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NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Version 3.0 of the Open Source Career Portal


Our Open Source Career Portal (OSCP) is getting updated! On 30 October 2019, we are releasing two new versions of the OSCP: the standard OSCP and the OSCP with Advanced Hosting. Both versions will contain additional features:

  • Standard OSCP
    • New look and feel
    • Ability to add Google Analytics to track Job views and applications
    • Ability to easily display additional Job fields from Bullhorn
  • OSCP with Advanced Hosting – This version must be hosted to take advantage of server-side rendering using Node.js scripts. This will require knowledge of server administration and we recommend the use of a web developer.This version will allow you to take advantage of the following new features:
    • Everything included in the standard OSCP
    • The ability for a web developer to configure Google Jobs support
    • The ability for a web developer to export an XML feed of the OSCP
    • Rich social sharing: Job titles, links, and thumbnails will all be included when sharing Jobs to social media.


Version 3.0 will be released on our Github page on 30 October 2019.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Add and Edit Tasks


The ability to add and edit Tasks is now available in the latest version of the Bullhorn Mobile App. Additionally, you can now complete a Task by tapping the checkmark on the Task.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Employment Type Field Uses Display Values


The Employment Type field will now show Display Values when adding a Job if the field is configured to use them in Field Maps.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Duplicate Checker Respects User Entitlements


The duplicate checker will now work correctly for users that have department-based “view” entitlements.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Launch 3rd Party Email Client When Emailing from a Placement


Selecting “Email Contacts” or “Email Candidates” from a Placement record will now open your 3rd party email client as expected if your Outbound Email Configuration user setting is set to “Yes”.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Opening the Placement List from the Starts & Ends Dashboard Card


Clicking “View All” from the Starts & Ends dashboard card will now open the Placement List with the expected results if the card is filtered by department.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Respect Time Zone When Sending Appointments


Appointments sent from Bullhorn will now default to your local time zone instead of Coordinated Universal Time.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Opening Lists from Dashboard Cards


Opening a list view from a dashboard card will now work as expected if the card’s filter contains an ampersand (&).

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Appointment Functionality Available


You can now add and edit your appointments within Bullhorn’s Mobile App.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Appointment Owners Now Receive Appointment Invites in Google Calendar


Bullhorn Appointment invites for Gmail will now come from noreply@bullhorn.com to prevent them from being flagged by Gmail as potential spam.

NovoS-ReleaseATS & CRM

Adding Placements/Submissions to Existing Tearsheet


You can now add Jobs and Candidates to an existing Tearsheet when using the “Select All” option at the top of a Submission or Placement list.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Job Reference in Placement Quick Note


Adding a Note to a Placement from the Notes tab when previewing a Placement will now reference the Job as expected.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

“Change Status” Action on Tearsheets and Company Records


The “Change Status” action on Tearsheets and Company records will now be translated for non-English users.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Sending SMS Messages from the Placement List


You can now send SMS messages to candidates from the Placement list. As an example, this will allow you to quickly send SMS messages to candidates with Placements that start or end soon.


Duplicated Timesheets


Invoices will no longer duplicate timesheets.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Show Status Value When Previewing Records from a List


Previewing a Company, Placement, Opportunity, or Job from a list view using the binoculars icon will now show the Display Value of the “Status” field in the header instead of the Value.


Save Button Works as Expected


Changing the Time Entry Method dropdown to “Basic Hours” or toggling Simple Mode will now allow you to use the Save button.


Payroll Item Fields Save Correctly


Changes to Payroll Item fields will now save as expected.


I-9 Data Entry Allowed as Expected


You will now be able to enter data on I-9 forms without latency issues.


End Placement Checkbox Saves


When you manually uncheck “End Placement” and save the record, the box will stay unchecked as expected.


“Details Visible to Approver” Value Respected


The “Details Visible to Approver” checkbox will now save and work as expected.


Commission Percentage Displayed Correctly


Commissions will now display properly in BBO.


Annual Rate Displays Properly


Placement bill rates will now display when the rate is greater than 1000.


Quickbooks Connector Update


We have upgraded the Quickbooks Integrations OAuth1.0 token to OAuth2.0 token. No action is needed on your part and you will not see any changes to your Back Office instance.


Documents Allow Autofill from Candidate Information


Candidates will now enter information upfront once, which will flow across the rest of their documents to populate the appropriate fields without the candidate having to reenter information on each document.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Prophecy Integration Has Scrollbar


You can now scroll on the “Assessment” field on the Prophecy Integration.


Requesting SMS Consent


When a candidate selects their SMS messaging preference from the consent form, their SMSoptin will be updated to reflect that choice.

Note that for this functionality to work properly, you must contact support to update your settings.


Account Name Displays On All Records


The Account Name fields will now display on Placement records with or without the Invoice Grouping setting enabled.


List Loads After Removing A Column


Lists will now load as expected after column changes.


Error Messages Respect Language Settings


Error messages will now respect language settings and customer-defined entity titles.


Fields Display Properly When Added or Edited


Salary, Additional Cost, and Fee Values will now save properly when added or edited.


Access to More Fields on Candidate Tab


Additional fields are now exposed on the Candidate tab, including the Badge ID field and the Reports checkbox. The Authorized Representative field will also be turned off when not needed.


Invoice Breakdown Reflects Correct Date


Invoice Breakdowns added without a Payment Date will now allow the appropriate date to show rather than “Invalid Date”.


Dates Formatted Properly


The branch’s date settings are now respected throughout the admin application, including on records, slideouts, audit trails, histories, and error messages.


Currency Format Based On Employee


Admins will now see the correct currency for an employee regardless of the administrator’s branch.


Deleting Files From Candidate Records


Users will now be able to delete files from a Candidate record.


Candidate Records Load Even if EOB is Disabled


If EOB is disabled, Candidate records will now still load correctly and the Documents link will not appear on the employee slideout.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Gmail Add-on Logs Note Author Correctly


The Bullhorn for Gmail Add-on will now log the note author correctly when adding a note from Gmail.


Deleting Files From Candidate Records


Users will now be able to delete files from a Candidate record.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Goals and Quotas List Accurately Shows Activity Based on Time Zone


The following Goals configured in Goals & Quotas will now return accurate results for users outside of Eastern Standard Time:

  • Candidates Added
  • Jobs Added
  • Submissions
  • Client Submissions
  • Placements

End Assignment and Recreate New One Button


The “End Assignment and Recreate New One” button is now available for V2.


Secondary Contacts Row Always Displayed


The Secondary Contacts row will now always be displayed on client documents so you can update the secondary contact and ensure the same contact can’t be entered as both primary and secondary.


“Same as Billing Contact” Checkbox Displays Accurate Value


The “Same as Billing Contact” checkbox on a Placement record will now display the appropriate checked/unchecked value.


Create Email Reminders


Administrators will now be able to create onboarding reminder emails as a new email type and choose from several options how often to send the reminder emails.


Candidate Pickers Function as Expected


The “Timesheet Export Type” and “Vendor” pickers on a candidate record now function properly.


Invoices No Longer Duplicate


Invoices in BBO will no longer duplicate intermittently.


E-Verify Error Messages


More specific error messages will now display with the E-Verify integration when:

  • E-Verify is down
  • A case was queued or not created
  • E-Verify returns an error

AutoVerify Displays Error if I-9 is Invalid


When an administrator selects “Approve and E-Verify” but the I-9 has invalid data, you will now see an error message indicating the E-Verify case could not be created.


Translation Unavailable Error


An error message will now display if you attempt to send documents that do not have a translation available in the selected language.


Resend Documents When Employee Language is Updated


The “Document.Allow Employee Document Language Override” setting will now determine if the language of documents in “Sent” status will change.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Searches by Note Criteria Return All Results


Searching any Entity by Note criteria will now return all records associated to the notes that match the specified criteria.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Submissions Show “Added By” User


Submission records added via the 1-Click Export will now show as “Added By” the user who initiated the export if the integration can match the recruiter with an internal user. If not, the submission will show “Added By” the LinkedIn RSC API user.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

LinkedIn RSC Tab Appears Only on Supported Entities


The LinkedIn RSC tab will no longer appear on Contact or Lead records since the integration does not support those entities.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Jobs Showing in Job Export Dropdown


Jobs will now show in the export dropdown when they have the city and country field populated, even if the state field is not populated.


Send Documents Includes Drop Down to Select Language


As an onboarding admin, you can now select the language you want to send documents in from a drop-down menu.


Restrict Translation Workflow to One Document Per Language


To prevent multiple versions of children documents in the same language:

  • The Create New Translation action becomes inactive when all languages are present.
  • The language drop down on the translation modal only shows available options (used languages are grayed out).
  • A parent doc that has all languages as children can not be selected in the New Translation modal.



Document Language Settings Added


When an employee has the multilingual setting enabled, you will now have additional options under Settings > Defaults:


  • Employee.Document Language – Determines if employee language preference takes precedence when assigning translated forms
  • Employee.Document Default Language Override – Allows recruiters to override default document language assignments




Display Options for Document List


You will now have the option to toggle the view on the Document List to either Group by Document or to view all documents. If Group by Document is selected, a down arrow allows expansion to see the translation documents underneath.


Create New Translation


From the Document List, you can now create a new translation or edit an existing translation.


Child Document Field Flowback Rules


Translations of a document (child documents) will inherit the field flowback rules from the fields of the parent document.


Renaming Primary and Secondary Contacts


Admin users can now rename the Primary and Secondary Contact fields through the Control Panel.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Placement Information Included in Canvas


You can now report on invoices for permanent placements in Canvas, including when they are paid.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

With Notes/Without Notes Filter Performance Enhanced (Resolved Issue)


Searches using “With Notes” or “Without Notes” have been enhanced and will now return results faster.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

View Client Submissions on Company Activity


You will now be able to view Client Submissions associated with a Company from the Company record in the Mobile App.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Add Note from Note Activity List


You can now add a note from the note activity list within a record on the Mobile App.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Inline Editing Respects Track-Specific Values


When you inline edit a value from the list view, the available values will now pull from the appropriate track for the Job, Placement, or Opportunity.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Additional Picker Types Available for Custom Objects


Custom Objects can now have field types configured as Picker:Job Posting, Picker:Candidate, Picker:People, and Picker:Housing Complex.


Document Details Allows Mass Approval


Onboarding administrators can now multi-select and mass approve documents from the document details view when you have multiple documents that are ready for approval on a single record.


Client Docs Functionality Now Available


The updated “Send Docs” modal supports client docs and allow you to:

  • Create documents with fields assigned to contacts
  • Assign documents to contacts
  • Approve documents assigned to contacts
  • Send reminders to contacts
  • See the status of a document sent to a contact
S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Replying to an SMS With an Image Prompts Email


When a candidate replies to a Bullhorn SMS with an image, it will now prompt an undeliverable message and to respond via email instead of opting the candidate out of SMS.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

“Web Response” Status Available in Search


You can now search submissions against the status “Web Response”.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Report Performance When Using Date Ranges Improved


We have improved the performance of the Source Effectiveness Report, Placement Activity Report, and Recruiting Activity Report when using wide date ranges.

S-ReleaseATS & CRMMobile

Enhancements to the Bullhorn Mobile App


The following enhancements have been made to the Mobile App:

  • Leads and Opportunities are viewable
  • Multi-filters will show count and a “Clear All” button
  • Loading state will be displayed while waiting for a file to load
S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Task “Type” Field Pulls From Current Private Label


When filtering the task list by the “Type” field, the options will now display from the user’s current Private Label.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Opportunity List Allows Action on campaignSource Field


On the Opportunity List, you can now search and sort using the campaignSource field even when the value contains a space.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Emails Sent Using SMTP Now Track Properly


When you send emails via Microsoft 365’s SMTP, they will now track correctly in Bullhorn.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

File Picker Includes Preview Option


When adding or editing a Candidate Credential, the File picker will now include a preview option.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Expiration Date Styling


The Expiration Date field on Candidate and Placement records will now also display “X Days” next to the Expiration Date, indicating how many days left before the credential expires.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

“Archive Candidate Credentials” Ability Restricted by Usertype


You can now use a new usertype entitlement to restrict users from being able to archive candidate credentials.


Description in Document Builder


The description of a document will no longer display as “undefined” if it’s left blank on a newly created document.


Define Maximum Inactive Session Duration in the Employee Portal


For increased security, we have added a setting to time inactive external users out after a set period of time. The default time out setting is 4 hours, but Administrators can request the setting be increased to a maximum of six hours, or decreased to a shorter period as desired. This change applies to Employees, Departments, Vendors, and Authorized Representatives.


Please contact support for assistance.


Extend Session


A new configuration option has been added for Onboarding customers who wish to allow their Authorized Representatives additional time to review and approve form I9 on their behalf.

Please contact support if you would like to change this from the current 48-hour window to a 72-hour window.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

150 Recipient Limit Enforced


The limitation of 150 recipients per SMS message will now enforced in all areas of the application.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Additional Custom Fields on List View


Administrators can now show or hide the following Candidate and Placement custom fields from the Columns drop-down on list views using View Layout:

  • customText 21 – 40
  • customTextBlock 6 – 10
  • customInt 4 – 23
  • customFloat 4 – 23
  • customDate 4 – 13
S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Improve Performance of Files Tab


The Files tab will now load much faster on records that have a large number of files.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

“View Requirement History” Button on Placement Credentials


Clicking “View Requirement History” from the Credentials tab on a Placement record will now load the requirement history.


Admin Users Can Restrict Export Ability


Administrators can now elect to restrict export activity via admin permissions. All current users will retain export capabilities.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

List and Search Performance


We have enhanced list loading and search performance.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Search Results for Opted Out of Mass Mail


Searching for records who have opted out of mass mailing will now return accurate results.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Radius Search Includes All Postal Codes


We have added additional postal codes (Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, and many more) to use when you perform a radius search.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Placement Start Dates Show Accurately on Reports


The Placement Start Date will now be accurately reflected in the Recruiting Activity, Sales Activity, and Job Activity reports.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Republishing Jobs to Career Builder


When you republish a job to Career Builder, the “Republish” and “Unpublish” buttons will now display on the Publish page in Bullhorn.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Publishing to Career Builder with BrandBuilder


When you publish a job to Career Builder, the BrandBuilder option will now be available.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Scheduled Report Orientation (Resolved Issue)


Scheduled PDF reports from Canvas will now respect the setting for landscape or portrait orientation.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Workers’ Compensation Accessible


The Workers’ Compensation entity is now accessible via REST API.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

View Layouts for New Placement and Candidate Custom Fields


The following new fields on placement and candidate entities can now be managed through View Layout: customText 21 – 40, customTextBlock 6 – 10, customInt 4 – 23, customFloat 4 – 23, customDate 4 – 13, and sectionHeader 4 – 8.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Advanced Credential Search


The Advanced Credential Search will no longer return deleted credentials.


Add Change Request Fields


When unhidden, the following fields will now display on the Add Change Request page: markUpPercentage, billRate, and payRate.

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Additional Fields Anonymized


The following fields will now be anonymized when using the anonymization function on candidate, contact, or lead records: custom fields, ethnicity, date of birth, and submission comments. 

S-ReleaseATS & CRM

Recipients Field Displays Fully


When sharing a Canvas report, the recipients field will now display all the users and/or departments the report is shared with.
