTextBlock1-3
Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Placement List Rate Card Status


Users are now able to filter the placement list by the placement rate card status through the placement list, providing recruiters and back office admins with further indication of what placements and placement rate cards may still need to be reviewed or are ready to be approved.


Please note: this requires the placements to be re-indexed, please reach out to support.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Markup Percentage Maximum Value


The Rate Card feature has been enhanced so that clients are now able to enter a markup percent with up to 7 digits, for a maximum value of 9,999,999%. This is particularly useful for cases such as “On Call” rates where the difference between the pay rate and the bill rate is that large.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Calculation Field Edits


When a user is editing a job or placement rate card, field changes due to calculations will now be highlighted for 2 seconds to differentiate what was changed automatically vs manually.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Unbilled Revenue Distribution Custom Fields


The following custom fields have been added to the Unbilled Revenue Distribution entity so users can document additional account details:

  • customDate1-3
  • customInt1-5
  • customText1-5
Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Shareable Links


When accessing a Pay and Bill record through a shareable link from the record overview, the system now opens a new tab to that record.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Entity and Field Names on Invoices


The Invoice Statement overview “Split By” display has been enhanced to show the specific entity name and field used during invoice creation. This provides further context to billing users on how the billable charges were split into invoices.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

baseAmount on Invoice PDF


Support has been added for displaying “baseAmount” in the tax table on Invoice PDFs.

Note: The Variable should be configured as «baseAmount».

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Placement Rate Card Status


The Placement Rate Card Status is now available in Canvas, giving users further insight into their rate card data.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Placement Rate Card Change Request: “Requested By” and “Approved By” Fields


We have made an enhancement to the Placement Rate Card Change Request screen so that the “Requested By” and “Approved By” fields are now auto populated based on the user who made the change request, and the user who is approving it.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Accounts Receivable Canvas Support


We now support the ability for users to report on the following via Canvas:

  • Invoice Payment
  • Invoice Statement Paid Status Lookup
  • Invoice Statement Amount Due, Paid Amount, Paid Status, and Payment Count
Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Rate Card Line Field Interactions


Documentation was created for Rate Card Line Field Interactions.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Placement Rate Card Change Request Fields in Data Mirror


Placement rate card change request fields are now available in Data Mirror.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Placement Rate Card Change Request Fields in Canvas


Placement rate card change request fields are now available in Canvas.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Deleted Line Groups on the Edit Form


When editing a rate card, deleted lines will now be shown with a line through the earn code values. Once changes are saved, the deleted line(s) will be removed from the rate card.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Accounts Receivable Tab On Invoice Records


We have added visibility to Accounts Receivable information including paid status, number of payments, and a list of payments on a single invoice.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Job Rate Card Edit History Activity Tab


Job Rate Card users can now see the edit history under the Activity tab.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Delivery Method Lookup for Data Mirror 8


DeliveryMethodLookupID is now available in DM8. This field should be used in place of Delivery Method going forward. It is supported for BillingProfileVersion, InvoiceStatement, and DeliveryMethodLookup.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Allow Manually Added Billable Charges to Automatically Set Discounts and Surcharges


Discounts and Surcharges will be automatically applied (where applicable) when Billable Charges are added manually into the system through the UI and API.

Pay & Bill

Header Text Wraps on List Pages


The Invoice, Billable Charges, and Payable Charges list headers now support word wrapping so that long field labels in the header display the full text.

Pay & Bill

Location Search by Type on Billing Profile, Job, or Placement


When setting the location on a Billing Profile, Job, or Placement you will now only see locations relevant to that record type, ensuring the location selected is correct for more accurate tax information on invoices.

Pay & Bill

Filters on Payable/Billable Charge List Screen


Filters and pagination will now be preserved even after a user makes an action on the records in the list.

Pay & Bill

Add isDiscountable to View Layout for Earn Code Group


Users will now be able to see if an earn code is discountable on the Earn Code List. The indicator will be based on the Base Earn Code for that Earn Code Group.

Pay & Bill

REST API Documentation for Effective Dated Entities


The Bullhorn REST API Documentation website now contains details on the Effective Dated Entities.

Pay & Bill

Custom Fields on Job Order Rate Card


Customers are now able to configure and interact with the following custom fields on the Job Order Rate Card entity:

  • CustomText 1-10
  • CustomInt 1-5
  • CustomFloat 1-5 
  • CustomRate 1-5 

These fields do not flow down to the Placement Rate Card by default; custom interactions will have to be set up in order for fields to flow down to the Placement Rate Card. 

Pay & Bill

Default Currency on Invoice Term Templates to USD


Users will now be able to hide the field map for Currency on Invoice Term Templates. The system default value will be USD, which is the same default used on the Currency field for Invoice Terms.

Pay & Bill

Add New Earn Code Summary Variables for Invoice Footer


Agencies can now display the sum of total hours grouped by Earn Code type on an Invoice. Statement Template.

Table: Earn Code Totals

Variables: regularTotalHours, overtimeTotalHours, doubletimeTotalHours, otherTotalHours

Pay & Bill

Add Legal Business Entity to Payable Charge in Canvas


Users will now be able to add Legal Business Entity to reports for Payable Charges.

Pay & Bill

Add Legal Business Entity to Billable Charge in Canvas


Users will now be able to add Legal Business Entity to reports for Billable Charges.

Pay & Bill

Add Legal Business Entity Object to Canvas and all Placement Tracks


Users will now be able to add Legal Business Entity to reports for Placements (all tracks).

Pay & Bill

Status Header Icon


Placement Rate Cards now have a status icon helping to ensure rate cards are fully filled out.

Pay & Bill

Placement Rate Card Status Column


A Placement Rate Card Status column is now included on the Placement list view.

Pay & Bill

Timestamp Included in Prism Sync Field


The Date Last Payroll Provider Sync field will now display a timestamp along with the date on the overview and list pages.

Pay & Bill

New Entity for Placement Change Request


Time and Expense fields are now included when adding, editing, approving, or viewing a placement change request.

Pay & Bill

Generating PDF Invoice


Enhanced the ability for users to generate and preview an Invoice PDF.

Pay & Bill

Discount Rate Issues on Overview Page


Discount Rate issues can now be viewed from the Discount Overview page.

Pay & Bill

Discount Fields Available in Canvas


Discounts can now be viewed under Placement Analysis and Company Analysis in Canvas.

Pay & Bill

Correlated Fields Added to Billing Profile and Invoice Statement


Correlated custom text and text block fields have been added to Billing Profile and Invoice Statement. This feature will allow custom information to flow from the Billing Profile to the Invoice Statement. Invoice Statement correlated fields can be viewed on the list when configured in View Layout.

Pay & Bill

Placement Job Code Displays as Job Code Title


When summarized by Placement Job Code, the invoice line description will now display the job code title instead of the job code ID.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Job Order Rate Cards Available


We now have Rate Cards available on Job Order along with other supporting features:

  • Ability to create an effective dated Rate Card on a Job Order.
  • Automatically flow the Rate Card down from the Job Order to the Placement.
  • Specify the status of the Placement Rate Card and allow only certain users to activate it.
  • The Placement Approval process now checks that an Active Placement Rate Card exists.
  • Available in DataMirror and Canvas.

Please reach out to Bullhorn Support to have this feature enabled.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Custom Fields on Placement Rate Card


Custom fields can now be added to Placement Rate Cards. The field formats are as follows:

  • CustomText 1-10
  • CustomInt 1-5
  • CustomFloat 1-5 
  • CustomRate 1-5
Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Location Assignment for Transactions Added to Existing Charges


Transactions newly added to existing billable charges will now correctly have a location automatically assigned.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Support for Tax on Margin


The ability for taxes to be calculated off a margin of the billable amount rather than the total billable amount is now supported.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Invoice Terms Template


Admins can now define Invoice Term Templates through a new menu item. The Templates that are configured can be selected by properly entitled users to populate values on Invoice Terms based on the template values.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Invoice Statement Email Fields


Users are now able to specify the email recipients (Email To, Email CC, Email BCC) on the Invoice Statement interface for Invoices with the delivery method of Email. The data will be populated initially based on the associated Billing Profile.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

General Ledger Fields Added to Billable Charge and Payable Charge View Layout


The following fields have been added to view layout:

  • generalLedgeServiceCodeID
  • generalLedgerSegment1ID
  • generalLedgerSegment2ID
  • generalLedgerSegment3ID
  • generalLedgerSegment4ID
  • generalLedgerSegment5ID


With this enhancement, an administrator can now add these fields to the following:

  • Billable charge list
  • Billable charge header
  • Payable charge list
Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Discounts and Earn Codes


A new flag has been added to allow Agencies to keep certain Earn Codes from being discounted. Non-Discountable earn codes will not need to be specifically omitted from the Earn Code picker on Company Discounts since flagged Earn Codes will not be included in discount calculations during invoice creation. Flagged Earn Codes will not have discounts added during billing sync.


An issue item will be created if there is an Earn Code that is marked as isDiscountable=False and the Discount made its way to the bill master transaction.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Prism Payroll Field Additions


The following Placement fields have been added to Canvas:

  • benefitGroup 
  • employmentStartDate 
  • payGroup 
  • payrollEmployeeType 
  • positionCode 
  • payrollSyncStatus
Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Placement Rate Card Support for Not Required, Pay Only, or Bill Only Rates


The placement rate card interface now allows users to enter pay rate only,  bill rate only, or no rates at all, depending on the associated earn code field selections. This system behavior is based on the following earn code fields:

  • “Pay/Bill Options” which drives if the user should enter Pay Rate, Bill Rate, or both, on the rate card
  • “Are rates required?” which drives if the user should enter a rate for that earn code on the rate card


The rate card user interface provides visual indicators on what rate fields are required, and what rates should be entered.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Billing Cycle Field in Overview and on Cards


The Billable Charge and Invoice Terms header and details section now display correctly the Billing Cycle field.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Monthly Billing Tables


Monthly Billing Tables are now available in Data Mirror 8. The following tables are included: 

  • PayBillCycle
  • Calendar
  • CalendarInstance
  • CalendarFrequencyLookup


Existing tables that were updated to include fields from Monthly Billing Tables include:

  • InvoiceTermsVersion – payBillCycle
  • BillMaster – isEligible, payBillCycle and calendarInstance
  • BillableCharge – payBillCycle and calendarInstance
Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Placement Rate Card Tables


Placement Rate Card Edit History is now available for reporting.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

QuickBooks Invoice Export Enhancement


When exporting invoices to QuickBooks, an export batch will no longer completely fail if one or more invoices in that batch fail. This enhancement will continue processing the batch and create an issue item for each failed invoice.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Expose Other Tax Jurisdiction to Sales Tax Groups


Users are now able to add Sales Tax Rates with a jurisdiction type of “Other” through the user interface when adding or editing Sales Tax Groups.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Add Canadian Provinces to Sales Tax Rate and Group State Picker


Users are now able to  select Canadian Provinces/Territories through the state picker when adding or editing Sales Tax Rates and Sales Tax Groups.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Display $0 Transactions on the Payable Charge Slideout


Payroll users will now be seeing zero dollar transactions on the payable charge slideout which can be used to determine whether they need to be exported into payroll or ignored.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Sync Class List from QuickBooks to Bullhorn


When a new class is added in QuickBooks, that class will now automatically be added to Bullhorn. Only classes marked as “Active” will sync.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Support for Delete Tax Rates


Users are now able to delete tax rates from within Bullhorn. This feature was previously supported through the API.

Bullhorn OnePay & Bill

Invoice periodEndDate Created from Billable Charge periodEndDate


The Invoice end date will now correctly be populated based on the most recent Billable Charge end date.

Pay & Bill

Rate Card Edit History Support


Users can now view rate card edit history on the Activity tab on a placement record.

Pay & Bill

Enter Earn Code Without Rates on Placement Rate Card


Users can now select an earn code on the Placement Rate Card that does not require rates to be entered. This is used for expenses, such as airfare and is defined at the Earn Code level using the “Are Rates Required” field. 

Pay & Bill

Resync Invoice Terms


Users can now update the billing cycle on Invoice Terms and update Billable Charges via a new mass action on the list. 

Pay & Bill

Billable Charge List Screen Column


Branch is now available as a column on the Billable Charge List Screen. 

Pay & Bill

Earn Code Custom Fields Added to Invoice Term Configuration


Earn code custom text fields 1-20 are now supported on Invoice Term split/group/summarize by configuration.

Pay & Bill

Billable Charge Tab Supported on Invoice Statement Record


Users can now view billable charges on an invoice via a new Billable Charge tab located on the invoice statement record.

Pay & Bill

Rate Card Field Interactions Supported


Field Interactions will now be supported on Placement Rate Cards.  This includes interactions executing within a row or a column of a Rate Card Group, and across multiple Rate Card Groups.

Pay & Bill

LocationID displays on Placement Overview


The locationID will now display correctly on the Placement header or details card. 

Pay & Bill

Set Invoice Statement Number on Rebill Invoice


The invoice statement number will now be able to be set on a rebill invoice statement that contains rebill billable charges. The user will select the invoice statement to rebill. The invoice statement number will be set according to the original invoice statement number + an optional entered suffix.

Pay & Bill

Billable Charge Transactions Sorted by Date


Billable charge transactions will now be sorted by transaction date when viewing the list slideout. 

Pay & Bill

EDE Novo Pages Converted


The following effective dated entities have been converted into the standard overview, edit, and activity tab experience: Surcharge Rate, Discount Rate, Location, Billing Profile, and Invoice Term. 

Pay & Bill

Pay Bill Entities Now Included When Merging Company Records


When merging two company records together, all of the following data will move to the primary merged record:

  • Location
  • Billing Profile
  • Invoices
  • Invoice Terms
  • Discount
  • Shifts
Pay & Bill

Validation Added to Invoice Terms


Billing Administrators who attempt to create invoices based on Invoice Terms with Split By, Group By, or Summarize Data that contain bad data will now be able to access an issue in the Issue Log that lets them know which invoice failed to generate because of bad terms and which Invoice Term to update.

Pay & Bill

Discounts Only Display When Value Set to True


Discounts on invoices where calculateAndDisplayOnInvoice is False will no longer appear on the PDF.

Pay & Bill

Billing Profile and Location Field Interactions Execute as Expected


Field interactions configured on the Placement Billing Profile and Location fields will now execute as expected.

Pay & Bill

Billable Charge $0 Transactions Displayed on Slideout


All $0 billable charge transactions will now be displayed on the slideout. Previously these transactions were only displayed on the Billable Charge Overview tab.

Pay & Bill

Billable Charge List Displays 500 Results with Monthly Billing Fields


The Billable Charge list will now correctly display up to 500 records when columns such as Billing Cycle and Calendar are included in the list.

Pay & Bill

Delivery Method for Credit Invoices


You can now change the default delivery method for credit memos.

Pay & Bill

Bill Rate Will Not Appear in an Invoice Description when Referenced on Invoice Terms


When Invoice Terms use “Bill Rate” to summarize an invoice, the bill rate will not appear in the description field of the invoice as well.

Pay & Bill

Issue List Linked Entity Clean-Up and Error Icon Standardization


If you use the Issue list as part of your Pay Bill implementation, you will no longer see links to entities that do not currently have overview pages. We have updated the treatment of the Payable Charge error icon so that it is consistent regardless of where it appears in the application.

Pay & Bill

Tax Group Picker Updated


We have updated the Tax Group picker on Locations so the picker will return data when you filter in the picker using any combination of State and Zip entries, such as entering only State, only Zip, both State and Zip.

Pay & Bill

Issue Item Modifications Track Properly


If you have access to the Issues List, you can now see who last modified an issue item and when that modification occurred.

Pay & Bill

Issue Item Created if File Attached Incorrectly


If a file does not get attached to an invoice correctly, it will now create an issue in the Issue List so a Billing Specialist can re-attach the file and generate the invoice with the correct attachment.

Pay & Bill

Display of Placement Rate Card Line Item Alias on the Invoice PDF


The placement rate card line alias can now be configured in the summarize by, group by, and split by fields on the customer invoice terms, and thus used during the invoicing process. If the field is used in summarize by, it will be included in the invoice statement line item description as well as the invoice PDF.

Pay & Bill

Sales Tax Rate and Group Available in Canvas


You can now report on Sales Tax Rate and Sales Tax Group data in Canvas. This is available for customers using Pay and Bill and version 2 of Tax Rates. The Sale, City, State, County, and District Tax Rate information will be available on the following entities:

  • Candidate > Location
  • Company > Location and Company > Billing Profile > Location
  • Job > Location and Job > Billing Profile > Location
  • Placement > Location and Placement > Billing Profile > Location
  • Billable Charge, Bill Master Transaction, and Billable Charge > Billing Profile > Location
  • Invoice Statement, Invoice Statement Line Item, and Invoice Statement > Billing Profile > Location
Pay & Bill

Configurable Billing Cycles


We now provide a number of billing cycles that are preconfigured at the corporation level, and allow you to assign the appropriate billing cycle to invoice terms and invoice billable charges based on the associated billing cycle.

Pay & Bill

Negative Rates Not Allowed for Payable or Billable Charges


You can no longer enter a negative pay rate or bill rate on a payable charge or billable charge when it is entered manually.

Pay & Bill

Benefit Group Column Displays Consistently


You can now add the “benefitGroup” column to Placement searches and view the column every time.

Pay & Bill

Link in Payable Charge Slideout Directs to Filtered Issue List


When a Payroll Admin clicks the issues link in the payable charge slideout, you will see only the items related to the specific payable charge instead of all open items.

Pay & Bill

System Validation when State and Zip do not match for Sales Tax Group


The system will now display a validation message if the zip does not match the state when configuring a Sales Tax Group. Users are still able to omit entering the zip code.

Pay & Bill

Ability to Configure and Save Layouts for Pay & Bill Lists


Pay & Bill users are now able to configure what fields appear on their Billable Charge, Payable Charge, and Invoice Statement lists based on their private label configuration. Additionally, users are able to save column configuration into layouts, and reload these layouts as needed.

Pay & Bill

Granular Taxes on Invoice Statement Overview


Users now have the ability to see a breakdown of sales taxes on the invoice statement overview.

Pay & Bill

Payable Charge Slideout Improved


You will now see more detail on the Payable Charges slideout. The pay master transactions are grouped according to their status in the integration: exported, processing, or errors, with additional detail for payable charges that have errored during export. Additionally, if sent to an external pay provider, the batch ID for successfully exported transactions will display as the external provider’s batch ID for easy cross-checks.
